Then, under everyone's gaze, Ye Chen slowly walked towards the stage.

These people around also want to see how powerful the guys who rate them worthless really are.

Seeing this, Huang Mao was also not polite, and seeing that Ye Chen was ready, he rushed directly over.

And this time the competition is not allowed to die, pay attention to the use of martial arts to meet friends.

Everyone can show their strength and do it until the point.

But the competition is a thing that may miss no matter what.

And what this Huang Mao thought in his heart was to wait a while and torture Ye Chen well, and then pretend to miss and directly solve Ye Chen.

Huang Mao directly attacked Ye Chen first.

But as soon as his attack arrived in front of Ye Chen, he easily defused Ye Chen.

Then he slapped Huang Mao's back head with his backhand, and Huang Mao's head was directly beaten in a whirlwind.

Huang Mao saw that Ye Chen, the earthen turtle, actually dared to fight back, and looked at Ye Chen's eyes even more fiercely.

The murderous aura in his eyes was not hidden in the slightest.

Then he directly attacked Ye Chen's vital point.

"This guy's mood is not good, and the competition even shows a killing intent.

, "If you are angry casually, I am afraid that no master will be interested in him."

Such an attack was nothing to Ye Chen.

The guy in the Qi Gathering Realm is powerful and can make any waves in front of him.

Turn defense into attack.

One punch.

It's like a sea of mountains overwhelmed

With the strength of the green hair, he couldn't catch this punch no matter what.

With a gust of wind.

The yellow hair disappeared directly above the platform, and then everyone's vision moved back.

Even if it was shot dozens of meters away, it was still solidly embedded in the wall.

"This yellow hair, I remember that his strength is superior, if not the strongest, just like that?"

"This Ye Chen really can't see that he is so powerful, but you noticed that there is no person next to him."

The people next to him were talking and suddenly ran to Li Yu's body.

Just now, they all saw Ye Chen's attitude towards Li Yu.

Originally, I was thinking of an earthen turtle surrounding a big one.

At the very least, Ye Chen's strength will not be lower than that of the Earth Soul Realm.

People in this realm are at most polite to the rich second generation who are invited.

He is polite.

Distinction is respect.

Didn't Hua Lao also say something to that rich second generation.

Now I think about it, I am also humble and studious, and the big guy is definitely the big guy.

Li Yu is definitely not simple.

Not only did he look so handsome, but this also made the girls in the field look in the same direction.


"Replace the protagonist to become the most attractive boss in the scene, reward points 30,000, luck +15,000"

The system prompt suddenly sounded at this time.

Li Yu almost didn't react.

He really didn't do anything.

Not even a deliberate idea.

It's just watching a play on the side.

Everyone's attention ran to themselves at once.

I really admire the brain supplement ability of this group of people.

But human imagination is really the first driving force for progress.

It's really quite hassle-free.

The guy who likes to see sewing needles immediately thinks of coming to bother Li Yu.

"Master Li, look at me....

Girls who think they can tease their postures.

Thinking about something happening where you can't see.

Those male warriors who were angry stomped their feet in a hurry because they did not have such a convenient way.

However, in Li Yu's eyes, even if they look okay.

There are so many of them better than them.

Is there a heroine who directly chooses to ignore them.

This group of people is also persevering.

We went straight to find alternatives.

Then another group of people went to Ye Chen.

Immortal Venerable is Immortal Venerable after all.

In the countless hours in his past memories, he has seen everything with storytelling.

Naturally, I am not impressed by this kind of hospitality.

The female warrior steward saw his eyes.

It was understood in an instant.

Don't come over for guys who don't deserve to be mentioned.

The eyes are directly like looking at insects. It's a completely rejective attitude.

Even if those female warriors wanted to hold their thighs and look at this expression, they could only leave boringly.

"Cut, what is great, no matter how Li Gongzi says that he doesn't need to be good, at least he is polite."

"If it weren't for the strength problem, I'm afraid this attitude would not have been directly beaten many times."

That's just the degree

Ye Chen walked to Li Yu's side.

The other party is still that lazy look. Nothing is in sight.

It's all getting used to it,

although there's nothing worth seeing here.

Although the strength of these younger generations is somewhat different.

But compared with that yellow hair, it is eight or nine inseparable.

Since Brother Li is still a little interested here.

Then I will accompany you to the end.

The contest continues.

People here basically want a good teacher to guide themselves well.

Just now, Li Yu and they became a big hit.

However, since this road does not work, there is no need for them to hang themselves from a tree.

Now there are also many people above the Qi Gathering Realm on the field.

The competition is also not required that each person can only play once.

So as long as it's a guy with spare energy, you can repeat it.

Back and forth like this.

An hour has passed.

Most of those younger generations have already found a way.

The rest is basically not very good.

If there is a shortage of people in some sects here.

They still have a chance to be fancy.

"What patience!"

Now there are already several races on the platform.

Li Yu knew very well that Shiyun's sister, the cute rabbit, was watching him below.

No matter what method she used to deal with Li Yu, she was not worried.

Fishing is still more interesting to see slowly.

But now Li Yu doesn't want to learn Jiang Taigong a little, waiting for the wisher to take the bait.

Sure enough, it is better to put a little bait.

Flip it around.

Wang Luoyi came into his arms.

"Let me go!"

Shiyun, who possessed Wang Luoyi, was like a little tiger struggling not to listen.

The response was very prompt.

The moment I first came out, I was looking at how to get out of here.

It's a shame no matter what.

It is impossible to escape Li Yu's palm. Directly put one hand around the waist.

The other hand stroked along a charming curve.

"You bastard!"

No, coming again.

There are a lot of people here.

When she thought of that kind of thing, Shiyun felt quite flustered.

This time, Li Yu did not use any means to make this place stealthy.

As soon as everyone on the field looked up, they could see Li Yu doing something.

Anger, shyness, panic. It feels bad.

The more you think about it, the more you get out of here. Why is this guy so powerful. Can't break free.

Don't move around.

"You bastard..." Before

the words could blurt out, Shiyun instantly felt a coercive pressure rushing towards him.

Directly out of breath.

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