When I faced Li Yu before, I didn't feel that this guy in front of me was such a horror.

I don't want it!

Sister, come and save me!

." Sister, where are you? Am I being amorous? I can't escape.

"Don't be here again, okay?'

Since there is no way to avoid things.

Shiyun can only choose to give up resistance.


Li Yu casually agreed.

The next step is to move to a nearby building.

Li Yu's sudden disappearance, coupled with the action just now.

Ye Chen also knew what happened.

When Ye Chen saw this situation, he just sighed at Brother Li.

But it's natural to think about this kind of thing.

Don't care.

In itself, he just didn't want to stay here longer.

Since Brother Li is gone.

What should he do.

In the place just now.

There are too many people.

Even if the other party is very powerful, he wants to attack Li Yu directly.

There will be a little concern.

When suddenly one or two people break out and affect her, it's not good.

So what she did to Shiyun just now was to make a good decision for her sister.

If you don't hurry up, worry more about your sister's current situation.

Given the opportunity or so not positive.

Since the Shiyun on Wang Luoyi's body is already ready.

Then Li Yu is unceremoniously following the trend.

Practice first.

"This Li Yu, I'm going to kill you!"

The cute rabbit said viciously. As Li Yu expected.

She's been here to watch for the timing.

The S-class shuttles are powerful and not fake.

However, his sister, as an A-class shuttle, overturned.

It's not just mission failures.

After Shiyun ran back that day, he explained that he was now imprisoned by Li Yu.

This made her very wary. This is the quality of the advanced shuttler.

Now there are too many things going on here.

There are also quite a few of them.

Judging from the performance, they all have some certain friendship with Li Yu.

Strike rashly yourself.

Basically, the indigenous people of this world will not sit idly by.

The cute rabbits are confident of breaking through their siege.

But the fighter once measured.

That Li Yu didn't know what he would come up with.

So it can only be a one-hit hit.

But watching her sister in Wang Luoyi's body receive such treatment.

The cute rabbit really can't suppress the murderous aura in his body.

When the time comes back to God.

The armrests around her were already smashed by her twist.

"Sister is okay, is there something unhappy."

"Tell brother, brother can solve this kind of thing quite professionally."

Saying that, this guy has already walked up and hooked up with the cute rabbit.

No matter where it is, this guy is the type that cute rabbits hate the most.

She is extremely beautiful in her own right.

The figure, appearance, and temperament are completely pinched to death.

If you want to say that there are few guys who can surpass her in this, I am afraid that there are not many guys.

Although the appearance is outstanding, it is very pleasing.

But there are always a few around me who come out inexplicably.

Now the cute rabbit is not in the mood to pay attention to him.


" "Beauty don't do this! Maybe you tell me that we can do something happy tonight."

In addition to the yellow hair, the second flying human meteor was born.

It is also embedded in the wall.

The bones in my body were shattered.

You can never talk to each other again.

It's not surprising that this is happening here.

After all, it was the scene of the martial arts conference.

Anything is possible. And after the trouble just now.

The cute rabbit felt that his current murderous aura had been suppressed in part.

At the same time, in the eyes of others, this is just a couple quarrelling and something like that.

No one will be nosy.

When the time comes, wait for the show.

Just a few people can take the duo out of the wall here.

"What about people?"

The cute rabbit looked back again.

Li Yu is gone.

It disappeared here in an instant.


Just thought about it for a moment.

The rescue failed.

Emergency location.

Li Yu's current location gathering is not very far from here,

just a few seconds.

The cute rabbit has already found his place. It doesn't look like running away.

Think about what Li Yu did to his sister just now.

Just guessing is already knowing what to do next.

I must not let my sister receive such mental damage again.

The clock is ticking.

The cute rabbit just now also determined that where Li Yu went, he was the only one.

So there was no need for her to worry about any distractions.

"This time, this Li Yu is dead."

After an hour.

Now Li Yu feels physically and mentally comfortable.

He lets the cute rabbit find himself.

But didn't think about letting him come in directly.

He deliberately set up an enchantment.

It's just to let the cute rabbit listen outside.

The timing is just right.

It was at this time that the cute rabbit had broken in.

After an hour of intense cultivation.

Even if the flesh is not itself.

Shiyun has also developed a certain amount of exhaustion. I saw my sister.

I almost cried with joy for a while.

"Don't worry, let you see your sister at any time in the future."

The scope of inclusion at any time can be quite broad.

Maybe next time her sister can exchange with her about her "cultivation".

Their own women still need to be cared for. Since it is already exhausting.

Then rest.

With Li Yu's help, Shiyun went into sleep very quickly.

"I can't spare you!"

This scene of cute rabbits is naturally furious. The person she loves the most is her sister.

Also treated this way by the guys on the hunting list.

What about the flesh that is not a sister.

Nor can mental damage.

Saying that, he directly took out a huge axe and chopped it.

It's not that the cute rabbit isn't worried about his sister.

But the flesh is not his sister's essence after all.

If it hurts, it hurts.

Just in time to force you to log out.

If so, the forced logout had any effect on his sister's memory.

It's not a bad thing to make this period of experience less clear.

Watch the attack come over.

The momentum that came with it alone already made the ground shake.

What does this guy want to do? I don't hide.

Li Yu did not have any measures. Just stand where you are.

Deliberate or can't be avoided.

But now I can't manage Namodo's affairs.

The arrow had to be sent on the string.

Burst in an instant.

Now the building is crumbling. From the outside.

It's a huge opening.

And the people standing inside.

That's impossible.

Li Yu was still standing there.

The axe hit completely.

But it didn't hurt at all.

Not to mention what effect it has.

The flesh is immortal, that is not a thing.

In this way, just by virtue of the power of the blow, in addition to the earth-shattering.

It couldn't hurt Li Yu at all.

The cute rabbit was also quite shocked.

"How is this possible!"

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