Li Yu looked at the cute rabbit with a shocked face and said, "Hehe, what's impossible about all this?" You can't think it's because you're too narrow-minded.

Then with a wave of his hand, Wang Luoyi was taken back into the World Tree.

Anyway, she is also her own now, how can she be hurt?

Cute rabbit, she didn't expect her attack to be so bad.

And now his sister's body has been taken away.

I was too impulsive just now and shouldn't be in such a hurry.

It should be mainly to protect one's own sister.

Now I can only fight to the end.

The cute cat looked at Li Yu and said, "It really surprised me that you blocked my attack, but I tell you, my true strength has not yet been used. "

After all, how could she, as an S-class shuttle, not have her own hole cards?

Li Yu looked at the cute cat in front of him, and came directly to her in a flash, with a hand on her shoulder.

This behavior is no different from the one she flew away before.

The cute cat subconsciously wanted to shake off Li Yu's hand.

Li Yu looked at her and said, "Do you think you can shake off my hand?"

"You bastard, let me go."

At this time, she had a feeling that she was in Li Yu's hands, and she wanted to escape but couldn't escape.

The cute rabbit, seeing that he couldn't break free, was ready to attack Li Yu directly.

As soon as Li Yu's hand was forced, countless tentacles wrapped around her shoulders, and the next moment her ability and strength disappeared.

She felt that this was not a simple disappearance, but a complete disappearance, without leaving a trace.

She punched Li Yu's body hard twice with her fist, but at this time, her strength was like that of an ordinary girl, hitting Li Yu's body softly, as if she was tickling Li Yu.

At the moment, it fits the saying on the Internet, "I beat your chest with a small fist."

Li Yu directly put his arm around the cute rabbit.

Seeing this, the cute rabbit understood what it meant next, which meant that he was going to repeat his sister's sins, and this time he really lost his wife and broke the army.

Even now she has no strength, but this does not affect her resistance, she will not be succeeded by Li Yu just like this.

The cute rabbit kept moving in Li Yu's arms.

"Stinky rascal let me go, don't touch me."

Li Yu struggled and let her go directly.

"Since you don't want me to hold you, then I'll let you go."

The cute rabbit looked at Li Yu and let go of himself, and his heart was very happy.

Although I don't know what kind of medicine Li Yu is selling, it is good to be able to get out of his control.

But before she had time to be happy, she only felt her body go soft, and then fell down.


The floor under her feet also shattered.

Because of her attack just now, this area has been beaten to pieces.

However, he did not put pressure on the ground here.

As soon as the cute rabbit steps on it, the delicate balance of the building is broken.

Fortunately, she is an S-class shuttle, although the strength is gone, but the reaction power is still there.

She was clinging to the edge of the crack.

The cute rabbit is still very blinded, what is going on, why is his power still back?

She originally thought that the disappearance of her power was because of Li Yu's touch, so she could not use her power.

But now he is still so powerless?

Is he really going to die here today?

She and her sister are different.

She did not rely her soul on the people of this world, but descended into this world with her own body, which also led to her ability to maximize the power of her body.

But I didn't expect that something would happen to me in such a low-level world.

It seems that a way out of this predicament must be found completely.

Who can come and save me.

It's over, there's no one here.

Soon the cute rabbit has solved his current situation.

She also had to change her original attitude.

The cute rabbit understood that there was no way to deal with Li Yu, so she decided to ask for everything first.

"Sir, I think there is some misunderstanding between us."

"I have no ill will towards you, I just want to save my sister."

"My sister is my favorite person, she is my relative, as long as she is a little dangerous, I am prone to lose my mind."

"We felt we needed to talk about it."

Li Yu looked at the cute rabbit and said in a flat tone: "Why did you suddenly change your tone."

"To be honest, I'm still interested in how you looked just now."

"I know our information, I believe you should also know where my sister and I are from, as long as you can help me and release me, I can guarantee your safety, how do you feel?"

"No, where do you have the courage and strength to feel that I need your protection?"

With what he shows now, there is simply no need to care so much, there is nothing to worry about.

"Let me tell you, in my world, there is also the upper world, and there are still many strong people in that world, and those strong people have no right to speak even if they are my S-level."

"You help me, let me and my sister go, they will come to this world when the time comes, make a move on you, I can help you."

Li Yu said disdainfully: "I really hope that they will come, the more they come, the better, you talk about help, I really need you to help me with something."

After saying that, Li Yu waved his hand, and the surrounding space began to distort.

The two came to the interior of the World Tree.

The cute rabbit foot also stepped on the solid ground, and his heart was relieved.

Then she slowly approached Li Yu, and at a distance of one meter from Li Yu, the cute rabbit used all her strength. He took out the dagger on his waist and stabbed it straight into Li Yu's heart.

"Go and die!"

Li Yu looked at her and said with a smile: "You are really bored!" She

was not surprised by the cute rabbit's behavior, after all, he and her were enemies.

The cute evil rabbit looked at Li Yu and said, "You don't think that this is really just a dagger."

Li Yu said lightly: "I know, isn't it with a curse, what effect does it have on me?" The

cute rabbit heard a bad premonition in Li Yu's heart.

But she still couldn't believe it in her heart.

But after waiting for more than ten seconds, the effect of the curse still did not appear, and Li Yu was standing like a nobody, standing where he looked at himself.

The cute rabbit said in despair and surprise: "This.... How is this possible!? "

How could you not react to a curse, how is this possible?"

"What kind of monster are you bastard."

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