And Ye Chen on the side looked at Li Yu, and also realized that he was talking too much, Li Yu's strength was so strong, he was overthinking.

And his previous performance like that, now he said such words, he directly threw his face home!

As the protagonist, he should have easily killed those people, but he was chased by several people and ran.

Even if it is not an easy counter-kill, it should be, a spiritual game, and finally killed one by one.

But now Ye Chen lost face.

And Brother Li knew his situation, but in order to take care of his face, he did not say it directly.

This is what really good brothers, really think about themselves.


" "The protagonist is very grateful to the host from the bottom of his heart, with 20,000 reward points and 30,000 luck


What happened to this Ye Chen

? How is his brain supplement ability getting stronger and stronger now? Won't his cash machine be broken because he withdrew too much money?

Now it will make up the brain, and if there is nothing to spit out, the reward.

Immediately Ye Chen continued: "Brother Li, although I fell in the battle just now, I also felt something in the battle just now.

"Don't worry, it won't be long before I can successfully break through, and I won't be empty of those people by then."

Li Yu looked at Ye Chen and said, "Brother Ye, that's fine, I just feel that it is a little dangerous to go alone, and now that I am accompanied by Brother Ye, I am much more relieved."

At this time, Li Yu looked at Ye Chen, thinking in his heart how to calculate Ye Chen.

Li Yu decided that it was time to attack Ye Chen, he would go to another world after a while, and when the time came, there would be more protagonists stronger than Ye Chen, and it was impossible for him to keep him by his side all the time.

It is impossible for him to give up the protagonist of a blockbuster for the sake of a protagonist.

Moreover, in other worlds, those worlds can be higher than their current world, and those people will not be weaker than Ye Chen at that time.

Another reason is that Ye Chen successfully broke through to Jiedan this time, and then he will not stay on this planet, he will go to various planets at that time, and it will be impossible for him to stay with him all the time.

It is also impossible to let Ye Chen act alone, in case because of his momentary relaxation, Ye Chen has become stronger through many opportunities, and it is not impossible to surpass himself at that time.

So Li Yuchu decided to let Ye Chen go offline.

But Li Yu was not ready to solve Ye Chen now, he had to wait for Ye Chen to reach the Jiedan period, and he was solving him himself.

Because Ye Chen can reach Jiedan, Ye Chen's luck can grow rapidly at that time.

When the time comes, you will get more rewards.

Immediately Li Yu continued: "Brother Ye, I have a world here, this world is very dangerous and challenging.

"I don't know if Brother Ye wants to go together?" Li

Yu decided to get Ye Chen to that world this time, and then take the opportunity to strike in that world.

After all, when it comes to the world, Ye Chen can't run if he wants to, so he runs to that.

Ye Chen listened to Li Yu's words, and immediately reacted: "It's okay Brother Li, we will be motivated if there is pressure!" "

I don't know how long Brother Li will we leave?"

Li Yu looked at Ye Chen and said with a smile: "Then let's go now!" Then Li Yu's

nerves moved, and Li Yu and Ye Chen disappeared directly in place.

Step into the space!

But this time the space is not the same as the direct one.

The space here is constantly surging and changing.

The two appeared in a strange place.

Ye Chen looked at everything around him and wondered, "Is this here?" The

world at this time, the spiritual power around it, and the feeling are all different from the world in front of him.

This place gave him the feeling of endless danger, and this place was like a purgatory place.

But such a place instead aroused Ye Chen's desire to fight, and the power in his body also boiled.

At this moment, a monster suddenly attacked Li Yu and the two.

Li Yu casually fanned with a palm.

Li Yu Ye Chen said: "Brother Ye, how do you feel about this place, I think there is no big problem with this place to help you break through now!" Ye Chen

looked at Li Yu and nodded and said: "I feel that there is no big problem." "

The world they are coming to now is a little higher than the world where Shiyun went.

Therefore, the monsters in this world are naturally stronger than her world, and if they are as strong as her, it will be of no use to Ye Chen.

And because the number of time streams in each world is different, after processing Ye Chen during this time, he will start to close the net on Lin Jiaxin's side when the time comes.

And this time is just enough to give Shiyun time to develop, otherwise how can he follow him in the future?

And Ye Chen on the side couldn't wait, and he was already entangled with those monsters at this time.

At this time, Ye Chen was not besieged by many monsters, but Ye Chen was still easy to deal with.

An hour passed, and Ye Chen no longer had a trace of chain in the face of these monsters' attacks at this time.

Then Li Yu directly charged a flash of light, and all the surrounding monsters were torn apart.

Li Yu came over at this time and said, "Brother Ye, what do you think?" "Brother

Li, I feel great, this world is really helpful to me.

"Since you already feel almost the same here, let's stop it first." "

Well, Brother Li, what do you mean by this?"

Ye Chen looked at Li Yu with a puzzled face at this time.

At this time, he already clearly felt that he had made great progress and breakthroughs.

Li Yu looked at Ye Chenman's doubts, and then explained: "That's right, if you want to break through quickly, you can't just be here, otherwise the speed will be very slow at that time."

"I'm going to take you now to feel the real pressure, to make you feel dead, and that's my real goal in bringing you here."

"And now it doesn't help you much here, and it doesn't have much effect when you practice." What

Li Yu said also understood Ye Chen.

But because after being reborn, he has not encountered any major difficulties, and he has not fought anything, except for this time, the previous battles were all to crush each other by themselves.

So he himself did not think about such an approach.

Now that Li Yu said it, Ye Chen reacted.

Ye Chen looked at Li Yu and said, "But I don't know much about this world, and it takes a little time to find that place."

Li Yu looked at Ye Chen and said with a confident expression: "Don't worry about this Brother Ye, when you played against those monsters just now, I already looked around."

"Is there anything good about Brother Li?"

"There is really a good discovery, I just found a monster, that monster is comparable to your strength, just enough to be your opponent." "


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