Now Ye Chen has absolute trust in Li Yu.

Since Li Yu has already arranged it, he can go directly by himself.

Then the two moved instantly.


huge monster came into view, and Ye Chen looked at the huge monster in front of him, as well as the strong momentum.

Ye Chen knew that the monster in front of him was not simple.

People in their current realm, facing opponents similar to themselves, can clearly know the strength of the other party.

But Ye Chen didn't panic at all!

Next, Ye Chen was going to fight against this big guy, there was no doubt that this was a life-and-death battle with great danger.

But Ye Chen couldn't be timid.

How can he say that he is also a generation of immortals, and he came this time to let him help him break through, how can he run,

unless he wants to fall behind others!

Li Yu looked at Ye Chen, who looked worried, and said, "Brother Ye, you can go, I will make a move when necessary."

Li Yu could see why Ye Chen was hesitating, this monster in front of him was a hegemon-like existence, if he waited for this monster to burp, it would definitely attract many other monsters.

Who wouldn't want to take advantage of it, and

then he was afraid that he would not die on this monster, but on those mobs.

When Ye Chen heard Li Yu's words, he was relieved in his heart.

Then he walked towards the monster.

Seeing this, Li Yu waved his hand and directly locked up one person and one monster together.

The monster noticed everything around it and said angrily: "What are you, how dare you come to my territory?"

"Human beings, the ability is not big, the tone is very crazy, today I will let you die without a place to be buried." After

the big monster finished speaking, a direct attack flashed, and in a moment the surrounding buildings were directly shattered.

Huge amounts of dust stirred up around.

When the dust cleared, a huge figure stood there.

At this time, its entire figure also emerged, and his figure at this moment looked like a human being.

So it can only be described as a monster.

And the big monster's blow had no effect on Ye Chen, who was still standing in the air at this time.

Immediately, Ye Chen did not hesitate and directly attacked the big monster.

Because of the monster's size, it was very slow to dodge Ye Chen's attacks, so Ye Chen easily attacked it.

But these attacks have no effect on fighting monsters, after all, people are large and have a lot of meat, so they can naturally carry them.

Directly and simply leave a trace on the surface of the monster.

Although the monster's attacks are not frequent, each attack is enough to carry a strong sense of oppression.

Ye Chen did not dare to make a hard connection head-on, Ye Chen knew that his small body was not as resistant as him.

Just hit a blow, I have to account for half my life here.

Therefore, Ye Chen had to be doubly careful to deal with the attack of the big monster.

Although he had been dodging the opponent's attack, his momentum and attack had been suppressed, which made Ye Chen very uncomfortable and humiliated.

Ye Chen, the opposite of the big monster, was also very uncomfortable to dodge, and said unpleasantly: "You jumping beam clown, I see how long you can jump today." Saying

that, he grabbed Ye Chen with both hands, but was easily dodged by Ye Chen.

Li Yu used his right hand to dodge his left hand.

Also anti-show monster hand.

But your big monster also reacted quickly, and attacked Ye Chen with his hand.

This left Ye Chen with nowhere to escape.

Ye Chen knew that he could not be caught, so he could only charge his strength to block.

When the big hand attacked, Ye Chen yelled, "Open it for me!" A

huge wave of light struck towards the giant hand that fought the monster, and the giant hand of the big monster was directly pushed away alive.

Thunder and lightning sounded in the air.

Then Ye Chen didn't give the other party a chance to react, and with another move, he hit the monster's left hand straight.

Then Ye Chen quickly pulled away his position, and Ye Chen wanted to take this opportunity to rest, but the big monster didn't give Ye Chen a chance at all, and directly attacked again.

It stirred up the giant on the side and smashed towards Ye Chen.

Seeing this, Ye Chen hurriedly shuttled through the boulder.


In this way, the two fought and stopped for two whole days.

At this time, the two of them were covered in injuries, but Ye Chen was not greatly affected by this.

Instead, his face was excited, and his eyes were full of bloodthirst.

Ye Chen looked at the big monster in front of him and said excitedly: "It's really been too long since I've been so excited and excited."

And Ye Chen also clearly felt that the bottleneck he had broken through had also loosened a little.

Ye Chen began to absorb the aura around him, and he wanted to use this to directly break through and reach the Jiedan period.

The surrounding aura struck towards Ye Chen like a hurricane.

After the aura entered the body, Ye Chen's bottleneck was directly washed away.

Ye Chen felt his strength and said with satisfaction: "Comfortable feeling!" and

the big monster on the opposite side also felt the change in Ye Chen's breath, and quickly attacked towards Ye Chen.

Then a palm struck towards Ye Chen, which seemed like a simple palm, but the surrounding space followed suit.

With a palm blow, the huge dust around him stirred, and Ye Chen's figure disappeared.

At this time, Ye Chen did not pay attention to the big monster in front of him.

He only had Li Yu in his heart at the moment, and he muttered in his mouth: "Finally broke through, and I finally caught up a little."

For Ye Chen, as long as he can break through quickly, this also shows that he still has a chance to surpass Li Yu.

After all, he was the chosen son.

And now that he has entered Jiedan, he can travel in this great world, and there are many opportunities in this world, and these opportunities are familiar to him.

At that time, he can fly for nine days by following those opportunities.

But what is a little strange for him now is that he has broken through, why hasn't Brother Li opened the enchantment yet

? Is it because he has been fighting for too long, and he also ran to cultivate?

Ye Chen released his breath and looked at the monster and said: "Thank you for your help this time."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to break through to this realm so quickly." The

big monster looked at Ye Chen and said flatly: "Hehe, I really think that when you get to Jiedan, you think you can do it?" "

Since you have broken through, I can also be regarded as having completed the master's task, now I will give you a pain!" Ye

Chen on the side felt very strange when he heard the big monster's words.

But the next moment, he sensed the other party's breath of Yudan, and hurriedly dodged away.

"Jiedan period!!

"What's going on? How is it that it has also reached the end???


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