Ye Chen was very confused,

but now was not the time for him to be confused, so he only raised his spirit and continued to fight.

Ye Chen shouted at the monster at this time: "Who is your master, why are you calculating me like this?" "

Why should I tell you who my master is? "

The big monster at this time is very crazy, and now its attack has not had a trace of method, and it has been continuously attacking towards Ye Chen.

However, these seemingly unskilled attacks were deadly in Ye Chen's opinion.

As long as you are hit by this monster, you may be killed.

So Ye Chen dealt with it very badly next.

You can only blindly dodge to find the right opportunity to counterattack.

But after a long time, Ye Chen's situation was still very passive.

In the end, he let the big monster seize the opportunity and knock Ye Chen out with one blow.

At this time, our villain Li Yu appeared.

Li Yu came behind Ye Chen and said, "Brother Ye, you can't do this!" Ye Chen

heard Li Yu's voice and looked back.

"Brother Li, you are here!"

Ye Chen looked at Li Yu and wanted to tell Li Yu that this big monster was in the Jiedan period, but he found that the big monster actually did not attack him.

At this moment, Ye Chen's mind was full of questions.

Immediately, he looked towards the big monster, and saw the other party looking at Li Yu with a respectful gesture.

Ye Chen understood that Li Yu was the master he said in his mouth!

What Ye Chen didn't know was that this breakthrough was not just his breakthrough.

And his opponents also have to break through.

But even if his opponent succeeds in breaking through, it can't be Ye Chen's opponent, after all, he is still the protagonist.

And this big monster is not Li Yu's real subordinate, just one of Li Yu's pawns.

This big monster had already been invaded by his own ghosts and gods when he was beaten to weakness by Ye Chen.

And now the one who is fighting with Ye Chen is Li Yu's subordinates, ghosts and gods.

Because the big monster had been infected with the aura of ghosts and gods during the long-term battle, it was naturally not discovered by Ye Chen later, and the transformation of the two.

And that ghost god Li Yu has always let him hide next to the surrounding buildings.

Ye Chen looked at Li Yu and said, "Brother Li, I think this should be your test for me, right."

At this time, Ye Chen still had a glimmer of hope for Li Yu, and he couldn't believe that all this was true.

Because Li Yu didn't have to spend so much money for himself.

There is no conflict of interest between yourself and him, and even if you talk to yourself, you will give it to him.

After all, Brother Li was so good to himself and helped himself so much.

Do you want me to give you a little time to think about it?" said

Li Yu with a smile as he looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen listened to Li Yu's words and really thought about it.

Ye Chen recalled that since he came back from the crossing, he had a relationship with Li Yu.

But after getting acquainted with Li Yu, his cultivation was indeed faster than before, but if he thought about it, his cultivation did not have much substantial transcendence.

And Li Yu did more for himself during this time, which was convenient, that's all.


Li Yu was a hand on his own luck.

At this moment, Ye Chen only felt that he had suffered a great betrayal.

But he quickly calmed down, not as impulsive as he had faced the shuttles before.

Now Li Yu has already married, and his physical body is still immortal, the point is that he still has a helper, and that helper himself can't win.

So the best thing to do is to run.

The two of them can't win if they take it out one by one, let alone the two of them joining forces.

Then Ye Chen directly slapped his palm at the earth, and smoke and dust suddenly rose around him.

Under the cover of such smoke and dust, Ye Chen quickly began to escape.

Li Yu, on the other hand, still stood unmoved.

Ye Chen looked at Li Yu, who did not catch up, and felt a little lucky in his heart.

But the next moment, he directly hit the enchantment.

Ye Chen looked at the enchantment in front of him and said angrily: "Abominable

enchantment!" This made him not think that the enchantment that was originally used to prevent external interference was actually to prevent him from escaping.


Chen hurriedly used all his strength to attack the enchantment, but the enchantment did not change at all.

A flaw is fine, but there is no flaw at all.

Ye Chen tossed hard for a while, but it was still useless.

Ye Chen looked at the enchantment and said desperately: "So this will be so?" Li

Yu slowly came behind Ye Chen and said: "Brother Ye, don't work hard, it's useless."

"Even if you come ten, you won't break this enchantment."

Ye Chen looked back at Li Yu, who had moved over, and roared angrily.

With an angry face, he said threateningly: "Li Yu, I advise you to better not force me to be in a hurry, you let me go a yard today, and we will go our own way."

Li Yu was speechless for Ye Chen's words.

I really think that I am SB,

I released him today, and when the protagonist in the latter learns something, he will definitely seek revenge on himself.


he hadn't torn his face and was not in a hurry to go to other worlds, he might have let him go for a while, but not now.

And the positions of the two of them are inherently different.

Li Yu decided to give Ye Chen a pain, and it was also a death reward, and he had provided himself with so many rewards.

Just when Li Yu decided to make a move on Ye Chen.

I saw Ye Chen rushing directly towards Li Yu.

Li Yu looked at Ye Chen who rushed over, and was speechless.

At this time, Ye Chen's idea was based on the Dan in his body, and it was possible to detonate it

to get a chance to escape.

Although his own cultivation will be destroyed at that time, he still has a way to re-cultivate, but his life is one, he can live again last time, who knows if he can this time, he doesn't have the guts to gamble.

And those who take this blow themselves will not be happy.

If you don't die, you have to peel off your skin.


A huge explosion sounded and smoke rose all around.

I saw a figure wafting out of the smoke for a moment, it was Ye Chen's figure.

At this time, Ye Chen used the power of the space he had prepared, and he was ready to come here immediately.

Return to your planet and get ready to do it all over again.

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