This inner gate elder saw that everyone agreed, and his heart was very comfortable.

During this time, he has long seen this holy son unpleasantly, every day to fight his holy son's identity, no one is in sight, especially his granddaughter, since he can't clean him up, then let find someone else to repair him.

This time, he just wanted to make Lang Yun suffer a little.

As for the previous words to use Li Yu to motivate him, it was also the opposite, and the effect he wanted this time was to let Langyun be hit by Li Yu, so as to be slumped.

But all this still depends on Langyun's own mentality, and the final result is still up to him.


Lang Yun, who had left from the Sword Peak, returned to his residence and sensed the little golden man in his dantian with his aura, but he did not feel the slightest abnormality.

This made him very puzzled, asked the system, and the system did not answer him.

He now understands that his system is a proper tool, which can only be deduced, and other problems cannot be solved at all.

This made Langyun very speechless.

At this time, he recalled Li Yu's previous operations, and his heart was even more determined that Li Yu was also a systematic person, and his system was stronger than his own.

It would take a day for him to fully deduce, and it only took him more than a minute to complete the perception just now, and the two were not comparable at all.

I don't know how Li Yu discovered the identity of his crosser, or is he just guessing about himself?

Do you want to find him to explore the wind?

For a while, Lang Yun fell into hesitation.

Just then, a bell rang.

Knock knock knock!!

This bell directly interrupted Langyun's thinking, and when Langyun listened to this bell, he understood that this was the Zhentianzhen Bell of the sect.

This bell has not been rung for decades, and once this bell is rung, it also means that there is something important in this sect, and all the disciples of the sect will go to the main peak.

Lang Yun listened to the bell and said to himself: "What happened again, actually ringing the Zhentian Bell?"

Then Lang Yun simply cleaned up, and got up and went to the main peak.

Four peaks!

Li Yu listened to the bell, he also understood what was going on according to the plot, but he was not in a hurry, the most important thing for him at the moment was to absorb a drop of golden crow divine blood drawn from this lottery.

Anyway, Li Yu has not been in this sect for a long time, such a thing, less of him, not much of him, it doesn't matter if he goes or not.

Then Li Yu began to absorb the Golden Crow Divine Blood.

This Golden Crow Divine Blood is different from those essence blood absorbed before, this one is more domineering, and the power it provides is also stronger.

On the main peak!

At this time, all the disciples had already gathered on the main peak.

They stood neatly and orderly, and on the square directly in front of them, the Seven Peak Lords and the major elders were also standing there neatly.

The disciples below looked at the elders on the stage, all whispering and discussing, discussing the big things they guessed in their hearts.

At this time, Langyun also stood under the stage and looked at his seven beautiful masters, and his eyes were full of greed to admire the beauty of his master.

My mind also unconsciously began to rise.

At this time, the cabinet elder who had just given his opinion at the secret meeting stood up and used his spiritual power to say: "Fellow disciples, be quiet!

"This brings everyone together, there is a big matter to decide, we ask Lord Lin Feng to speak."

After the cabinet elder finished speaking, the following discussion instantly dissipated, and the entire square became silent.

Then Lin Shiyi stood up, and the aura on his body also emanated, and a powerful superior majesty enveloped the entire square, but it dissipated for a moment.

She looked at the waves in the audience and said, "The Holy Son comes to the stage!"

"And Li Yu, Elder Li also came up."

Lang Yun, who was still enjoying the beautiful scenery of his masters, was suddenly called up, and his face was blinded.

What is the situation? I just came to be a passerby, why is it still related to myself?

Although there were many questions in his heart, he still walked up with his head held high.

"Lord Lin Feng, what do you have to order?"

Lin Shiyi looked at him and said, "Don't worry, wait for Li Yu to come up and say together." Lang

Yun listened to his master's words, and the doubts in his heart deepened, how could he still be related to Li Yu? Could it be because of what happened at Jianfeng just now? But there is no need to make that matter so exciting!!

Three minutes later!

Li Yu still didn't come up.

Lin Shiyi said again: "Elder Li Yu Li invites you to come to the stage. "

Two minutes later!

There was still no trace of Li Yu.

At this time, Hua Linglong on the side walked to Lin Shiyi's side and whispered: "Big sister, Li Yu, he should still be in his own residence, you also know that he has not joined our sect for a long time, and he has always been a loner, so there is a lot of confusion about this."

"You wait a minute, I'll go and bring him now."

Lin Shiyi heard the delicate flowers, and also felt right, so she said: "Okay, fourth sister, you go back quickly." "


Hua Linglong flew towards her peak.

At this time, Lin Shiyi looked at the disciples and said, "Everyone, wait a moment!" "


At this time, Li Yu has already absorbed the Golden Crow Divine Blood and is cultivating his Golden Crow Divine Skill, he doesn't want to let his Golden Crow spread his wings again when he absorbs this time, now this is in the sect, it is not good to make such a movement.

He still understands the truth of the tree's big move.

"Li Yu! Li Yu, are you there?

Flowery shouts sounded outside the courtyard.

"I'm here, flower girl, are you doing something?"

Li Yu put away his aura and walked out.

"Li Yu, this is the case, our sect has a conference, and all the people need to be present."

"Oh! That bell just now is the signal to convene? I don't know if the flower girl will have anything to do with me? Li Yu asked knowingly.

"Yes! Li Yu, let's go quickly, don't let the eldest sister wait too long. "Good


Then the two changed and flew towards the main peak.


Lin Shiyi looked at the arriving Li Yu and did not blame, after all, the current Li Yu is very heavy for them.

The disciples in the square looked at Li Yu on the stage, and their hearts were full of questions, they were very curious who this person was? Such an important sect meeting has not yet come, and there are still people who please.

The point is that it has come, and has not yet been blamed, which is really bizarre.

You must know that the Holy Son does not dare to mess around in the face of such a thing.

Could it be that this man's identity is even more special than that of the Son?

Lin Shiyi looked at the two and said, "I called everyone here this time to let you see how you two Tianjiao broke into the Demon Tower. When

Langyun heard Lin Shiyi's words, he quickly refused: "I'm not going, I'm not ready now, I'm not going." "

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