He clearly knew that he had broken through together in

the Demon Sealing Tower, but every time he was embarrassed, and every time he was seriously injured, he would not find where to go!

And now like this, it is obvious that he wants to broadcast the process of breaking through with Li Yu to everyone, and he doesn't want to be watched like a monkey.

When Lin Shiyi heard Langyun's words, she looked at Langyun in an icy tone and said, "Why don't you even listen to the master's words now?"

Lang Yun looked at the master with a cold face, and quickly said with a smile: "No, master's words, how can I not listen?" I listened to the master the most.

"Well, since you still listen to your master and me, give it to me today."

At this time, Li Yu asked, "What is Lord Lin Feng's Demon Sealing Tower?" "

This demon sealing tower is one of the heritage of our Biyun Sect, this tower was built by the ancestor before, and it contains a lot of monsters and monster beast spirits."

"This tower has a total of twelve floors, the simplest of the first layer is the Jiedan period, and the higher the cultivation of the demon beast."

"But don't worry, this tower won't cause death. At most, it is seriously injured.

"I don't know what is the reason why Lord Lin Feng let me break in?"

"Hmm.... I asked Elder Li to help inspire the Holy Son, the Holy Son has been too loose lately, and I want to restore the Holy Son to the previous enterprising appearance through this time.

Li Yu glanced at the waves on the side, thought for a moment and nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do my best."

Although Lang Yun on the side didn't know what Li Yu was talking about, he saw Li Yu nodding, and he knew that Li Yu had agreed to break into this tower.

Then he looked at his master and said, "Master, I'll go too."

Lin Shiyiben wanted to lecture Langyun again, but seeing Langyun's firm agreement, he felt that there was no need for that.

He looked at Li Yu on the side, and then at Langyun, and felt that this method was very good.

Then the two came to the Demon Sealing Tower and waited for Lin Shiyi to cast a spell to open the Demon Sealing Tower.

The moment the Demon Sealing Tower opened, Li Yu and Lang Yun were directly sucked into the tower.

Nor was the two of them passed into one place, two different rooms.

As soon as Li Yu entered the room before he could react, he was greeted by a huge roar, and after the roar, a tiger-shaped beast with a huge mouth rushed towards Li Yu.

Li Yu easily dodged the attack of the tiger beast with a single dodge.

But without waiting for Li Yu to say something, the tiger-shaped beast attacked again.

Li Yu was dissatisfied with this: "A small Jiedan period also dares to be crazy in front of me? Labor and management will make you lose your soul today. Saying

that, Li Yu had fire in his fist and directly attacked the tiger-shaped beast with a punch.


The tiger-shaped beast was directly blasted away, landing heavily on the ground, and his spirit appearance was also stained with flames.

Then the tiger-shaped beast let out a painful wail, and in a moment it directly dissipated in this heaven and earth.

Li Yu was very disdainful of this.

Just as Li Yu was about to go to the second layer, two tiger-shaped beasts, two wolf beasts, and four demon beasts of the Jiedan period attacked Li Yu again.

Li Yu looked at the four monster beasts that attacked and did not panic at all, if it were not for the live broadcast now, he really wanted to use his magical energy to absorb these monster beasts.

Then Li Yu directly dodged and struck out with one palm, and the essence of the four demon beasts was directly scattered.

Then Li Yu stepped into the second layer.

This scene directly stunned everyone outside, and this scene did not take three minutes.

If he had shot directly, it might have been solved in a minute.

The disciples outside looked at Li Yu, who had dissipated on the first floor, and discussed fiercely.

"This Elder Li is really powerful, I thought he was not good at the level, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

"Yes, just two moves, and he is not simply killing, he is directly breaking up the essence of the monster beasts, and the possibility of these monster beasts recovering is gone."

"Really awesome!"

"It's okay, he is an elder after all, and it is still easy for the elder to break through the first few levels."

"Yes, this time he is just a foil, and the Holy Son is the protagonist, okay."


At this time, Langyun was dealing with five demon beasts, after all, this was his first time fighting with demon beasts, although his strength exceeded that of the other party, but he was still very vigilant.

Langyun also received the news that Li Yu had stepped into the second layer at this time, looking at the few people who were still attacking him, Langyun directly pulled out his sword and slashed out Dao sword qi to block the attack of the demon beast.

But what he didn't expect was that the countless sword qi he had drawn out actually suppressed the five demon beasts.

Lang Yun said excitedly: "I didn't expect that I was also quite strong."

Then Lang Yun looked at the five demon beasts and showed a strange smile. Let's see if you die this time!

Lightning sword technique!

Sis... Whoops

.... Lang Yun's attack was fierce, and the five demon beasts were instantly suppressed by Lang Yun, and then directly killed!

Handsome sword.

Lang Yun blew the tip of the sword, pretending to be profound? He pretended to be B and said, "Why bother, why force me to shoot!"

[Essence fragments are detected and experience points are gained!] Can be used to improve strength. [

The current strength is the middle of Jindan, and it takes 100 experience points to improve to the late Jindan!]

] "I leaned, I didn't expect to help myself improve my level, so this system is not bad!"

Lang Yun now has hope to break through this demon sealing tower, he originally felt that his strength is not good, he may not be able to break through many layers, but now your system can help you upgrade, how can you say that you can break through more than half.

And maybe this time I go out, I may be able to break through the Yuan baby.

At that time, he and that Li Yu Xiuwei will be almost the same, and it will not be easy for him to catch up with him.

Since killing essences can actually improve strength.

Then stay in the Demon Sealing Tower for a while, not in a hurry to climb the tower, anyway, is he faster than Li Yu, but who climbs more layers.

He can kill demon beasts and upgrade now, and it is not easy to improve his cultivation in the future.

When the time comes.... At that time, it will not be easy to face the seven beautiful masters, and when the time comes, he will knead them by the way.

That picture, it's beautiful to think about.

Then Li Yu did not leave, but waited for a new demon beast to appear.

In this way, the original Demon Sealing Tower, which Lang Yun didn't want to come to, now directly became a fragrant bun.

The wave cloud on the first layer that kills is called a joy.

In order to improve his strength as much as possible, Lang Yun almost killed all the demon beasts in the first layer.

Langyun's killing method is different from Li Yu's killing method, and Langyun's killing method These monster beasts can still be restored, but it will take a while, so he doesn't have to worry about the people who break through later, there are no monster beasts.

And Li Yu's killing method is directly erased.

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