Leng Ruobing on the side looked at this scene and said, "I'll go to the Sword Pavilion to wait for you first." After saying that, he flew towards Jianfeng.

"Okay, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Nothing, but I want to ask, do you really want to marry that holy girl of the Divine Cloud Sect?" Hua Linglong stared at Li Yu and said seriously.

"I thought you were looking for me for something, it turned out to be this, that holy girl of the Shenyun Sect, she helped me once before, but later because she had something, I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank her properly."

"As for the matter of forming a Daoist couple with her, I haven't considered it at the moment, I'm not in a hurry, I am mainly focusing on cultivation now, what is the flower girl asking about this matter?"

"I.... I'll just ask casually and care about you. Anyway, you were also brought back to the sect by me, can I care about you?" Hua Linglong said a little at a loss.

"Yes! Of course you can, I didn't say anything. Li Yu said with a smile.

"Since there is nothing else, I will go to the Sword Pavilion first."

After saying that, Li Yu flew towards the Sword Pavilion.

Hua Linglong looked at the departing Li Yu, and regretted it in her heart, regretting why she was not bold and directly showdown Li Yu, Li Yu is so good if he is rushed by others at that time, he will cry to death.

Looking at the direction Li Yu left, there was no other emotion in his heart except helplessness and regret.

Then she also flew towards her own peak.


At this time, in Langyun's room, Lin Shiyi looked at Lin Xi and said, "How do you think Li Yu is with the Holy Daughter of the Shenyun Sect?"

Lin Xi looked at Lang Yun on the bed, and then said: "Lang'er doesn't like it, this just goes his way, and Li Yu is also a member of our sect now, if he marries a Daoist couple, maybe he can settle down and won't run around, so that he can always stay in the sect, which is very good."

Lin Shiyi listened to Lin Xi's words, thought for a moment and said, "But there is another thing I haven't told you about here.

"Li Yu seems to be the person who was hit by the fourth sister, and I believe you have also noticed that the fourth sister's mood has changed today."

Lin Xi was very surprised when he heard Lin Shiyi's words, he didn't expect that the two of them still had such a stubble.

"Then why did you still talk to Elder Wang like that just now? Aren't you afraid that the fourth sister will blame you?

Lin Shiyi said: "If Li Yu is the one who was hit by the fourth sister, do you think this decision will affect him?"

Lin Xi pondered for a moment, got up and said, "Big sister, I'll go back first, and I'll come to see Lang'er tomorrow!" "

Sword Pavilion!

At this time, Li Yu was easily wielding his sword, exuding his own Infinity Sword Intent, and the effect of his doing so was to make Leng Ruobing adapt to this Infinity Sword Intent.

Learning a university well is more about getting acquainted with him, and only by constantly getting familiar with it can you learn better.

Li Yu stopped the sword in his hand, Wuji sword intent retracted, looked at Leng Ruobing and said: "What do you think now, can you feel Wuji sword intent more clearly?"

Leng Ruobing looked at Li Yu and said a little embarrassed: "I don't feel too strong."

Seeing this, Li Yu said: "In that case, then let's change the way, I will take you to re-comprehend together, this time you have to think of yourself as a beginner when you first comprehend it."

"You don't use your previous set to substitute into the new beginning, this will greatly affect the sword intent of the new understanding."

Leng Ruobing looked at Li Yu, who was seriously explaining, and nodded and agreed: "Okay!"

Then the two sat down in front of the stone monument, and the two let go of their divine consciousness and began to feel together.

Li Yu hurriedly called the system at this time.

"Is there any way for the system to allow me to help Leng Ruobing quickly 1 sense the Wuji Sword Intent?"

"Ding! Ordinary perception 300,000 luck.

"This one is a bit expensive, is there a lower one?"

"Ding! Multiple perceptions, this is to divide a perception into four parts, which can also play a coaching role, if the host only uses two parts to feel success, there is no need for the next two.

"That's good, what's the price?"

"The first 100,000 luck, every subsequent 80,000 luck."


"Deduction successful!"

Li Yu had an extra divine consciousness in his body, and then Li Yu slowly guided this divine consciousness to Leng Ruobing's side, allowing Leng Ruobing to absorb it.

After a moment when the two opened their eyes, Li Yu looked at Leng Ruobing and said, "How about it, do you want to try the newly realized Wuji sword intent?"


Then Leng Ruobing directly took out his sword, the moment the sword shot, a sharp sword intent appeared directly, Leng Ruobing looked at this scene very excited, really powerful, this is his new Wuji sword intent, really much stronger than his previous one.

Then Leng Ruobing looked at Li Yu and said, "Elder Li, how about we try it out?"

Li Yu looked at Leng Ruobing and shook his head: "Forget it, our competition with you is simply an egg touching a stone, and I will be directly killed by you in seconds."

"It's okay, I'm pushing down my cultivation to the same realm as you, and we're just competing, until the point is reached."

"Okay, in that case, I'll try your sword intent, how about it?"

Then the two came to the cold courtyard to avoid being disturbed.

Li Yu took out his sword, and then a sword intent that was much stronger than Leng Ruobing appeared, and Li Yu had not yet exerted all of it at this time.

Leng Ruobing directly swung his sword towards Li Yu, and every time Leng Ruobing slashed at Li Yu's sword, he carried a sharp sword qi, but it was easily dissolved by Li Yu.

After the sword light shadow, the two pulled apart.

Leng Ruobing directly used the spiritual qi and slashed towards Li Yu with a sword, Li Yu watched the huge sword qi coming towards him, and quickly swung out the sword qi to counterattack.

Two strands of sword qi, obviously Li Yu's is stronger.

Leng Ruobing was directly shaken several meters away by the aftermath of this sword qi.

Leng Ruobing was very unconvinced by this, and this time gathered all the sword intent on the sword and slashed towards Li Yu, and a sharp sword qi slippery air slashed towards Li Yu.

Li Yu saw the sword in his hand move, a heaven-defying sword intent appeared around his body, and instantly this sword intent surrounded this space, Li Yu looked at the sword intent that attacked, waved the sword in his hand, and a sword qi that was several times stronger than Leng Ruobing struck towards Leng Ruobing.

Leng Ruobing looked at the powerful sword intent around Li Yu's body, and was stunned for a while.

And the sword qi she attacked was directly swallowed by Li Yu's sword qi, straight towards Leng Ruobing, and when she reacted, she couldn't dodge.

Now that her cultivation has been suppressed by herself, it is impossible for her to dodge Li Yu's attack.

She raised her sword and resisted.

But the next moment, she only felt that she was in a hot and broad embrace.


Li Yu held Leng Ruobing floating in the air, quietly watching the explosion on the ground.

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