Leng Ruobing raised her head and looked at Li Yu who was holding her, and her originally cold face turned red directly, but she surprisingly did not push Li Yu away, but shyly lowered her head and watched the explosion under her feet to divert attention.

And Li Yu, who exploded coldly, held quietly at this time, he did not move at all, and did not dare to move, now the person in his arms is powerful, if he treats like other people, do some small actions, who knows what the consequences will be.

And she doesn't know how she feels about herself, so who knows what will happen if she acts rashly?

After the explosion, the smoke cleared, Li Yu carried Leng Ruobing to the ground, and then lowered the hand holding Leng Ruobing.

Li Yu looked at Leng Ruobing and said: "I'm sorry just now, I forgot that you also suppressed Xiuwei, and I didn't grasp the strength well, but fortunately it didn't hurt you."

Leng Ruobing looked at Li Yu and said with a blushing face: "It's okay!" Also blame me, just now after the first move, my unyielding energy came up, otherwise I would not have these things later. "It's

good that you didn't have an accident, otherwise I really don't know what to do, and it's this sword intent that you dare to comprehend, if you want to fully comprehend it, I will help you a few times later, and I'll help you in two days, you better feel it yourself these days and see if it can have any effect."

Li Yu looked at Leng Ruobing, who was slightly red, and said.


"Since there is nothing to do, I will leave first!"

"Wait.... Wait a minute! That's what happened just now, you.... Don't talk to anyone. Leng Ruobing looked at Li Yu and said a little shyly.

"Don't worry, it won't."

After speaking, Li Yu walked out.

Leng Ruobing looked at the departing Li Yu, and there was a strange feeling in her heart, she didn't know what happened just now? Li Yu hugged her, she actually did not resist, the point was that she did not feel discomfort yet.

Especially when Li Yu just said that when he came to find himself again in a few days, he actually had some expectations! ! !

What is this?


Li Yu, who left, was ready to go to see Langyun, but now he is a good old man who is hungry in the sect, and it has no effect to go to see the protagonist Langyun himself.

Li Yu came to Langyun's residence, and at this time knocked on the door and asked inside: "Is anyone there?" "

Elder Li, come in!" Lin Shiyi's words came from the room.

Li Yu approached and looked at Lang Yun, who was covered in cloth bags, lying quietly on the bed at this time, and he didn't know that he thought that this was like a mummy.

"Elder Li, are there something wrong with you coming here?"

"I'll take a look at the Holy Son, the Son has been injured so badly, I should have come to see it, by the way, is there anything I can help?" Li Yu looked at Lin Shiyi and said.

"There is nothing, we have already helped Lang'er heal his injuries, he should wake up in a few days."

"Okay, Lord Lin Feng, I have a bottle of spiritual water here, this is what I got in a ruin, this medicine I used to be outside, every injury was treated with it, its medicinal effect is very powerful, last time I was slapped by the flower girl, I just used this medicine, and then with the elixir, it will be good in a day or two."

"This time, I also came here to bring this medicine to the Holy Son."

When Lin Shiyi heard Li Yu's words, she was very happy in her heart, and said a little embarrassed: "Elder Li, this is not okay, you gave such a precious medicine to my Holy Son, what will you do in the future?"

"It's okay, no matter how good the medicine is, no one uses it, that's also a waste."

Saying that, Li Yu took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to Lin Shiyi.

Lin Shiyi looked at the medicine bottle handed over by Li Yu and listened to what Li Yu said, and her heart was very moved.

Li Yu saw that Lin Shiyi did not answer for a long time, walked forward directly, stuffed the medicine bottle in his hand into Lin Shiyi's hand, and then said: "Use this, I can help, you don't have to be polite with me."

Lin Shiyi was optimistic about Li Yu, who was holding his hand, his face turned red and he quickly broke free, holding the medicine bottle and saying, "Then I thank you instead of Lang'er."

Li Yu looked at Lin Shiyi, who threw away his hand, and said embarrassedly: "Lord Lin Feng, I'm sorry, I saw that you didn't answer it just now, and I shook it with excitement, I didn't mean it."

"Nothing.... It's okay!

Then Lin Shiyi quickly took this medicine bottle to Langyun's side, opened the medicine bottle and took the spiritual water in the medicine bottle, and slowly fed Langyun to take it.

After taking the spirit water, Lang Yun's body began to grow faint smoke.

Li Yu quickly explained: "This is a normal situation, it cleans up and repairs the injuries of the Holy Son internally, and you also healed the Holy Son earlier, plus the elixir you gave to the Holy Son, it should be almost good for the injury of the Holy Son in a day or two, and you should be able to get out of bed at that time."

"The Son should wake up tomorrow morning."

Li Yu looked at Lang Yun who had taken the potion and felt very open, Li Yu's potion is mixed with his own powers, but all this has been strengthened and changed by himself, although he has a way to stop Lang Yun's ability to deduce, but it is also when he is there, if he is not around him that day, he successfully made a very powerful skill he will not be able to get.

Therefore, Li Yu will make his own energy into the body of Lang Yun, and when the time comes, he can directly devour his deduction ability with his special energy, so that he will not make death and squeeze the value of his sheep to the dryest.

"Okay, Elder Li, can you promise me something?"

"What's the matter, you tell me."

"It's not a big deal, it's just that after a while, the Holy Son will take the disciples of the outer gate out to practice, I want you to go with you and let you take care of them, do you have time then, just after Langyun's injury recovers!"

Li Yu pondered for a moment and said, "Yes, there is no problem. "

Li Yu is actually serious, he doesn't really want to go to this experience, although there will be some opportunities in this experience, but these opportunities Li Yu has already accepted him in advance.

But who among them knows if something else will happen, and the most important thing is that Leng Ruobing has been secretly following them this time, which is also one of the reasons why Li Yu agreed to go.

"In that case, then Elder Li, you should go and prepare first!" Lin Shiyi said.

Li Yu flew towards his residence.

Like Li Yu thought, of course, Lin Shiyi would not just let them go, after all, this outside is different from the sect, there are any dangers outside, although Li Yu is in the Yuan infancy stage, but the danger outside is not Li Yu alone can protect it.

Then she arranged for Leng Ruobing, as well as an inner gate elder of Jianfeng.


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