
In the puddle, the water inside suddenly began to boil, bubbling with huge bubbles, and at the same time, layers of silt were thrown into the sky.

It was as if an explosion had occurred at the bottom of the swamp, bombarding the silt out.

Immediately, two blood-red eyes the size of a human head shot out two strange rays of light.

A snake head larger than a human appeared in everyone's sight.

When everyone saw this snake head, they were frightened and panicked, and their faces turned pale.

Rip pull!

The huge snake head opened its huge mouth, and a fishy smell came, and an incomparably wide snake letter stretched out.

Incomparably terrifying.

The snake letter was extremely fast, and those who did not have time to dodge were directly swept away.

These people still wanted to run, but the speed of the snake letter was too fast, they didn't have time to react, they were directly restrained, desperately struggling, trying to break free.

The power above the snake letter is extremely powerful, and it can easily uproot an ancient tree.

Not allowing them to resist, the three of them were swallowed into their stomachs in an instant.

His narrow eyes revealed an indifferent expression, swallowing the snake letter, and set his gaze on Yun Lang and the others.

"Well, I didn't taste fresh human flesh, and it was still delicious." The demon beast snake spat out words, looked at Li Yu and the others and showed a cruel smile.

"Spit out human words, demon beasts in the Yuan infancy stage!"

At this moment, everyone's faces became extremely ugly, pale and bloodless.

The trembling stand is unstable.

They didn't expect that they would meet a demon beast in the Yuan infancy stage.

With the strength of these people, encountering the demon beasts of the Yuan Infancy stage will undoubtedly die.

"Escape!" The boss of the bounty man looked at the demon beast and yelled at everyone.

At this moment, everyone, including the disciples of the Biyun Sect, did not hesitate to pull out their legs and run wildly.

They are not stupid either, they definitely know to run.

But Li Yu didn't escape, and he didn't think about running, because this demon beast was not worth running.

Li Yu now also wanted to try what was the difference between this Yuan Infant Demon Beast and himself in the Demon Sealing Tower before.

Li Yu looked at the demon beast in front of him.

Li Yu exuded his own breath, this breath made the monster beast on the opposite side feel very uncomfortable, looking at Li Yu's eyes were not as arrogant as before, and there was a little more vigilance.

After all, the aura exuded by Li Yu made him feel dangerous.

But the demon beast didn't care about this, staring at Li Yu with dead eyes: "You don't even run away?"

"Just you?" Li Yu's face showed a contemptuous smile.

"It's just a demon beast in the middle of the Yuan Infant Period, what qualifications do you have to let me escape?"

"It's crazy, look at me swallowing you alive!"

The demon beast snake opened its blood basin and mouth, and one of the powerful forces condensed in his mouth.

Seeing this, Li Yu directly punched the demon beast, and the fist directly crooked the demon beast's head, which also caused the snake demon's attack to be interrupted.

Li Yu looked at the demon beast and said with disdain: "As long as you still want to eat me, I haven't eaten a snake as big as you, and I don't know if it's delicious for barbecue or steamed." The

demon beast that was punched, looking at Li Yu, his eyes were already full of vigilance, and at this moment, he was no longer in sight in front of Li Yu.

Li Yu's words made the demon beasts and snakes stunned, but he didn't expect the latter to come to such a sentence.

And those Biyun Sect disciples who had not yet run far saw that Li Yu had not fled, and immediately shouted anxiously.

Although Li Yu is very strong in cognition, this is a demon beast in the Yuan Infant realm, and it is still in the same realm as him, and there is basically no chance of victory.

Li Yu heard their shouts and smiled at everyone and said, "No problem, I'll ask you to eat snake meat later to make up for it." As

soon as the good man's words fell, Li Yu's body suddenly erupted with an incomparably powerful sword intent.

Turns the entire swamp into the world of kendo.

"Wuji Sword Intent!" Leng Ruo said darkly.

This time, Li Yu directly burst out all the Wuji sword intent, and Li Yu's entire temperament changed drastically, and the whole person turned into a sword fairy.


Li Yu's voice fell softly, listening to the ears of that demon beast snake, as if the god of death had sentenced him to death.

An extremely strong force also erupted from his body, resisting Li Yu's sword intent.

Li Yu's top-level sword intent coupled with Li Yu's mid-infant cultivation, that demon beast snake could resist it so likely.

Even if the other party tries their best, the result will not change in any way.

The sword fell, the demon beast snake broke into several knots, and blood spilled, staining the swamp red.

With one blow, a demon beast in the Yuan infancy stage was killed!

The disciples of the Biyun Sect and those bounty people were completely shocked when they looked at the corpse of the demon beast snake.

They only knew that Li Yu was very strong, but they did not expect that Li Yu could actually be strong to this level.

One blow killed a demon beast in the Yuan infancy stage.

Li Yu looked at everyone and showed a smug smile.

Then he said to the crowd, "I said that I would invite you to eat snake meat today, and when did I lie to you." "

Elder Li is so powerful!"

"It's worthy of Elder Li, so powerful!"

"With Elder Li here, what are we afraid of!"

A crowd cheered!

Li Yu was very satisfied with everyone's performance, and then looked at the corpse of the demon beast on the ground, and everyone said with hunger: "This is a demon beast in the infancy stage, but it is very supplemental, we will eat it well later." "

The Yuan Infant level demon beast is worth thousands of gold, and its meat is also very supplemental, but ordinary people can't eat too much, and if they make up too much, they will recoil."

Hearing Li Yu's words, everyone quickly began to clean up, and those bounty people, hearing Li Yu's words, were also very happy, they had not eaten such a level of demon beasts.

Just as everyone was collecting the corpses of the demon beasts and snakes, a group of dozens of people appeared in front of them.

The milky white uniforms were about the same age as them, and they were disciples of the Heyun Sect.

"Yo, I thought who it was, it turned out to be a disciple of the Biyun Sect." Ryu said and glanced at the corpse of the demon beast snake in the swamp, and his eyes showed greed.

"It's such good luck that I let you pick up the corpse of this demon beast snake first, and obediently hand it over, and we can still let you go."

The tone and attitude were high-spirited, thinking that the body of this demon beast snake was picked up by Li Yu and everyone.

Now, though, it's theirs.

"You guys

The disciples of the Biyun Sect were very unhappy with the attitude of the disciples of the Heyun Sect, so they wanted to fight back, but Li Yu stopped them, puzzled but did not ask more.

Yun Lang smiled and saluted, and said: "It turns out that it is all the same disciples of the Heyun Sect, the corpse of this demon beast snake, we have no opinion at all for you, take it."

"That's right, it's very good!"

The disciples of the Heyun Sect nodded with satisfaction and became even more proud.

The Heyun Sect and the Biyun Sect both belong to the top sects in the Northern Region, and it is inevitable that there will be some competitions.

Now, they have pressed the Biyun Sect on this matter, although it is a small matter, they also feel refreshed.

Li Yu just sneered when he looked at the people of the Heyun Sect.

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