Leng Ruobing,

who had been hiding in the shadows, was very satisfied with Li Yu's performance just now, especially Li Yu's fierce and domineering Wuji sword intent, which made Leng Ruobing fascinated for a while.

But why is Li Yu suddenly like this now?

These disciples of the Heyun Sect have the highest strength in the late Jindan period, but Li Yu's is a proper mid-Yuan Infant stage, just now he killed a demon beast in the middle Yuan Infant period with a sword, and those who hit these Jindan Stage are still holding a handle, and now this kind of performance really makes her very familiar with it.

But soon she noticed a bad smile at the corner of Li Yu's mouth, and immediately knew in her heart that this Li Yu must be holding some bad thoughts.

Li Yu was a wandering cultivator before, how could he suffer such a loss?

So the only thing that is certain is that Li Yu is holding back his fart.

At this time, he was very curious, what was Li Yu calculating?

Li Yu looked at the people of the Heyun Sect, stepped forward and said to everyone: "Dear Daoists, in fact, when we came over just now, we also found a place full of monster beast corpses, but there are too many of those corpses, and it is easy to attract monster beasts, our strength is already low, and we did not touch the corpses of those monster beasts. "

But now that I see you, so many of you Golden Pill Stage masters, you must have the strength to take down the corpses of those demon beasts, and I just hope that you can get a piece of our pie at that time." Li Yu looked at everyone and said with a smile.

"Don't worry about this, the information is provided by you, we will definitely give you a little soup when we eat meat, as for how much to give, it depends on your performance."

When Liu and the others heard Li Yu's words, they felt very comfortable in their hearts, and people like them would be invincible if others praised him a few words later, and floated over.

Then Liuji looked at Li Yu and said: "The place is there, you take us, if there are many demon beast corpses, I will give you a little more, if you lie to us, don't blame us for attacking you."

Li Yu listened to the Liu, looked at the disciples of the Biyun Sect on the side, and then smiled at them.

Although the disciples of the Biyun Sect did not understand what Li Yu was going to do, they knew that Li Yu would not harm them, and they all followed Li Yu's back in the end.

At this time, one of the disciples whispered to Li Yu and asked, "Elder Li, where are we going?" We haven't met the place you just mentioned!

Li Yu looked at the disciples on the side and said, "Don't you feel that this place is familiar?

"Remember the late Yuan Infant demon beast we saw in the distance before?" Li Yu looked ahead and said with a smile.

Li Yu and the place they passed before had a group of mountain monkeys, these mountain monkeys were social animals, and their leader was a demon beast of the late Yuan Infant period, and there were many demon monkeys of the Golden Pill period under its hands.

At that time, when Li Yu and they passed by, they noticed that all this did not provoke, not that Li Yu was afraid, but that Li Yuka had many monkeys opposite you, and there was still a gap in the strength of the two teams of them, if they wanted the monkey king to fight, those monkey subordinates attacked the disciples of the Biyun Sect, which could cause them to be injured, so Li Yu took them to quietly bypass at that time.

But it's different now.

Now there are so many cannon fodder again, if you don't make good use of it, how can this be worthy of their title of cannon fodder?

And whoever told them to be so aggressive to themselves at the beginning, let them pay a lesson, as for whether they will live or die in the end, it depends on their lives.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Li Yiyu pointed ahead and said: "It's here soon, it's not far away."

Then he walked in for a while, and the environment began to change significantly, and the surrounding vines and branches became more and more intertwined.

Ryu looked at the surrounding environment and said, "I didn't expect that there was such a place in this ancient mountain forest!" Then

he walked inside, when there was a creaking sound on more branches overhead.

At this time, they have really entered the territory of the mountain monkeys, and these squeaking calls are these mountain monkeys driving them away and warnings, but these sounds are obviously useless to them, or they still walk inside.

But the next moment, a group of mountain monkeys appeared directly on a tree in front of them, staring at everyone deadly, and then more and more mountain monkeys began to fall from the top of the tree, and finally directly surrounded Li Yu and everyone.

Ryu was very unhappy looking at the mountain monkey blocking his advance, isn't blocking himself now cutting off his own wealth, can this be endured?

Then Ryuki pulled out his sword, looked at the mountain monkey in front of him and said dissatisfied: "A group of wild monkeys also dare to block Uncle Ben's way, today I will kill you all!"

Saying that, he drew his sword and rushed towards the mountain monkeys, and the rest of the Heyun Sect also took out their weapons and killed the mountain monkeys, and what they were thinking about now was to get those monster beasts quickly.

Li Yu looked at this scene and gloated and said: "There is a good show to watch now, all the disciples are approaching urgently, take out their weapons and continue to defend, don't mess with plastic surgery and protect yourself." "

A moment later!

Ryu looked at the corpses of mountain monkeys all over the ground, and said very confidently: "That's it!" Vulnerable, really any cow and horse dare to come out and touch it! "

At this time, the people of the Heyun Sect were full of confidence in this, this time, none of their disciples were injured, at this moment, they felt that they were invincible in the world, that is, they were receiving all the orders like a hundred.

Li Yu only looked at the proud people who did not say a word, did not disturb the arrogant, he felt something, raised his head and looked through the peach forest to the depths of the canyon, where several mountain monkeys stood up, one of the largest apes, looking at them with anger in his eyes.

The next moment, this monkey king jumped directly and jumped across the peach forest, like a huge boulder, bombarding the ground. Above.


With a loud bang, the ground where it landed directly cracked, and everyone was shaken by this shock, and the earthquake was a little unstable, but fortunately, Li Yu let the disciples of the Biyun Sect contract in advance and lean on each other, which did not cause them to fall.

And those disciples of the Heyun Sect who were low cultivators were directly shocked to the ground, and they looked at the giant object in front of them with blinded eyes.


The mountain monkey king roared, hiding a hurricane in his mouth, and a giant tree was constantly shaking under this roar, wanting to be uprooted.

The faces of the disciples of the Heyun Sect looked at the fierce wind, and their faces became hideous, and when they came back to their senses, they found that standing in front of them was a huge mountain monkey king that was more than several meters in size.

He was so frightened that his face was pale and bloodless, and his legs and stomach were trembling.

"Meta... Yuan Baby... Yuan Baby Demon Beast!"

The terrifying coercion exuded from the Mountain Monkey King scared them into peeing their pants.

Where could they have imagined that there would be a mountain monkey king here!

The invincible self-confidence just established collapsed in an instant, leaving only fear.

They definitely can't be the opponents of the Yuan Infant Great Demon.

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