Then the Liujie of the Heyun Sect looked at Li Yu behind him and hurriedly said: "You guys from the Biyun Sect come here, you block for a while first, we are ready to line up!" "

But in fact, they just want Li Yu and the others to help them delay for a while, and then they can escape, even if they really line up in formation, they can't defeat this monster beast."

But what they didn't know was that all this was a game that Li Yu had calculated long ago.

Li Yu looked at the Ryu family and said with a smile: "Okay, here we are!" Then

Li Yu and the disciples walked towards them, and when Li Yu approached, the aura in his body directly erupted, and then directly used the fastest speed, and the people of the Heyun Sect stunned.

Li Yu looked at the people who fell to the ground and said with disdain: "I really thought I was afraid of you!" If you weren't useful, talk to me like this. It has long been unknown how many times he died.

Then Li Yu said to the disciples of the Biyun Sect, "You guys have put away their storage bags!"

Then Li Yu looked at the huge mountain monkey not far away!

Li Yu looked at the mountain monkey and said with a smile: "I wonder if your late Yuan Infant cultivation can carry this sword of mine!?"

Then Li Yu condensed a powerful wisp of Wuji sword intent, sighed, his voice was full of pride, and there was an invincibility that was invincible in a high place. Meaning.


The storm of sword qi instantly condensed and filled the entire canyon.


.... Under the oppression of sword intent, the surrounding big trees were like facing a fierce wind, the branches were broken, and one by one the big trees were directly broken, becoming broken branches and willows.

Sword Fall!

There is still only one sword!

The sword fell, and the killing intent burst out and swept out.

In the entire space, except for Yun Lang, no one could stand.

Even the mountain monkey king fell in a pool of blood.

He couldn't withstand this sword, but this time Li Yu controlled the strength and didn't cut the Mountain Monkey King's body into pieces.

After solving the mountain monkey king, the remaining mountain monkeys looked at Li Yu with fear in their eyes.

Li Yu looked at these frightened mountain monkeys and did not make any more moves, these mountain monkeys did not provoke themselves, and they were not homicidal, so there was no need to make a move.

Li Yu glanced at the corpse of the mountain monkey in the late Yuan Infant period, and directly waved his hand and put it into his world tree.

This thing is still a little useful, and he is still complete, and it is not bad that he can refine it into a puppet.

Li Yu looked at the people who had already scavenged the Heyun Sect after being cleaned up by the disciples of the Biyun Sect, and at this time he thought about how to solve everyone.

"Hmph, let you be rampant, and the things that dare to target me are now mine." Li Yu said fiercely, and then let people tie them all to the stump with their buttocks up.

Li Yu picked up the rattan on the side and began to pump it at these bound people, and those who were knocked unconscious were also awakened by this severe pain.

"Ah! What's going on here? How did we get tied up here?"

"What about the Mountain Monkey King, why did it disappear?"

"Hey, you guys put us down quickly, what are you waiting for? I want to die!"

The disciples of the Heyun Sect did not understand what was happening at all, and shouted at the disciples of the Biyun Sect.

Li Yu and the others were indifferent, and looked at them with a thick mockery.

"Who do they think they are?"

"It's disgusting to be on top!"

The female disciples of the Biyun Sect kept mocking, if Li Yu hadn't let them endure it before, they would have already wanted to make a move against the disciples of the Heyun Sect.

Now that the opportunity has come, I will not let it go.

"What are you talking about. Want to die? Hurry up and put us down!" Ryuki roared.

Now their clothes have also been stripped clean by Li Yu and everyone, and at the moment there is nothing, only a fig leaf to block it, and it is still such a humiliating posture, which makes them feel extremely ashamed.

"I don't think you have figured out where you are now." Li Yu mocked.

Why are these people so stupid in their brains, who have not yet figured out the situation and feel that they are on top ?

"You are just prisoners now, it's better to be honest, otherwise don't blame me for letting you go to heaven!" Li Yu's words made these people wake up and be extremely angry.

"It's you, it's you, design framed us!"

"Framing is not counted, you are just stupid!"

"You release us soon, otherwise our sect won't let you go. of!" Ryu roared, and Li Yu looked at them with an idiot-looking expression.

The strength of Biyun Sect and Heyun Sect is incomparably different, who will be afraid of whom?

"You still dare to threaten me, it seems that you will not give you a little bitter food, I don't know how powerful I am."

Li Yu took out a bottle of pills and ate one himself, and then handed the rest to the disciples of the Biyun Sect and said, "Everyone eats one each, and you bounty people also eat one." Then

he took out an incense burner and placed the incense burner in front of everyone in the Heyun Sect, and then Li Yu entered the incense burner with a flame, and the incense burner began to emit bursts of red smoke.

For a moment, the surrounding space was filled with smoke, and after inhaling the smoke, those mountain monkeys began to stir, and their eyes became blood-red.

Then he slowly approached the people of the Heyun Sect.

"Elder Li, what is this?"

The disciples of the Biyun Sect had no effect because they had taken the pill, but looking at the monkeys around them, they still knew how much it was, and the female disciples' faces turned red.

The more and more smoke that those mountain monkeys inhaled in the end were already completely in heat, but Li Yu should have jumped up and down sharply at this moment before they dared to step forward, scratching his ears and complaining.

Li Yu looked at these impatient monkeys and said to everyone: "Let's go, don't delay the disciples of the Heyun Sect here to enjoy beautiful things." "

The disciples of the Heyun Sect are also a little confused by these smoke at the moment, but they still clearly know that something bad will happen.

"No, no, let us go, we know we are wrong, please forgive us once!"

"No, we apologize to you, we offended you with ignorance, and please let us go this time."

"It's us who have no eyes, you adults don't remember villains, let us go."

These disciples of the Heyun Sect kept begging Li Yu for mercy.

They couldn't imagine what would happen next, and if that happened, they would be ashamed to commit suicide!

"I forgive you, so I found you so many friends to give you a "partial" massage, you can enjoy it, no need to thank me! You deserve it.

Li Yu looked back at the people of the Heyun Sect and said with a smile.

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