Suddenly, he looked at Ye Fan on the side, and asked with hope in his eyes: "Ye Gongzi, you just said that you can divination, can you help the old man and I will calculate who wants to harm me?"

"Grandpa Wu has no problem, I'll help you."

After speaking, Ye Fan took out a few copper coins from his pocket and began to practice.

Soon Ye Fan finished his work and looked at the copper money on the table.

His expression was a little surprised, and he wondered if he had miscalculated.

Old Master Wu saw Ye Fan's expression and asked, "How is Young Master Ye?"

"It's actually dead!"


"Grandpa Wu, I'll recalculate it later."

Soon the results of Ye Fan's divination came out, still the same as the first time, dead.

"Grandpa Wu, I calculated it, he is someone close to you, but without your family's bloodline, he died not long ago."


Old man Wu was a little confused.

"Yes, although I can't accurately deduce who it is, what I can know is that person is your relative."

"You just need to arrange for someone to find out who died tonight now and know who it is."

Old Master Wu still believed Ye Fan's words, and quickly ordered the butler to investigate.

"Thank you Ye Gongzi, it's good that Ye Gongzi is here, otherwise I don't know how to die when the old man dies."

"Ye Gongzi, is there any way you can help me remove the poison from my body?"

Old man Wu asked.

"This is very simple, the poison in you is not a strong poison, and the poison has not penetrated, just take a few pills I prescribed."

"Remember this prescription: 30 grams of gentleman, peeled moxibustion magnolia, tangerine peel, Chuanxiong 0.3 grams each, ground into a fine powder, mix evenly, and use honey to make soybean-sized pills, two at a time."

Ye Fan said it directly.

Old man Wu quickly took the paper and wrote it down.

Looking at the prescription in his hand, Old Master Wu said excitedly: "Thank you Ye Gongzi."

"If it weren't for Ye Gongzi's presence, the old man wouldn't know what to do."

"Grandpa Wu, you don't be so polite with me." Ye Fan said.

Just then, the butler suddenly ran in.

"Old...; Sir, something has happened.

"The second aunt had a car accident and passed away!"

The housekeeper who ran in said with an uneasy face.

He has worked in the Wu family all his life, and he knows almost everything about the Wu family.

He also knew that Old Master Wu regarded the second aunt as his own son, and the second aunt was considered the male and heir of this family.

Now that he is also dead, he knows the seriousness of this matter.

"You... What did you say?

"Oh my God... Tianyi he...., don't say so, it's Tianyi who wants to harm me?

"Why is he?" I'm not thin on him! I handed over the entire Wu family to him, and I am now giving him power step by step, why would he still poison me? Old

man Wu couldn't accept it for a while.

The person he valued and believed the most actually wanted to kill himself, and in the end, the only heir of his Wu family died, and the two tragedies were sandwiched together, and Old Master Wu vomited blood on the spot and fainted.

Ye Fan on the side saw the fainted old man Wu and hurriedly caught it.

"Grandpa Wu, don't get excited, you hurt your body a lot like this."

Then he began to dredge the breath and blood of Old Master Wu.

Soon Old Master Wu woke up, and said softly with a breath: "Trouble you Ye Gongzi, if it weren't for you today, I don't know how many times the old man would have died."

"I have to hold on, I can't fall now, otherwise my Wu family will be finished."

His eldest son died more than ten years ago, and his second son-in-law, who he had cultivated for many years, was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, and he actually poisoned himself.

Unexpectedly, he did not die, but he himself died first.

But in this way, his huge Wu family has no successor.

It's really a family misfortune.

Old man Wu saw Ye Fan on the side and thought that he also had a granddaughter.

Although that granddaughter is not very obedient, she is at least a member of her own Wu family. Shedding the blood of his Wu family.

Old man Wu thought about how to get Wu Mengxin back time.

Alarm bells and shouts suddenly sounded outside the compound.

"Listen to the people inside, you have been surrounded by our police, don't make senseless resistance."

"Everyone give me all out, and bring out your private prisoner Ye Fan together."

"If we don't come out in five minutes, we'll take tough measures."

Luo Lili shouted outside with a big speaker.

Old man Wu in the room was directly unable to hold back by this operation, and the blood in his heart almost vomited out again.

According to what Ye Fan told himself, this is at most just a crime of petty theft, is it used to stir the crowd with such a master?

And when you come to your own house to arrest someone, shouldn't you first check with yourself in advance?

Old man Wu was very angry, humiliated, and irritable at this moment about everything that happened today.

Angrily said: "When there is no one in my Wu family, right?

"Do you really think that my Wu family can be bullied by anyone?"

"Ye Gongzi, you help the old man and I go out together, I want to see who dares to surround my Wu family so faceless today."

"It's really not giving me face at all."

Old man Wu looked at Ye Fan and said.

Ye Fan did not refuse, picked up Old Master Wu on the side and slowly walked out.

Ye Fan had actually noticed that something might happen, so when Old Master Wu fainted, he quickly woke him up. Just for you just in case.

This time the police came so many people to arrest themselves, if they run away again, it will not be a simple crime of petty theft, then it will become a major crime of arrest, escape, and ignoring laws and regulations.

Maybe when the time comes, it will not be an ordinary police officer who will come to arrest him, but someone from the national security system.

At that time, it was really difficult to handle.

He doesn't want to be too small.

Ye Fan helped Old Master Wu to walk outside the door, and it was Luo Lili who came into view.

When Luo Lili saw the two people who came out, she mistakenly thought that Ye Fan had kidnapped Old Master Wu, and said into the walkie-talkie: "The sniper is in place." But

as the two got closer and closer, it was clear that it was not abduction, but help.

Luo Lili's originally nervous tone also became smooth: "Everyone pay attention, the suspect Ye Fan has come out, and there is Old Master Wu who came out together, everyone be ready for battle, and don't hurt Old Master Wu by mistake."

Old man Wu and Ye Fan came not far away, and old man Wu spoke, "You are the person in charge of this arrest operation?"

"Who gave you the audacity to come to my Wu house to arrest people? Who let you besiege my Wu family? "

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