"Old man Wu, don't be angry, all this is my order, I am all here to catch the criminal."

"Ye Fan beside you is a criminal, and he is also a martial artist of the Qi Gathering Realm, and I moved the crowd like this to prevent him from escaping again."

Luo Lili explained.

When Old Master Wu heard Luo Lili's words, he said in an angry tone: "Ye Gongzi just broke into other people's residences, did it cause losses of property and personnel, are you police so idle?"

"This kind of thing will pay a fine at most, educate, you even surrounded my Wu family now!"

"My Wu family....... Ahem....

The breath in my heart almost didn't come up.

"Old man Wu, don't get excited, we're not targeting you, we're just here to take that Mr. Ye next to you and me back, what crime he committed, we will naturally investigate clearly."

"So I also hope that Mr. Ye will take the initiative to come with us."

"Mr. Wu, if it's convenient for you, you can also go to the police station with us to make a confession."

"If it's not convenient for you, just explain it here later."

Luo Lili said with a serious face.

She began to think that Ye Fan had some special proclivities, but seeing Ye Fan's strength that day, she felt that this matter might not be as simple as it seemed.

A master of the Qi Gathering Realm, because he has no money to steal a house opened by others?

It is not simple to make money in the Qi Gathering Realm, so she thinks that Ye Fan has other ulterior things.

Otherwise, how could he have been arrested in the hotel at that time?

"You..... You.. I see that you are deliberately trying to embarrass my Wu family today.

"I won't tell you, call your chief, I'll talk to him."

Old man Wu said angrily to Luo Lili.

Ye Fan on the side did not interject, and kept using his internal qi to help Old Master Wu adjust his qi and blood.

He was afraid that Old Master Wu would faint with anger at once.

"Old man Wu sees that our director can, then I want you to move, not here."

"Mr. Ye doesn't know what you think?" Luo Lili asked.

Ye Fan looked at the scene in front of him, thought for a moment, and finally decided to go back with them.

"I'll go with you."

Ye Fan said with a dark face.

"Okay, in that case, let's go."

Luo Lili didn't let people handcuff Ye Fan this time, and it was useless for Ye Fan's cultivation to be handcuffed.

Then he arranged for the two to get in the car and set off towards the police station.

"Okay, I'll go with you, I'm going to take a good look today to see how this matter ends up for you guys in the end."

Old man Wu said angrily.

He felt that Ye Fan had not done anything bad, and all this was their own guess.

Today, he didn't give himself face, so he didn't put his Wu family in his eyes.

At that time, we must teach this woman a good lesson that does not know the height of the sky.

Let her know what she can't control as a little cop.

Old man Wu only saw Luo Lili's face clearly, but did not see her work card.

If Old Master Wu saw Luo Lili's work card, he would know how the person in front of him could have such boldness.

The surname Luo, and dare to argue with himself, that can only be the Luo family in Donghai City.

He probably wouldn't be so angry then.

I won't think of taking revenge on Luo Lili.

Not because the Luo family is a business predator, but because there are people in the center of the Luo family.

The Luo family wants to deal with you, it is very simple, casually get you a collusion with foreign forces, you are a traitor, your Wu family will not fall.

"Haha, the earthen turtle from the mountain was actually caught, then the labor and management will let you stay in it for a few more years before coming out."

Wang Fugui, looking at the text message on his mobile phone, said with a smile on his face.

"Looking at Li Dashao's attitude just now, if he does things well this time, maybe he will be appreciated by Li Dashao, and he may be able to climb up again."

Wang Fugui couldn't help but think in his heart that he had been appreciated by Li Yu and walked smoothly.

Laughed presumptuously.

After a while, Wang Fugui took out his mobile phone, called his little brother, and began to arrange Ye Fan's affairs.


In Li Yu's villa.

Qingqing took care of things and walked towards the house.

Walking into the living room and seeing the naked three, he didn't react for a while.

Especially when she saw the appearance of the two heroines clearly, Qingqing was shocked in her heart.

What's wrong with the world!

The young master was actually with Wu Mengxin and Zhang Yaoxi...

No, there is another one in the young master's room, why is it not here?

For a while, Qingqing felt so chaotic.

The three also noticed Qingqing who walked in, and the two women didn't care too much when they saw that it was a woman who came in.

Li Yu continued his movements, looked at Qingqing and said: "Qingqing, you will go back to the ancestral mansion today to live, you have also seen it, it is not convenient for me to leave you here." When

Qingqing heard Li Yu's words, he looked at the young master who drove him away, and felt uncomfortable for a while.

Aggrieved in his heart: "I'm not the little girl who only sticks to you when I was a child, I'm grown up now, and it's not that I can't do it." "

I was so hesitant that I wanted to get involved.

But such an idea was quickly dismissed.

If you go to the four women, will the young master not be able to do it?

Come back next time, forget it this time.

When he was about to walk out of the gate, he couldn't help but glance back at the few people who interacted.

Finally ran away with a red face.

Li Yu also noticed Qingqing's expression, but he didn't say much, holding Zhang Yaoxi in his arms and walking towards the room.

Wu Mengxin on the side also followed when she saw Li Yu's movements.

Walking into the room, I saw Chen Yuran sitting on the edge of the bed shyly.

Chen Yuran looked at the three people who came in, she was not shocked, she had actually noticed the movements of the three people a long time ago, but she never went out because of shyness.

The other two women saw that there was another woman in the room, and they couldn't help but look at Li Yu.

"Anyway, you will meet sooner or later, it's just a different environment." Li Yu said.

"Why are you still embarrassed?"

Li Yu looked at Chen Yuran and asked.

"Didn't... No, master. Chen Yuran replied.

"Today you are doing well, I have a baby for you."


Noon the next day!

"Jingle bells.... Dingding....

Li Yu was woken up by a mobile phone ringing, and picked up the phone in confusion: "Hey"!

"Stinky boy, it's not up at noon."

"I don't call you, you actually call me and ask."

"Do you still have my mother in your heart? Hui Devil Capital doesn't come to see your mother first. When

Li Yu heard his mother's call, he woke up instantly after falling asleep.

"I was too busy yesterday, I went to see you today."

"Busy? This busy is a busy night, and I am not afraid of physical exhaustion!

Li Yu's mother said in a hidden voice.

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