Old man Wu looked at the only remaining housekeeper in the room and said, "You tell me about the old man, I have committed iniquity, God did this to me."

"I'm all this age, and the descendants run and die."

"If it weren't for the old man, my body could exert its residual heat again, I'm afraid that my Wu family would be extinct."

The housekeeper on the side did not answer when he heard Old Master Wu's words, and he knew why the Wu family became like this.

But he can't say.

Looking at the frowning old man Wu, the housekeeper said: "Sir, I know where the eldest lady ran, she ran to Li Yu, and now she has a relationship with Li Yu's mother Hua family."

"Now she is also helping the Hua family."

"Our Wu family and the Hua family have always been competitive, and now that the eldest lady has gone to the Hua family, she knows a lot of things about our Wu family, and I am afraid that she will use those things to our detriment."

When Old Master Wu heard the butler's words, he said angrily: "This cheap commodity actually ran to seduce the eldest young master of the Li family. "

The eldest young master of the Li family is the junior brother of her fiancé Ye Fan."

"This behavior is really insulting to my Wu family."

When the housekeeper heard Old Master Wu's words, his heart was speechless, what is the matter with this eldest lady? It's not all because you forced it yourself.

"Don't worry, the inadequacy on her hands, as long as I am alive, she Wu Mengxin will not want to turn the sky."

"Don't look at her now with Li Dashao's support, when Li Dashao gets tired of playing her later, he will abandon her at that time, and she has nothing."

"When I die, I will also make a will and give all my property to my son."

Old man Wu said with cold eyes.

"Now I'm most worried about Ye Gongzi, I don't know what happened to him?"

"Alas, it's all to blame on that old man Wang, can't you hold on a little longer? It was necessary to break out of old diseases when Ye Gongzi was treating, and the harmful Ye Gongzi was now reduced to this. Old man Wu sighed.

Hearing Old Master Wu's words, the housekeeper subconsciously said: "I feel..."

But as soon as the words came out, he realized that something was wrong and quickly shut up.

In fact, in his heart, no, it should be said that in the entire Wu family, except for Old Master Wu, no one else felt that Ye Fan had anything special.

On the contrary, because of his arrival, the Wu family kept having accidents, first forcing away the eldest miss, and then the second aunt died, the second young miss did not send away, and the little young master also died.

It is a living broom essence that made the originally good Wu family look like this.

At this time, Old Master Wu said happily: "Actually, we don't have to worry about Ye Gongzi.

"Ye Gongzi has a big background! This time it was not painful for him.

"Also, even if those women don't give birth to a son to me this time, don't worry, Ye Gongzi casually get me some elixirs to prolong life, and I will create a few more descendants of him."

"At that time, I can also let my son worship Ye Gongzi as a teacher, then my Wu family will really soar."

But what he didn't know was that his Ye Gongzi was being hunted down.

And his master has also been surrendered.


At this time, Ye Fan, who had escaped for a day and a night, hid in an abandoned processing factory.

Looking at this, Ye Fan smiled at the corner of his mouth, he felt that this was a good place, he wanted to make a trap here, and entertain the people who chased him for a day and a night.

First he was ready to take a good look at the processing plant, and as he walked inside, the abandoned machines around him suddenly disappeared, replaced by endless darkness.

This darkness gave Ye Fan a heartfelt palpitations.

While he was observing his surroundings, there was a trace of black power behind him that continued to integrate into his body.

Ye Fan looked around, but found nothing, so he prepared the Zhou Tian deduction method and deduced it.

Find a way to crack this place.

Soon the results of the deduction came out, and Ye Fan looked at the results of the deduction performance, and his heart palpitated.

Directly in front of a blood-colored dead word, surrounded by dim death.

This time, he realized that he had come to the lair of some monster.

His pace of movement also slowed down, afraid of waking up the big monster directly in front of him.

But if he is careful, others may not.


Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded.

Ye Fan, who was in the dark, heard this explosion and knew that the person who was chasing him had arrived.

But now he can be said to want to cry without tears.

Now he would rather go out and go head-to-head with the people who are chasing him than bother waking up the monster in front of him.

But there is no regret medicine in the world.

This explosion is that the sleeping can be awakened in death.

However, this explosion is not all bad, and there is also good news, that is, this explosion has shown Ye Fan the direction to escape from the darkness.

Ye Fan hurriedly ran in the direction of the explosion, and soon he broke through the darkness and returned to the factory building he was familiar with just now.

As soon as Ye Fan came out, Wang Xuan said, "You kid can really hide."

"I have to say that your kid's method is really good, if ordinary people may have deceived you, but if you meet me, I'm sorry."

After saying that, Wang Xuan rushed up with Uzi.

Ye Fan looked at Wang Xuan, who rushed up, and scolded loudly: "Don't get in the way, if you want to survive, you should run quickly."

"We'll talk about it until we get out of here."

Ye Fan looked at the incoming bullet, threw a talisman from his arms, and muttered in his mouth.

All the incoming bullets were blocked.

Wang Xuan didn't care about Ye Fan's words, he finally caught up with Ye Fan, how could he be persuaded away with a few words.

"I won't give you another chance to escape, you must be here today."

Seeing that the bullet was useless to Ye Fan, he raised his fist and attacked Ye Fan.

Just as the two were about to fight together, a roar came from the depths of the factory.

This sound made the entire factory shake with it.

As a result, the beams and columns of the factory building fell off.

Then it caused a chain reaction, and the iron sheet of the entire plant began to collapse and fall.

And this roar also woke up five people in a villa.

Several people looked at each other.

The man in blue said, "Go."

Several men picked up their weapons and side tools and ran in the direction of the sound.

After the roar, Wang Xuan looked at Ye Fan angrily and said, "What the hell are you waking up to!"

With this roar, a trace of blood flowed from both of them, and Ye Fan also shed more blood because of his low cultivation.

Ye Fan heard Wang Xuan's scolding, Ye Fan was angry, he was chased for a day and a night, he was already enough to hold back, and now he met you this pit, provoked such a terrifying thing, and scolded back: "SB, that TM is awake."

"I don't have time to fight with you now, I still want to live."

"You don't follow me, run separately, there is a better chance of living."

Wang Xuan looked into the depths of the factory, and then looked at Ye Fan, who was weak and embarrassed, and said murderously: "Don't worry, that monster hasn't fully woken up yet, I'll take advantage of this time to kill you first." "

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