At this time, he had been hiding in the shadows, and Li Yu flashed out to stop it.

"You all me!"

Li Yu said with the Wanhua Blade in his hand.

She was also ready to run, but seeing that Ye Fan and the two were actually at this time, she still wanted to fight.

She can't both die here. This will affect the chances behind the owner.

So I had to stop it.

Ye Fan looked at Li Yu who suddenly appeared and was stunned, and subconsciously said: "Fairy sister!" "

Because at this time, Li Yu is really like a fairy under the ordinary.

And in this dangerous and tense moment.

Ye Fan looked at Li Yu in front of him, and felt happy in his heart, could she be the light in my trigram?

Otherwise, how could it come out at this moment of crisis?

Wang Xuan looked at Li Yu and said, "It's all you all the way!"

Although it was the first time he saw Li Yu, the moment Li Yu appeared, he realized that the woman in front of him was the one who had been following him all the way.

Looking at Li Yu's cultivation in the later stage of gathering qi, he looked at the depths of the factory, weighed it up, and decided to go.

He was not afraid of Li Yu, but the monster in the depths of the factory.

If you fight with them now, you will definitely not be able to tell the result for a while, in case the monster in the depths of the factory completely awakens at that time, you can't leave if you want to at that time.

Wang Xuan figured it out, but he couldn't understand what this woman meant?

Watching them all the way, now that the two of them were ready to fight, she ran out again to stop them.

This kind of behavior is not like what those families in Dongshi can do, they wish they had killed Ye Fan now and used this to deal with their own Wang family.

This must be a middleman for them in this matter.

Middleman? Li Yu's face appeared in his mind.

But why did Li Yu do this? Ye Fan's address was what he took the initiative to tell himself.

So what does Li Yu want to do?


At this time, there was a roar from the depths of the factory again, which woke Wang Xuan from his deep thoughts, he looked at Ye Fan, packed up his weapons and turned to run.

Ye Fan did not leave at the first time, but picked up Li Yulai: "Fairy sister, can you tell me your name?"

Li Yu ignored Ye Fan, but turned around and left, Wang Xuandu had already left, and she was not needed here.

Next, we must first report the matter here to the master.

What happened here seems to have something to do with the Lin family who has been following.

Ye Fan looked at Li Yu, who was leaving, and said loudly: "Fairy sister, don't go!" How can I repay you? "。

Li Yu came to the outside of the factory, called Li Yu, and explained the general situation again.

"Okay, you send me the location, I'll come right over."

"If you don't take it, you don't have to track Wang Xuan, you go and track Ye Fan."

Li Yu hung up the phone after ordering.

began to dress, at this time Chen Yuran on the side also got up from the bed and began to dress.

Li Yu looked at her and asked, "Why do you want to make this fun too?"

"I can feel that the roar just now must be a ghost god, and her cultivation should have reached the Earth Soul Realm."

"I'll follow and help you."

Chen Yuran looked at Li Yu and said.

When Li Yu heard this, he just smiled and said, "Don't look for any reason, didn't you just hear the news that there was your precious apprentice, so you wanted to go over to find him."

As soon as Li Yu's words came out, Chen Yuran's face changed, and finally he said hard: "This is the reason!" I'm like this now, are you still afraid that I will be bad for you?

Li Yu said with a smile: "Afraid, of course afraid, who is not really your master and apprentice have deep feelings."

"But I'll really take you this time, and I want to see with my own eyes how your master and apprentice have a deep relationship?"

When Chen Yuran heard Li Yu's words, his face became more and more solemn, and he was a little hesitant to go.

Li Yu didn't care so much, he went up directly and picked up Chen Yuran and walked out.

The mouth also said presumptuously: "Why are you still hesitating? This is your own initiative.

"And the next thing is not as boring as you."

Li Yu drove out of the villa towards the factory where the ghost was.

Halfway through, Chen Yuran opened the window and threw out something casually.

Li Yu looked at her and ignored her, but continued to drive.

Sure enough, if he didn't give them a chance, how would he act in the next play? What do you think?

I wonder what will happen when they meet their master and apprentice, and insert a kick in it?

A disciple of the Maoshan Lin family.

Several people soon arrived in the factory where the ghosts and gods were.

Looking at the ruined factory building, several people took out their weapons and waited strictly, not daring to relax a little.

A few minutes later, a disciple asked, "Why don't you see the ghost god and her minions?" The

man in blue with the compass in his hand looked at the direction specified by the compass pointer and said, "Don't relax, this is where that ghost and god are hiding." Then

several people moved slowly in the direction they were pointing.

When I looked closer, I saw a large pile of ruins in front of me.

"The ghosts and gods are hiding under this ruin, one person cleans up the debris of the ruins, and the rest are ready for battle."

Lin Wuyong came out at this time and said, "I'll clean up the ruins, you guys get ready."

"Good! Everyone paid attention to protecting the safety of Junior Brother Lin Wuyong. The man in blue said.


Then Lin Wuyong began to clean up the collapsed items with his bare hands.

After a few minutes, the waste was almost cleaned up.

Probably the appearance is also revealed.

In front of him was an irregularly shaped black object that also exuded an ominous, evil aura.

Seeing this object, everyone was sure that the ghost was hidden in this object.

But everyone looked at this object and didn't know where to start.

At this time, the man in blue looked at the black thing in front of him, and said with an ugly face: "This....... This is a move unique to ghosts and gods.

"She's impacting the Earth Soul Realm!"

"Old Heavenly Master said that day, this ghost god's hope has really fallen to the Condensing Pulse Realm, why is it still impacting the Earth Soul Realm now?"

If this ghost and god are successfully impacted, the people here in the Ultimate Earth Soul Realm will die.

No, no, at that time, I am afraid that ordinary people around here will also suffer.

Lin Jiayi said with fear on his face: "Then... So what to do?

"This ghost and god is no longer something we can deal with, senior brother, do you have any way?"

Even if this ghost god failed to break through now, its strength was already enough to deal with a few of them.

"What else can be done about this?"

"Since we decided to help Master solve problems, we can't give up, and now it's still breaking through, and we're not completely without opportunities."

"We just interrupt it first so we can have a better chance of winning."

The man in blue looked at everyone and decided to say encouragingly.

Although this decision may make them all here today, they must do it for the sake of the ordinary people behind them.

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