Anti-Semitic voices in Germany are now intensifying.

During the Great Economic Crisis, inflation in Germany was extremely high.

And it was at this most difficult time.

This group of Jews is frantically harvesting high-quality assets in Germany~.

It is better to throw out bread and milk than to sell it to the hungry - German population at a lower price.

They controlled the economic lifeline of the German Empire.

He became a vampire lying on the entire Germanic nation.

Mustache hated this group of people to the extreme.

This is also something that he will never allow.

And concentrating hatred on this group of people is also the best tool for inciting nationalism.

So when he came to power, he never stopped doing something to this group of people.

Even concocted a number of major cases.

Take advantage of popular dislike of Jews.

Mustache promulgated a number of policies restricting Jews.

Its main purpose is to make money.

The Jews in the country were very wealthy.

The wealth they had in their hands could even help him build a formidable army.

So when Fatty Ge said that he would buy this batch of retired second-hand fighters from Huaxia.

Without saying a word, I directly agreed.

And at this time another group of Jews was unlucky.

The mustache is unrelenting to them.

After Fatty Ge got permission from Mustache.

The big purchase began happily.

The bold direct purchase of 2,000 FJ-51 and FJ-47 fighters.

Although the performance of the two fighters is similar.

But one takes the air-cooled route, and the other takes the liquid-cooled route, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

The performance is top-notch.

And to a certain extent, the FJ-47 could even replace their Stuka dive bomber for many tasks.

For this fighter, the pilots of the German Air Force also liked it very much.

It can be right to the ground and to the air, and the performance is still so good.

To a certain extent, even more than the love of Mustang fighters.

So there was such a magical scene.

The Luftwaffe was not only armed with a large number of BF-109 fighters.

It is also equipped with two fighters, the Mustang and the Thunderbolt.

Ge Fatty this big hand.

Not only helped the Air Force clean up a large number of retired second-hand fighters.

It also brought a significant income to the Air Force.

The price of both fighters is the same.

One is 50,000 marks, that is, 100,000 RMB.

The fighter alone sold for 100 million marks.

In addition to these, there is a shipping fee.

As well as 1000 spare engines.

And repair equipment and so on.

In total, 130 million marks were sold in packages

Equivalent to RMB650 million.

In the case of turning over half, there are more than three hundred million.

A JF-5A sonic fighter sells for 500,000 and can be bought 600.

Of course, that's not how the ledger is calculated.

But it is enough for the Air Force to update a batch.

The Air Force side is happy, the fat man is happy here, and the mustache is also happy.

The only people who may cry are probably Jews.


The air force of the hairy bear is already scared.

A batch came in and a batch was annihilated.

Blyuchel even wondered if there were spies inside him.

Why else would they always be able to find their fleet accurately.

But that shouldn't be possible.

The reason is simple, now there is some confusion within the internal organization of the Air Force.

Even he, the commander, did not know when the fighter would arrive or which route it would take.

It is even more impossible for Huaxia to know.

They should have the means to be able to detect their fighters.

However, when he asked the fighter to choose the night to enter Mengyuan.

Sure enough, a large number of fighters rushed in.

However, a number of fighters were still intercepted.

This also surprised him very much.

The Huaxia Air Force was able to find their fighters at night and intercept them.

This also shows that the Chinese Air Force may have a perfect night combat system.

But whether it is or not, it needs to be tested.

Sun Liren said a little depressed: "This group of hairy bears is smart, and they specially provoke to fly in."

We have too few night fighters.

And it is relatively old, and the combat capability is not strong.

It seems that they can't be stopped from coming in. "

Xue Boling looked at the report from the Air Force in his hand, but laughed.

"My Grand Commander Xue, what do you mean by this laugh? Did you have a move? "

Xue Boling nodded and said, "That's right, the Air Force just sent it.

After they learned about the situation on our side, they immediately supported a new group of fighters.

Specifically designed to deal with this situation. "

Sun Liren became interested in these and quickly asked, "Oh? When it arrives, I'll take a look. "

Xue Boling shook his head and said helplessly: "It's over at Manzhouli Airport, there are still two hours to arrive, go quickly." "

Manzhouli Military Airport is one of the largest front-line airports in Northeast China.

Not only can it take off and land large aircraft such as B-36 and Y-10.

It also has the ability to repair fighters.

The equipment is fully functional and can accommodate three to five hundred fighters stationed and operational.

Guided by the tower, a brand new jet fighter landed on the airfield with a roar.

The aircraft landing in the runway is very similar in appearance to the JF-5 jet.

Or maybe it's the JF-5 jet. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, it is the latest improved model - JF-5C.

This latest improved model is very advanced in performance.

The appearance is slightly different from the JF-5.

The biggest difference is the nose.

Externally, its intake tract has been moved down to the jaw part.

From the nose intake became a jaw intake.

The original nose air intake was replaced by a black fairing.

Inside this fairing is a new airborne search radar.

It was designated FR-35.

The performance of this radar is still very good.

Its maximum transmission power is 200 kW and its frequency is 2000 Hz.

The search distance can reach 55 km.

It also has the function of automatically locking the enemy, and the maximum range is 25 kilometers.

The radar was integrated into the JF-5C's onboard fire control system.

The entire fire control system except for the FR35 airborne search radar.

It also integrates flight data computer, attack angle computer, data converter, flight display and signal data converter.

It has the function of launching a front-mounted interceptor rocket.

It's like it locked an enemy plane.

Then the fire control system will calculate its flight trajectory.

Then interception is carried out with unguided rockets.

The hit rate of fighters can be said to be a significant increase compared to before.

It is precisely because of the addition of this fire control system.

So that the latest model FJ-5C turned into an all-weather fighter.

The ability to intercept at night is already available.

In addition to upgrading this airborne fire control system.

The new turbojet-5A engine was also replaced.

Compared to the original turbojet-5 afterburner engine prepared by the FJ-5A.

Its biggest upgrade is the addition of an electronic intelligent fuel distribution system.

In the vernacular, a microcomputer is added that has the fuel distribution that controls the engine.

This microcomputer can decide how much fuel to supply depending on the amount of air intake, the condition of the engine and afterburner.

This greatly reduces waste and increases its range.

Its combat radius has also been raised to 900 km.

This model may also be the last improved model of the FJ-5 series of fighters.

With the great progress of Huaxia electronic technology technology.

Especially with the breakthrough of transistor technology.

A variety of advanced radars spew out like a fountain.

But this also comes with a problem.

The volume of the radar is getting bigger.

The FJ-5, on the other hand, adopts the nose air intake method.

This also leads to a serious problem.

It is not possible to cram a large volume of radar.

This is also the problem that Shenfei found when improving the FJ-5C fighter.

So only this airborne search radar with less power and smaller size can be used.

The Air Force side learned about this.

In the end, it was decided to stop the improvement of the JF-5 series fighters.

Shenfei was asked to redesign a more advanced supersonic fighter.

And it is necessary to have the ability to intercept operations around the clock.

So now Shenfei has put its main energy into the project of a new supersonic fighter.

The JF-5C also became the swan song of the first jet fighter.

But that doesn't mean the JF-5C isn't advanced.

The Air Force will still purchase this aircraft with all-weather combat capability in large quantities.

The original order for 500 JF-5A fighters was halfway through production.

The Air Force simply called a halt and instead purchased the latest improved model.

The number of equipment is expected to be around 2,000.

In addition to this more advanced JF-5C jet all-weather fighter.

A big guy also arrived at the scene.

This big guy is none other than the Y-12 tactical transport.

However, this time the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft came differently.

Because on its back there is a large disc.

And this is its radome.

That's right.

This new fighter is the YJ-100 airborne AWACS aircraft developed on the platform of the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft.

It is equipped with a high-power search radar with 360-degree sector scanning capabilities.

Its radar detection range can reach about 300 kilometers.

This is also the first generation of the Air Force's airborne early warning platform.

In addition to this search radar.

Its onboard equipment also integrates a communication system, a friend or foe identification system, and a directional instrument radio command system.

Able to guide a squadron of fighters into battle.

Compared to the TBM-3W carrier-based radar early warning aircraft previously equipped.

It is actually already a real AWACS aircraft.

This Mengyuan Campaign was a testing ground for advanced weapons of the Army and Air Force.

Various advanced weapons are pulled over for actual combat tests.

This is also the reason why neither Xue Boling nor Sun Liren rushed to start.

Otherwise, he would have waved his hand a long time ago, and the army would have pressed the border.

But it's almost time to get started.

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