At night.

Over the Mongolian Plains border.

A YJ-100 AWACS aircraft hovered in the night sky at 6,000 meters.

It was about 1:40 a.m.

A bright spot appeared on the radar screen.

"Report, detection of enemy aircraft group, number 47, distance 240, altitude 1000, speed 280, heading 0147, airspace F07 ......."

The air commander hurriedly came to the radar screen.

"Finally here, immediately let the Night Wanderer Brigade take off a squadron and knock them all down."

A radio wave flew towards the Manzhouli military airfield.

Less than ten minutes.

A series of JF-5C fighters with all-weather combat capability took off from the airfield.

The engine at the tail spews out orange-red tail flames, which are unusually conspicuous in the night sky.

A squadron of JF-5Cs while still on the road.

At this time, another wave of fighters entered the radar detection range.

"Report, new enemy aircraft group found, number 18., range 274, altitude 1200, speed 120, heading 0094, airspace F04....."

"Inform the airfield and take off a small team for interception operations."

It was after one o'clock in the morning.

Batch after batch of fighters entered the airspace of Mengyuan from the polar bear.

But today they are not so lucky.

The arrival of all-weather interceptors also completely shattered Blyuchel's plans.

These fighters of Mao Xiong have no way to fight back in the face of JF-5C fighters.

It is even unknown how many fighters were shot down.

Within the envelope of the radar.

None of these fighters ran away.

The 40 FJ-5C fighters of the Night Ranger Group flew multiple waves overnight.

There is no way around this.

Who calls them the only jet fighter group in the current Air Force with all-weather combat capability?

"How is this possible....."

When Blyuchel received the war report, the whole person looked extremely unbelievable.

Judging by the current situation.

The Huaxia Air Force has deployed night fighters specifically for them.

It seems that his plans are bankrupt again.

"Cancel the plan and put all reinforcement fleets on standby.

The telegram ordered all units of the front line of Mount Choibals to withdraw from the front line after nightfall. "

After hearing this order, many generals were shocked.

The position of Mount Choibal, they sacrificed so many talents to fight.

Just give up now?

"Comrade Commander ..."

Blyuchel interrupted the dissuasion rudely.

"I know what you're going to say.

I only know now that if I don't retreat, the troops of these two armies will be completely annihilated by Huaxia at Qiobalshan Mountain. "

Now he knows very well what is going on over there on Mount Choibal.

In the midst of so many days of air strikes.

Most of the heavy weapons were lost.

Especially artillery and tanks.

And morale is also very low.

The ability to attack has basically been lost.

If it is not withdrawn.

Once Huaxia dispatched large-scale ground forces.

Then the two armies of Choibalshan will repeat the previous mistakes.

Thinking of the Battle of Manchuria that year, he couldn't help but shiver.

On a new day, a new air raid began.

But now the hairy bears of Mount Choibals have also learned to be smart.

They built a large number of tunnel fortifications in the Choibalshan area.

In fact, the effect that air strikes can achieve is very limited now.

Because they hid everything they should have hidden.

Nor is it actively showing its head either.

Xue Boling slapped the map on the Choibalshan area.

"It seems that the time has come to directly dispatch ground forces and launch a general attack.

Take the whole Mongyuan! "

Sun Liren stood up and looked a little excited.

"Okay, hit his mother."

With an order from the command.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, a total of eight divisions, launched a general attack on Mengyuan from two directions.

In the direction of Nomenkan.

The Northern Theater concentrated an entire combined army of various arms.

A surprise attack was launched from the direction of Nomenkan towards the Mao Bear troops of Mount Choibal.

And in the direction of Suiyuan, a motorized army group army was also arranged.

It was the 51st Motorized Group Army led by He Zhuguo.

The task of the 51st Army was to raid Mobei and attack Kulun.

He was in charge of operations in the entire western part of Mengyuan.

In this direction, the troops deployed by Mao Xiong are relatively weak.


Nomenkan direction.

One T-54 tank after another ran over the rubble.

Drive in the desert at speeds of more than 30 kilometers per hour.

In the rear of the tank cluster.

Follow hundreds of BTZ-32 tracked infantry fighting vehicles.

It was the 2nd Panzer Division of the First Army that appeared in this direction.


At this time, one A-1 Skyraider attack aircraft after another flew over their heads.

In front of the Second Division was an infantry regiment of Mao Xiong.

When the forward tank units of the 2nd Division arrived in front of the position.

A-1 Sky Raider attack aircraft are constantly pouring fire on the position.

In the rear of the 2nd division.

Dozens of 155-mm tracked self-propelled guns, as well as 203-mm self-propelled guns, were lined up.

Heavy shelling was launched in the direction of Nomenkan.

This infantry regiment did not take any blocking role at all.

The anti-tank weapons in their hands simply could not pose a threat to the heavy armor of the T-54 tank.

After breaking through the Nomenkan defense.

The Mao Bear troops in the Choibalshan area were exposed to their front. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The news of the emergence of a large number of Chinese equipped troops in the direction of Nomenkan soon spread to the Choibalshan area.

Immediately, it caused panic among the Mao Bear troops in the entire region.

But at the moment, hiding in the tunnel fortifications, they could not do anything.

If they show their heads.

Then they are faced with bombs and rockets.

Let them simply not be able to assemble large-scale forces for defensive operations.

This time, the Air Force even pulled up the AY-1 aerial gunboat aircraft that was ready to be decommissioned.

In the complete seizure of air supremacy.

After destroying a lot of their anti-aircraft fire.

The aerial gunboat machine is equivalent to an artifact at this time.

An AY-1 aerial gunboat aircraft can suppress an area of enemy forces without raising their heads.

For this weapon.

Both the Air Force and the Army like it very much.

Its powerful sustained aerial firepower is unmatched by other aircraft types.

Since the emergence of the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft, a universal platform.

The Air Force again paid attention to it.

However, because of the new gunboats, there are too many new technologies on board.

I'm afraid it will take another year or two to enter service.

The hairy bear troops in the Choibalshan area had become turtles in an urn at this time.

If Blyuchel had started retreating two days earlier.

Maybe they can really run out of some of it.

But only now I think of retreating...........

It's a little too twilight.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Blyuchel.

First, he underestimated the strength of the current Huaxia Air Force.

Second, they can't bear the responsibility of losing Meng Yuan.

Therefore, despite the great losses, it has always been suppressed by the Chinese Air Force.

He could only bite the bullet and hold on.

"What? The Huaxia have already begun to attack? "

After hearing the news, Blyuchel slumped directly on the sofa.

They have already begun to lose their minds.

In the face of this desperate state of affairs.

As the soul of the Far Eastern Front, he didn't know what to do.

How to free the hundreds of thousands of troops of Choibalshan has become a problem that he needs to think about now.

But after thinking about it a lot, he couldn't think of an effective way.

Even now, his Far Eastern Front has more than a million troops.

But these more than a million troops are distributed along the entire long border of the Far East.

It also takes time to assemble large forces to free the troops of Mount Choibal.

Now he can only watch the defenders of Mount Choibals being annihilated, and he has no choice.

Just a few hours apart.

There was bad news.

A large group of Chinese armored troops appeared in the direction of the center banner on the left flank of the Tushetu Khanate in the south of Mengyuan.

"Mengyuan can't hold on."

After hearing the news.

The idea immediately came to his mind.

Although there are still 50,000 or 60,000 troops in the Mengyuan area.

However, these forces were scattered throughout the Mongyuan region.

Now Cullen has more than 20,000 people, two divisions of troops.

But in the face of such a strong attack by the Huaxia Defense Forces.

He simply couldn't cope.


He decisively dismissed the news.

He had decided to live with Cullen.

Because he knows very well.

He simply couldn't afford to lose Meng Yuan.

Even if he withdrew to the Far East.

He will also be greeted by the wrath of Comrade Obayashi and the court-martial.

Instead of this, it is better to be a martyr and hero in Kulun.

At least this way he is not a sinner of the hairy bear.

But a hero, a martyr.

But before that, he also wrote a letter to the Red Palace on 1.7.

In this letter, the details of the war are elaborated.

It is very objective to explain how strong the Huaxia Defense Forces are now and how big the gap between the two sides is.

Finally, it was summarized in one sentence.

The strength of China will surely become our fierce enemy.

It is necessary to be wary of their convergence with Germany.

If we can't defeat them, the Far East may leave us.

The letter also became his masterpiece.

Troops of eight divisions of the First Army.

There were two armored divisions, three mechanized infantry divisions and three motorized rifle divisions.

The number of T-54 medium tanks alone exceeded 2,000.

There are also more than 3000 BTZ-32 and BTR-32 infantry fighting vehicles.

Hairy Bear's forces in the Choibalshan area were easily divided and surrounded.

Lasted less than three days.

It almost annihilated this living force of the woolly bear in the territory of Mengyuan.

Huaxia only paid a large amount of ammunition and a small number of casualties.

It can be said that this woolly bear force of more than 100,000 people was almost smashed by aerial bombs and artillery shells.

And the 51st Army led by He Zhuguo also made rapid progress.

Just three days.

Six divisions of troops completed the complete encirclement of Kulun.

A brutal street battle is about to begin.

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