Street fighting has always been a method of warfare that the Huaxia Defense Force attaches great importance to.

Basically every unit needs to undergo some training on street fighting.

Even if you don't have the conditions to train, you will learn related theoretical knowledge.

In addition to training and learning theoretical knowledge.

It is the development of street fighting equipment.

And the BTZ-32 tracked infantry fighting vehicle and the BTR-32 wheeled infantry fighting vehicle at the beginning of their design.

This takes into account the need to face a complex battlefield environment.

So a modular turret design was adopted.

Allows vehicles to change different turrets for different battlefield situations.

And this time in the attack on Cullen.

Some of the BTR-32 wheeled infantry fighting vehicles have been modified with street fighting turrets.

The turrets specially designed for street warfare are relatively large.

It was armed with two twin cannons of 40 mm caliber.

This cannon not only has a fast rate of fire, a large angle of fire, but also a very powerful gun.

Ordinary buildings simply can't stop its attacks.

In order to enhance its ability to tackle tough problems.

Two AT-1 anti-tank missile launch boxes were also installed on each side of the turret.

This is also the first time that a newly developed anti-tank missile has been installed on an infantry fighting vehicle.

This AT-1 anti-tank missile is a wire-guided anti-tank missile.

The launch is controlled by the co-pilot in the car.

This anti-tank missile is relatively mature.

It was developed on the basis of the Little Red Riding Hood anti-tank missile, developed in Germany at the end of World War II.

It took more than three years of research.

Finally, this relatively practical and full-fledged wire-guided anti-tank missile was developed.

The main guidance method is still visual aiming and tracking.

The effective firing range can reach 2.5 km, and the armor-breaking ability reaches 0 mm.

When 29 years ago, no tank in the world could block its attacks.

This includes the T-54 tank, which is now equipped with itself.

This AT-1 anti-tank missile can be launched not only using vehicle-mounted launches.

It can also be moved to the ground and fired by individual soldiers.

Although this anti-tank missile is still very backward in Zhang Xueming's opinion.

But that's relative to the 21st century.

Now this anti-tank missile, which already has real combat value, is still very powerful.

A 40mm twin cannon, four anti-tank missiles, and a 7.92mm machine gun are all the weapons of this infantry fighting vehicle.

In addition, it is equipped with a completely new technology, a two-way stabilizer.

This also allowed its combat weight to soar to about 30 tons.

However, this also makes it a proper artifact in street fighting.

In street battles, except for anti-tank guns of caliber above 37 mm.

Basically, there is not much that threatens his existence.

In general, at least one squad of soldiers will operate with one BTR-32 combat vehicle.

In addition to this new turret built for street fighting.

The Air Force also flew 12 AY-1 aerial gunboats.

This thing hovers in the air at about 600-800 meters with excellent visibility.

It is not only for ground forces to guide the action.

Strong support is also possible.

The only downside may be that it's a little less powerful.

The 40-mm machine gun has a small killing range and weak offensive ability.

There was nothing that could be done about some of the more fortified fortifications.

When heavy artillery ploughed the outlying fortifications of the city of Kulun.

The Cullen Street Battle officially began.

Saying that it was a street fight also lifted him up a little.

The architecture of the entire city of Kulun is dominated by low-rise buildings.

And the whole city looks very dilapidated.

The degree of prosperity is not much stronger than that of a county town in Huaxia.

However, this is the most luxurious and largest city in Mengyuan.

Face the armored cluster that is generally used by tides from all sides.

Two of Mao Xiong's divisions were crushed.

The perimeter fortifications they constructed.

It's a joke in front of heavy artillery, tanks, the Air Force.

But hairy bears are also smarter.

A large number of anti-tank fortifications were set up on the perimeter, as well as barriers.

It is used to block the Chinese tanks from entering the city.

But the engineering troops on the Huaxia side are still very powerful.

The various engineering vehicles equipped are also very luxurious.

Basically, they are built with tanks or off-road heavy truck chassis.

Not only is the skin rough and thick, but the action is also very fast.

After spending several hours clearing a route into the city of Cullen.

A large number of tanks, armored vehicles stormed the city under the cover of soldiers.

and more than 20,000 hairy bear soldiers were killed.

The railway station in the west of the city is a key area for the two sides to fight.

The city of Cullen is narrow and long, and the Chengxi Railway Station is not only a relatively high location.

A large number of fortifications were constructed.

However, the terrain here is very complicated.

Not very suitable for heavy tank combat.

On the contrary, it is more suitable for small and medium-sized combat vehicle activities such as wheeled infantry fighting vehicles.

This is where the AT-1 anti-tank missile comes in handy.

Some of the solid cement fortifications, let alone 40mm cannons.

Even a low-bore pressure gun of 76 mm caliber cannot penetrate.

At this time, generally an AT-1 anti-tank missile will be done in the past.


They are also armed with a large number of anti-tank bazookas.

The caliber of this thing reaches 120 mm.

Replaces the original Super Bakazu.

Its caliber is larger, and its power is naturally greatly increased.

It takes three people to operate it, which weighs 10 kilograms.

In general, it is one shooter plus two ammunition bearers. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although such a compilation is too large.

But in street fighting, it can exert great power.

There are those with large calibers, and naturally there are smaller ones.

And there are also two models.

One is a 60-mm small-caliber bazooka.

Its main role is to provide soldiers with certain anti-armor capabilities.

The biggest advantage of this thing is its small size and carrying.

It has a strong strike effect against light armor as well as vehicles, enemy gun positions, small pillboxes, buildings, etc.

If you dislike 120 mm caliber is too large, 60 mm caliber is too small.

There is also an 88mm caliber bazooka available.

However, this thing is a disposable consumable.

After typing, you cannot refill.

The biggest advantage is that it is powerful, easy to use and does not occupy the establishment.

In terms of individual weapons, the IDF is now very well equipped.

Although Mao Xiong set up a large number of fortifications at the West Railway Station.

But it didn't last a day and it failed.

Unwillingly, they distributed a counterattack at nightfall.

Want to take back control of the West Railway Station.

In the face of the 51st Army, which had superiority in firepower and troops.

This kind of behavior is simply sending to death.

The street fighting in Cullen lasted only three days.

Although the time was short, the fighting situation was very tragic.

Of course, this tragedy is for the Mengyuan armed forces and the Mao bear soldiers.

The 51st Army did not have much effort to occupy and completely annihilate the hairy bear.

The casualties were also not large.

In total, Mao Xiong and Mengyuan soldiers were annihilated and more than 23,000 soldiers were taken prisoner.

Its own casualties were only about 1,000.

This is also related to the fact that Huaxia is fully equipped with body armor.

Nylon this material has gone up due to production.

The cost is also lower.

Dragon scale body armor made of nylon and other materials has spread to the troops.

It can greatly reduce the casualties of soldiers in war.

Compared to training a soldier.

The cost of this thing is much lower.

Of course, this thing is not used to protect against bullets, nor can it prevent full-power bullets.

But fragmentation with blocking shells and grenades is still excellent.

On the other side, the battlefield of Mount Choibal, almost came to an end.

More than 100,000 hairy bears were surrounded and suppressed by the ace force of the First Army.

It only lasted less than five days.

Surrounded by divisions, they could not contact their superiors.

Many chose to surrender.

The number of captured soldiers even reached more than 80,000.

Only a small number of diehards resisted.

Under the offensive of two major army groups.

It only took about half a month to complete the recovery of the main town of Mengyuan 980.

This battle that has gained the attention of the world has finally come to an end.

The impact on the history of war is still relatively large.

At the same time, it also dealt a heavy blow to Comrade Daelim.

He was full of confidence and wanted to be humiliated in the Battle of Manchuria before Mengyuan Yixue.

Unexpectedly, not only the 200,000 army was gone, but Blyuchel, the commander of the Far Eastern Front, and his marshal also committed suicide.

It also lost the important strategic buffer of Mengyuan.

In an instant, he even gave the order for a full-scale offensive of the Far Eastern Front.

But reason eventually prevailed.

This can be seen from the local battle of Mengyuan.

The Chinese Defense Forces are stronger than before.

They are progressing, and the Chinese Defense Forces are also progressing.

Especially in terms of Air Force fighters.

It crushes them even more.

The biggest defeat of the Battle of Mengyuan was the lack of air supremacy.

Meng Yuan was lost, and the Far East side could not beat the other side.

So Da Lin could only break his teeth and swallow into his stomach, swallowing this bitter fruit.

But he said nothing about the captured soldiers.

Even when the battle of Mengyuan did not exist.

There is no intention to contact Huaxia's side at all.

In the bearded man's opinion, soldiers should fight and die on the way to the charge for a great victory.

Soldiers who surrender deserve death, they are not worthy to fight for great victories.

As a result, how to deal with these more than 80,000 prisoners became a headache for Huaxia.

Kill them all, that's certainly impossible.

If it was a little devil, perhaps Zhang Xueming would not hesitate.

But they don't have much blood feud with the hairy bear.

All killed, it is not good for Huaxia's reputation.

Mining is not impossible.

Suddenly, Zhang Xueming thought of what to do with them.

That is to raise them all into two devils.

It will definitely come in handy when carving up this polar bear in the future.

Because in general.

The second devil attacked his own people, more ruthlessly than the enemy.

"The diehards were sent to the mines and were willing to stay and form a foreign corps on the spot."

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