The international impact of this Battle of Mengyuan was very profound.

It also once again showed the world warriors the great strength of the Huaxia Defense Force.

At the same time, all countries have begun to attach great importance to the development of the aviation industry.

Because of this war, the power displayed by the Huaxia Air Force is really a bit appalling.

In the opinion of many Western military experts.

This war can end so quickly.

And annihilated and captured all 200,000 of the bears.

Mainly thanks to their powerful air force.

Under the powerful air offensive of the Chinese Defense Forces.

Mao Xiong's army of 200,000 was powerless to fight back.

So now the theory of air supremacy in Western countries also has the upper hand.

Countries are increasing their investment in the development of fighters.

This point can be carried out by referring to the scientific and technological route of the Huaxia Air Force.

Everyone crossed the river by feeling the stones of the Chinese Air Force, so that it was not easy to lift a stone and shoot themselves in the foot.

At this time, Huaxia also became a leader in leading the development of the world aviation industry.

At the same time, it also completely made the name of Huaxia aviation industry.

Although on a lot of data it seems.

Huaxia is not yet a true industrial powerhouse.

Because the number of farmers in China is too large.

There are three main criteria for measuring an industrial country.

The first is the rate of industrialization, which is the proportion of industry in GDP.

At least 20% or more must be in the early stages of industrialization.

More than 40% is considered a semi-industrialized country.

A truly industrialized power needs to account for at least 65% or more.

In this regard, Huaxia's industrial output value accounts for about 52% of the gross national product.

It is a semi-industrialized country.

The second is the rate of urbanization.

It is the proportion of the urban population in the total population.

The urbanization rate reaches more than 65% to meet the standards of industrial countries.

At this point, Huaxia is not up to standard.

According to statistics.

At present, the urbanization rate of China is less than 20%.

The number of workers is only about 20 million.

Although the growth is fast, it is still less than 10%, or the standard of 40 million.

Another point is GDP per capita.

If you look at it by this standard.

Even the threshold of the early stage of industrialization in Huaxia has just been touched.

But who dares to underestimate the industrial capacity of Huaxia now.

In fact, this is also the reason why all countries are puzzled.

Because the development of Huaxia industry is simply not in line with common sense.

They are difficult to understand.

Why is the proportion of China's industrial population so low?

There are so many high-end industries.

Especially their aviation industry is extremely developed.

It has even shown itself to far exceed the level of the Western aviation industry.

They certainly cannot understand the existence of the system.

Although the rewards of the system are now mainly based on giving away resources.

But from time to time, it will also give away a variety of high-end technology.

Such as laser, infrared and other optical technologies.

These are technologies that are far ahead of our time.

The rise of China's aviation industry is not only in the military field.

In the civilian field, it now also plays a leading role in leading the world's civil aviation transport industry.

Now COMAC Group has launched two passenger aircraft, C-100 and C-110, to the market.

It also intends to launch a new large long-range airliner in July this year.

The maximum range of the C-100 passenger aircraft is only about 3500 kilometers.

Of course, the reason why it is not as good as the C-54 in terms of range.

Mainly because this thing is a simplified version of the C-54.

Because by civilian standards.

The original C-54 was too complex and too expensive to operate.

That's why McDonnell Douglas introduced a simplified version of the DC-4E.

This is also the origin of the C-100 passenger aircraft.

The 3,500 km range for intercontinental flights is too reluctant.

COMAC believes that there is a need for a large airliner with truly intercontinental flight capabilities.

Not only can it be used for intercontinental passenger transport, but it can also have intercontinental freight.

First and foremost, it must be able to cross the Atlantic without refueling.

Crossing tens of thousands of kilometers of the Pacific Ocean with only one landing refueling.

This standard also means:

This airliner is fully loaded.

At least 6,000 kilometers of range.

This also poses a great challenge for COMAC.

However, under the strength of Huaxia's strong aviation industry, these are not problems.

Everything fell into place.

After two years of design, manufacturing, test flight, and now finalization.

None of them encountered major problems.

The new aircraft will be equipped with four 3,600 hp piston engines.

Let its maximum take-off weight reach about 70 tons.

Capable of carrying 120 passengers.

Under the power output of these four high-horsepower engines.

Although its maximum speed is only 400 kilometers per hour, its cruising speed is only 320 kilometers per hour.

But it can reach a range of 6500 km when fully loaded.

The maximum range is 9500 km.

Although its fuel consumption is relatively high.

But it really has the ability to fly intercontinentally.

You must know that from Europe to the east coast of Eagle Sauce, the straight-line flight distance is only about 6,000 kilometers.

When fully loaded, it has the ability to fly non-stop to the East Coast.

From China to Europe. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It only takes one ground refueling to be able to fly.

This C-120 large airliner is launched once it is launched.

It is directly the bearer of intercontinental air transportation.

For a long time, it returned to monopolize the operation of intercontinental routes.

Not to belittle the scientific and technological capabilities of the West.

Want to develop a full-fledged high-horsepower piston engine.

It will take at least another five years or so.

At that time, perhaps Huaxia's jetliners had already appeared.

After the appearance of the C-120 large intercontinental airliner.

The C-100 will become a medium-haul aircraft.

It is used to carry out medium-haul routes up to 3,000 km.

This also means that Huaxia's passenger aircraft system has formed a series of short-range, medium-range and long-range passenger aircraft.

This is for the current Western civil aviation industry.

Definitely a dimensionality reduction blow.

For high-profile publicity.

This time, COMAC invited civil aviation industries from various countries to visit its first flight.

Civil aviation giants in countries such as Eagle Sauce, Britain, Germany, Itoli, Netherlands, Swiss-Turkish and other countries.

These dozens of civil aviation companies are important commercial partners of COMAC.

At present, 2,000 C-100 and C-110 passenger aircraft have been sold.

More than 1,500 of them were purchased by these civil aviation companies.

The remaining 500 were purchased by domestic civil aviation companies.

These 2,000 passenger aircraft have already brought more than 4 US dollars, or 2 billion RMB, to Huaxia COMAC Group.

It has only been two or three years since the establishment of COMAC.

Annual revenue capacity exceeds $100 million.

In the 30s, the annual revenue capacity exceeded $100 million.

There is no need to say what this concept is.

It can be said that the current world civil aviation has today's scale.

It's all up to commercial airliners on their own.

And want to be the aviation hegemon of the original time and space.

Airlines such as Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed and others are humbly living under the shadow of commercial aviation.

Their jets currently account for less than 10% of the market combined.

I can only rely on some small lists that COMAC can't look at to survive.

July 1st.

The maiden flight of the C-120 intercontinental technology was held at the newly built Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport.

This time, not only the executives of major civil aviation companies were present.

There were also a large number of journalists.

The number of journalists in the media alone exceeds 3,000.

It can also be seen that COMAC has the appeal and influence in the world.

Even if they look down on Huaxia again.

In the field of the aviation industry, you can only kneel down and call dad.

When the C-120 large intercontinental airliner was unveiled.

When sliding out of the test runway from the hangar.

It caused an uproar at the scene.

Exclamations and flashing flashes rang out.

This C-120 is still very large.

It has a length of 34.8 meters, a wingspan of 39.2 meters, a height of 9.8 meters and an empty weight of 32 tons.

The whole machine adopts silver, white and blue three-color coating.

Four large engines were distributed on the wings on both sides.

It looks very domineering and elegant.

This thing is no less than the B-29 strategic bomber they saw at the first Tianjin Air Show before.

This naturally caused a sensation.

Shen Hong, chairman of COMAC Group, personally presided over the maiden flight ceremony.

When the simple ritual is completed.

The huge airliner began to move (Li Zhao).

Four high-horsepower piston propeller engines began to spin at high speed.

Driven by power.

The C-120 large intercontinental airliner began to get faster and faster on the runway.

After gliding less than 1 kilometer, he jumped into the sky.

And this time, there was a circle of people around Chairman Shen Hong.

These people are naturally executives of major civil aviation companies.

Because this C120 passenger aircraft is still flying for the first time, it has not obtained airworthiness certificates from various countries.

So what exactly is the situation for this airliner.

They don't know.

But this airliner is so big.

It also shows the ambition of COMAC Group.

This is certainly an extremely powerful airliner.

At present, the cargo industry of civil aviation is extremely developed and very profitable.

It is also the main source of income for major airlines today.

In the case of passenger transportation, the profit is also considerable.

But after all, the customer base is there, and there are so many people who can get off the plane.

So they were very interested in the load, range and fuel consumption of this airliner.

Naturally, they found Shen Hong together.

Hope to know something from his mouth.

So that they can move on to the next step.

For these passionate executives from various countries.

Shen Hong was also overwhelmed and revealed some of the data patrol to them.

This also caused a great stir among the executives.

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