July 17, 1936.

A major event occurred in Mologo that shook the entire West.

On the same day, under the planning of Frangue, Mora and other generals.

The Western Spotted Tooth Colony rebelled in Mologo.

And the mutiny quickly spread to the West Banya mainland.

A mighty civil war in the West Spot Tooth began.

Within the next few years.

It has also become a gladiatorial arena for various forces.

After hearing this news, Zhang Xueming's expression ~ was a little inexplicable.

It seems that history is still on track, and it has not been affected by the rise of China - much to the European side.

This is also because China is too far from Europe.

For this civil war, he is ready to watch the excitement.

After all, this West Spotted Tooth Civil War has nothing to do with him.

But Zhang Xueming still underestimated Huaxia's influence in the current world.

He didn't think about it either.

Huaxia, thousands of miles away, will also be dragged into this international melee.

After the outbreak of the Civil War.

The fascist generals, led by Frange, quickly gained strong support from Germany and Italy.

Even later the Condor Legion was formed.

Helped Franche succeed in winning the Civil War.

But now Frange has encountered a very serious problem.

His main forces are basically in Mologo in Africa.

And there is not enough transportation force in his own hands to put this force into the battlefield at home.

This also put Frangue's rebels at a serious disadvantage.

So he found his eldest brother Mustache.

The mustache side immediately supported dozens of Aunts Junkers.

That is, the famous JU-52 transport aircraft.

They were also supported by 8 BF-109C fighters.

However, this is not enough for Moluoge.

The transport capacity of the JU52 transport aircraft is not strong.

It can transport up to 18 soldiers at most at a time, and its load capacity is only about 4.

The Luftwaffe could not bring out more fighters to reinforce them.

After all, many of their planes are sold, and the price is not low.

So he showed them a clear way.


To say that the strongest air transportation capacity is undoubtedly Huaxia.

At present, only Huaxia can provide them with transport aircraft in large quantities.

So under the pull of the mustache, Flanger found Zhang Xueming here and asked for assistance.

When Franco's people came to the door, Zhang Xueming was also a little confused.

How can this man give up near and far?

Isn't your big brother Deutschland right in Europe?

And he can't help this loss-making business.

After all, he didn't have any interests involved in Xibanya.

Why bail you out for nothing?

Aid is not good, but it can be paid for.

To put it bluntly, it is to pay for it.

No money? That's simple.

Provide you with low-interest loans.

However, low-interest loans can only be used to purchase Huaxia's weapons, equipment, materials, etc.

As for whether this loan will be badly debted.

In fact, there is no need to worry at all.

History proves that Franche did not only win the final victory.

And it dictated the West Spot for decades.

So lending money to Frange is completely worry-free.

It doesn't matter if they don't have money.

Their domestic mineral resources are still very rich.

There is also the uranium mine that Zhang Xueming likes very much.

Although the total reserves of this thing in the country are already millions of tons.

But he wasn't too much.

Before nuclear weapons did not appear.

The economic value of this ore is not high.

It's totally cabbage prices.

Now you can order more goods, and you can take them out and sell them later.

To turn over is to make hundreds or thousands of times the difference.

As for whether this will spread or not.

Don't worry at all.

He doesn't sell this thing, others will.

After all, there are not many countries in the world with rich uranium mines.

For example, kangaroos, maple leaves, these countries.

Exports a year are several thousand tons.

Earned a pot full of pots.

Free aid Frange knew was impossible.

But being able to secure a low-interest loan from Huaxia was a surprise for him.

Anyway, there is a loan to receive this.

And the interest rate is really not very high.

It doesn't matter if the interest rate is high.

As long as he can get the final victory.

What is this money?

Flanger also admired Zhang Xueming's courage.

Even he was not absolutely confident that he would be able to defeat the Republican army.

Zhang Xueming actually dared to give him a loan.

Isn't he afraid that he won't be able to get this loan back because of his failure?

After all, he failed, and the money was lost.

But Frange is not polite.

Gladly accepted the first low-interest loan of 100 million RMB from Huaxia.

The German side, on the other hand, acted as a guarantor for the loan.

Soon, Frange's side leased a batch of transport planes of the Chinese Air Force.

The main task of this transport was to transport his main force in Mologo to Seville.

Their side will provide fuel, supplies, etc.

At the same time, Fraunge also placed an order for a transport aircraft.

A total of 30 Y-47 transport aircraft were ordered.

The unit price is 1 million RMB.

It cost about 30 million here.

In addition to transport aircraft.

He also ordered heavy weapons such as fighters and tanks.

Among them, the fighters are mainly P-47s.

A total of 50 aircraft were purchased at a unit price of 200,000 RMB.

The tank stuff is still promoted by the Wehrmacht.

It is the T-34/85 main battle tanks that have been decommissioned in large numbers.

Now this thing is still used in addition to the National Guard.

Thousands more were dumped in warehouses. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The meaning of the army is also very simple, as much as it can be sold.

After all, this thing has been unbanned.

And not how advanced something is.

But if this thing is taken to the battlefield of West Spotted Teeth.

For the troops of the republic, it is a dimensionality reduction strike.

The first 100 million low-interest loan was all consumed.

The weapons and equipment purchased are all things that can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the national army.

However, these also require Huaxia to send instructors to Xibanya for training.

Stuff is bought.

But how these things are shipped is a big problem.

It will definitely not work by water.

The reason is also very simple.

Now sea control is not in Franco's hands.

The navy of the republics is not strong though.

But it's not weak either.

It owned three dreadnought battleships built before World War I.

It also has 1 heavy patrol, 5 light patrols, 23 battleships and 9 submarines.

They blocked the sea.

Therefore, the sea route will not work, and the only one that can be taken is the air route.

The rest is fine to say.

For example, fighter jets, transport aircraft can fly all the way over.

But what about tanks?

However, Huaxia's side is guaranteed to be able to transport it over.

That's why Frange purchased hundreds of T-34/85 medium tanks.

This thing costs 150,000 RMB per car.

And it's still second-hand.

If it is brand new, it will cost 250,000.

When the time came in early August.

The first transport planes from the side of the Chinese Air Force departed from China.

A total of 30 Y-12 tactical transport aircraft set off along with 50 P-47 fighters.

Want to travel to the West Spotted Tooth, thousands of miles away.

This batch of fighters is required to make multiple transitions.

However, this is also difficult for Huaxia.

The Middle East rented two places to build an airport for transit to Europe.

These airports do not house troops and are not used for military purposes.

So the local tribes readily agreed.

Britain turned a blind eye to this.

After all, there is nothing but sand on this side of the Middle East.

They don't pay much attention to this place.

So far, they have not found oil buried shallowly under the desert.

To say that the intestines of the Britons after the war did not repent, Zhang Xueming did not believe it.

These two fighters are in light travel.

It only took two days to reach Moluoge.

A large field military airfield was also built here during these two days.

It is used to take off and land transport aircraft and fighter groups from far away in China.

Located in the middle of a field airfield in Rabat.

Fraunge, Mora and other major generals of the National Army gathered here.

The transport fleet of the Huaxia Air Force has already contacted them.

Rabat Airport will arrive between around 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.

In order to show the importance of the Chinese Air Force.

Frange waited here with a group of people.

Under the scorching sun, the heat wave on the wasteland continues to rise.

All the moment is sweaty.

However, it was not the Huaxia Air Force that arrived at the airport first.

Around twelve forty.

Eight JU52 Junkers military transport aircraft arrived at the Rabat field airfield.

It is also the stronghold of the Franche Ministry.

All troops destined for native Serbia were lost, and from here.

It became a large military station.

Tens of thousands of troops were stationed around the perimeter.

However, so many people are transported by JU52 transport aircraft.

It can only be described as a drop in the bucket.

It will take at least a month or two to transport tens of thousands of people.

Therefore, Franchi's side is also very eager to hope that the leased transport plane on the Huaxia side can arrive quickly.

"Soon, they're coming, arriving in ten minutes.

Clear the runway for them to land.

This time they came a total of 30 aircraft. "

After hearing this news, everyone's spirits were shocked.

Under the command of Franco.

They cleared the airport quickly.

The German pilots of the eight Ju-52 transport aircraft were very depressed.

How? Looking down on their Aunt Junkers?

This is also the main transport aircraft of their Air Force now.

But soon they found out.

It is very normal for the other party to look down on them.

Because the Y-12 tactical transport fleet has arrived over the Rabat airfield.

And it is constantly lowering the altitude to land.

The Y-12 tactical transport aircraft is the pinnacle of the Chinese Air Force.

Performance is certainly not to be said.

Especially at the beginning of the design, the Air Force required it to be able to take off short distances under the runway in harsh conditions.

When fully loaded, it can complete takeoff at about 1,000 meters.

Although this Rabat military airfield is somewhat improvisational.

But there are absolutely no problems with taking off and landing Y-12 tactical transport aircraft.

When the fleet of planes arrived over the airport.

Directly stunned a group of people such as Flanger.

All of them are like hillbillies.

With shock, amazement, envy and other eyes looked at the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft ready to land.

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