Now Frange finally knew why renting a transport plane for a flight cost 50,000 RMB.

They are also needed to expand field airfields and tamp runways.

Because these transport planes are too big and heavy.

Its maximum take-off weight is 75 tons.

"Boom . . ."

The huge size of the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft fell on the runway paved with steel plates.

The high-speed propeller raised smoke and dust in the sky.

At this time, the propellers of the four WJ-20 Nu engines of the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft began to reverse.

This is exactly the thrust reverser technology of the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft.

Under the action of thrust reverser technology and brakes.

After only five or six hundred meters, it stopped on the runway.

Then he slid down to the side of the tarmac.

This scene directly shocked everyone present.

Especially some generals of the Air Force.

"God, are the transport planes of the Huaxia people so powerful?"

"I can't believe my eyes, how did the Huaxia people build such a big transport plane?"

The crowd watched as the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft stopped next to a group of Ju-52 Junkers.

The Ju52 transport plane is like a small man.

This strong contrast makes them feel even more "five-seven-seven" to shock.

Xibanya is also a quasi-first-class industrial country.

It's not that they haven't seen the world.

It's that they really haven't seen such a huge plane.

Even if it is so big, the landing distance is still so short.

The arrival of the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft also attracted more and more onlookers.

It took almost an hour.

Thirty Y-12 transport planes of the 7th Tactical Transport Group from Huaxia landed in the runway one after another.

Franche personally received the captain Shi Heng.

"I need you to move my troops to Serbia now.

Now the fighting has begun over there, and my reinforcements are urgently needed.

The airport, fuel, and supplies over there are all ready and waiting for you to get there. "

Although now the rebellion has spread to the country.

However, the inferior strength of the local forces has made the rebels' current situation somewhat difficult.

Historically, it was the German transport unit that flew more than 800 sorties to send more than 10,000 people over.

It took almost a few months.

Shi Heng nodded, and then asked, "Are the escort fighters ready?" "

Franche said: "It's all ready, German fighters and pilots. "

P-47 fighters from China are expected to arrive tomorrow.

But even when it arrives.

Now there are no pilots who can fly it.

Pilots had to be seconded from the German side.

It takes ten days and a half a month to form combat effectiveness.

So during this time, it is necessary to rely on this batch of BF-109C fighters from Germany to escort.

Shi Heng still trusts the BF-109C fighter.

Although in his opinion, the performance is not great.

But good and bad are also made by their own country.

Performance does not say how strong, but there is no problem with bullying the Republican Army.

The German side after supporting Franco.

Polar Bear also supported a number of I-15/16 fighters.

On the Mongyuan side, hundreds of these two fighters were shot down.

It is directly pressed on the ground and beaten fat.

Let the hairy bear side start to be unconfident.

I want to see if I can find a little field on the side of Xibanya.

But this time I am afraid that I will disappoint the hairy bear again.

In the original history, the German side reinforced a large number of HE51 biplane fighters.

That's why I-15/16 fighters can be used on the side of West Banya.

But this time they faced the BF-109 fighter jets that arrived early.

Doomed to be pressed to the ground and beaten fat.

Until the end of World War II, the bear's aviation strength was not great.

All the way to the age of jet fighters.

After absorbing German technology, talent and equipment.

Their aviation industry has grown in strength.

This quickly rose and became the only existence that could compete with Eagle Sauce and even make Eagle Sauce afraid.

"Lieutenant Colonel Shi, how many troops can your transport plane carry at one time?"

Suddenly, Frange thought of a question that had almost been overlooked.

A lot of the data about the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft is classified.

Won't even let the people of West Spotted Teeth into the cockpit.

So I didn't actively tell them some data.

Shi Heng said directly: "It can carry up to 92 soldiers, and the maximum load of the warehouse is 22 tons. "


A flash of horror flashed in Frangue's eyes.

But he quickly calmed down.

He said happily, "Great! "

It is not enough to transport the troops over.

And their equipment, ammunition, artillery, etc.

With a load of 22 tons, they can even transport their large-caliber heavy guns.

Early the next morning.

Thirty Y-12 tactical transport planes loaded with soldiers took off from the airfield.

These 30 Y-12 tactical transport aircraft were loaded with almost a regiment of infantry.

There are more than 2,700 people in total.

Their arrival will greatly strengthen Serbia's defense.

It helped them a lot to attack Madrid.

This route is only less than 2,000 kilometers round-trip.

You can fly about twice a day.

The troops of a division with personnel and equipment can be transported in a week.

Fraunge also exclaimed that the money was too well spent.

When the IRA got the news like this. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Immediately seriously condemn Huaxia's behavior.

However, the Chinese side responded that this is just normal arms trade.

Huaxia will not participate in the war between their two sides.

And Zhang Xueming himself had no interest in their civil war.

His greatest interest is to be able to earn money to support the military industry.

However, this trip to Xibanya also gave Zhang Xueming a wake-up call.

"We have too few military bases overseas, especially in the Middle East."

Remembering the hundreds of overseas military bases in the later generations of Eagle Sauce.

It also gives them the ability to deploy weapons globally.

Otherwise, your military is strong.

Without military bases as a springboard for influence projection, it would also be greatly weakened.

Why can aircraft carriers become a heavy weapon to deter other countries.

Because it is a mobile firepower platform at sea.

An aircraft carrier battle group can beat a small and medium-sized country without lifting its head.

The strategic location of this part of the Middle East goes without saying.

What's more, they still have so much oil buried under their ground.

This is also where Zhang Xueming must control.

It just so happens that Western countries do not pay attention to this place now.

It's also the perfect time to infiltrate here.

Once the oil here is discovered...........

Then it is much more difficult to get around here.

And now that the internal troubles have been solved, it is time to start the layout.

Persia is a traditional power in the Middle East.

Of course, this power is only relative to the current Middle East.

And now it is the Pahlavi dynasty that dominates Persia.

It was also a regime that was extremely close to Germany.

At the outbreak of World War II.

The Pahlavi dynasty even wanted to join the Axis powers.

However, it was killed by Britain and the hairy bear.

The Pahlavi king of the Reza Khanate was forced to abdicate.

As for the words of silly big wood and camel.

Because they are now closer to Britain.

If you want to infiltrate, you need to wait for an opportunity.

That was the outbreak of World War II.

So now infiltrate the words of the Middle East.

Persia is a great place to be.

Zhang Xueming did not expect to control Persia.

Later generations proved that the path of hegemony of Eagle Sauce did not go far.

Win-win cooperation firmly ties the interests of both parties and makes them extremely dependent on Huaxia.

Of course, it is also very necessary to maintain a certain amount of military pressure.

Otherwise, this will raise white-eyed wolves.

Soon the Chinese Institute of International Relations began to develop a plan on how to infiltrate Persia.

The Huaxia Institute of International Relations is only a low-level unit.

And this unit does not have any real power.

But this place is one of Zhang Xueming's think tanks.

Mainly provide him with foreign affairs strategies.

In addition to the Institute of International Relations, there is also the China International Economic Exchange Center.

There are also the Institute of Science and Technology Development Strategy, the Finance and Development Laboratory, and the Institute of Education and Social Development, starting with Huaxia.

There are currently eight such think tanks.

The first thing about the penetration of Persia was often the economy.

And the entry point is very simple, which is the railway.

Why was it that in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, foreign countries were so keen to spend money to build railways in China?

This is also about the same principle.

Railway economic circle was established through railways.

At the same time, domestic enterprises are encouraged to invest and build factories to help them develop their economies.

And then through this railway economic circle penetrate into all aspects of their economy.

5.2 When their economy is extremely dependent on Huaxia.

It has not only become a dumping ground for Huaxia industrial products.

It can also affect their economic life.

The second step is military.

They were provided with weapons for free or at a low price in the early stages.

In the name of helping them build a strong national defense force, help them train their troops.

When they used Huaxia weapons and learned military knowledge from Huaxia, the troops were all Huaxia instructors.

At this time, the influence is invisibly built.

The two cores of the economy and the military are affected in the case.

Naturally, they were tied to the chariot.

Then there is military protection for them.

In case they are invaded by the great powers.

And this power refers to the Britons and hairy bears who plundered their resources.

Naturally, military bases can be obtained.

Go to the garrison in an upright manner.

Once the military base is rolled out here.

Then the entire Middle East will be within the radiation range of Chinese influence.

When the time came in September.

Huaxia waited for an opportunity.

The Pahlavi dynasty wanted to expand the port and rebuild the railway to it.

So a tender was held.

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