The ruler of the Pahlavi dynasty, King Reza Khan, held regular meetings as usual.

Transport Minister Mahmoud Ahmadinejad briefed the king on the tender for the expansion of the port and the refurbishment of the railway.

This aroused a lot of interest from Reza Khan.

"Huaxia people? Are their businesses competing for these projects? "

Ahmadinejad nodded and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, and recently many Chinese enterprises in our country want to invest in us.

Huaxia's commercial department also invited me and Minister Sadat to visit Huaxia. "

An inexplicable look flashed in Reza Khan's eyes when he heard this.

"Huaxia..... Now China is a very powerful country.

They even completed industrialization in just a few years.

Now their steel production has even reached the world's first.

It has the most powerful air force, as well as a powerful army and navy.

Even the West is not weaker than the existence of Gallic chicken and Yiduli. "

At this time, another minister stepped forward.

This is precisely the current Minister of Economy, Sadat.

For what Sadat said.

King Reza Khan still heard about it.

He also nodded approvingly and said, "Huaxia has indeed completed their great rejuvenation.

Now Huaxia comes to contract our port and railway.

The two of you are invited to visit their countries.

What is this trying to do? "

No wonder they have such doubts.

Persia is just an inconspicuous backward country.

They themselves admit this.

Now Huaxia these behaviors.

It was clearly signaling to them and throwing an olive branch at them.

So this also makes them wonder.

Why do the Chinese people do this, what exactly are they trying to do?

"Maybe the Chinese people have their purpose.

But the strength of the Chinese people is so strong, and it is not far from us.

Perhaps our 29 can use the Chinese to deal with Britain and France. "

To say which country they hate the most now.

Then Britain and the hairy bear are definitely at the top.

Now their main purpose is to get rid of British control.

They had close ties with Germany.

The main purpose was to use the Germans against Britain.

Because of the many great powers, only Germany could do it.

However, in the original history, Reza Khan failed.

He was forced into exile in 41 years and hung up directly in 44.

For Huaxia, the presence of Reza Khan was very advantageous.

Because he was desperate to get rid of the control of Britain, the empire that never sets.

And Huaxia can be of great help.

However, when he did not know it, he drove away Britain and would usher in a new controller, Huaxia.

Of course, Zhang Xueming's means will not be so obvious, causing their disgust.

Instead, he influenced them in all his ways to achieve the goal of secretly controlling the direction of Persia.

This is actually somewhat similar to so-called neocolonialism.

It's like the later Eagle Sauce and Filipino.

However, it will be more hidden.

Because only then can there be real long-term control.

No one could answer this question from King Reza Khan.

After all, what idea Huaxia hit, they really don't know.

But whatever the idea.

It's not going to be worse than it is now.

So Reza Khan agreed to allow the two of them to visit China.

And they also directly agreed to Huaxia enterprises to contract their port expansion and railway reconstruction.

After all, they don't open much money.

Since the Huaxia people are willing to undertake it, they naturally have no reason to disagree.

The first step of the plan for the penetration of Persia was a complete success.

The second step was the visit of Ahmadinejad and Sadat.

With this visit, the two were wooed.

Let them bring back everything they saw and heard in China.

In this way, it is natural to be able to use the two of them to spread Huaxia's influence.

In later generations, in fact, such methods have become very common.

It is also the most commonly used means of eagle sauce.

For example, let them go to Eagle Sauce's house with opportunities such as economic and financial exchanges and scientific and technological exchanges.

Then it's about taking them to enjoy and let them see the power of Eagle Sauce.

Let them have a feeling in their hearts that the eagle sauce is too strong.

That's impact.

Of course, the premise is that you have to be really strong enough.

This opportunity is very rare.

Ahmadinejad and Sadat did not disappoint Zhang either.

Directly brought the big ticket person over.

It was enough to fill a C-100 aircraft.

This special plane was also customized by their king Reza Khan to COMAC Group.

That's about two million dollars.

The various decorations inside are extremely luxurious.

In terms of enjoyment, the king did not fail himself.

After they came to Beiping in China.

I was immediately shocked by the bustling Peiping.

As the capital of China.

At the same time, it is also Huaxia's signboard facing the world.

In terms of construction, naturally cannot be left behind.

Over the years, Peiping has been expanding and renovating.

Transportation, construction and other aspects can be described as changing with each passing day.

There are quite a few buildings with a height of time.

In terms of transportation, not only trams, but also several subway lines have been built.

The wide asphalt lane is also full of cars.

And how long has Huaxia risen, and the changes are so great.

How can this not shock them?

The first stop of their visit was the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Steel Base in Tangshan.

It is called a steel base.

It is because it brings together several large steel companies in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

They all chose to build factories here.

They are Capital Iron and Steel Company, Tianjin Iron and Steel Company, Qian'an Iron and Steel Company, Hebei Iron and Steel Company, etc.

Moreover, it relies on the supply of raw materials from the large iron ore belt and Jinghen coal mine in Qian'an.

It has the unique advantage of developing heavy industry.

Heavy industry factories in the Beijing-Tianjin area are basically located in Tangshan. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After all, as the capital, Beiping still has quite high requirements for environmental protection.

At present, the total annual output of this Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei steel base has exceeded the 15 million ton mark.

It accounts for about one-fifth of the country's total steel production.

Only the two steel bases of Benxi Steel Base and Panzhihua Steel Base have a fight with it.

Among them, the output of Benxi Steel Base is the highest.

The annual output can reach about 20 million tons.

Panzhihua Steel Base is newly built.

At present, steel production can only exceed 10 million.

This is also the third steel base in Huaxia where production has broken through.

And these three steel bases are not only large.

It is also the most advanced place of Huaxia steelmaking equipment.

Especially after the huge breakthrough in transistor technology.

Electronic automation control systems have begun to be used in many industrial equipment.

So when they came to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei steel base.

I was immediately stunned by the sight.

All are towering blast furnaces for iron- and steelmaking.

The entire base has more than 100,000 steelworkers.

You can also see what a spectacular sight it is.

Especially when they learned that the annual steel production here reaches 15 million tons.

They were all shocked.

Annual output of 15 million tons.

This is already equivalent to the annual output of most of the industrial powers.

And this is just a steel base in Huaxia.

How can this not shock them.

For example, Britain, which they hate the most.

As the world's number one power, the Sun Never Sets Empire is also recognized by the world.

Their annual steel production is just over 9 million tons.

It hasn't even broken through ten million tons.

Steel production in this era can represent the industrial strength of a country.

And their Persian state is not to mention.

They don't even have a more basic industry.

The annual output of steel is less than 10,000 tons.

After all, Britain did not want a prosperous colony.

Their predatory economic development doomed the colony to be just a dumping ground for their goods.

In this era, Britain's hegemony was even more excessive than that of Eagle Sauce.

After all, in the absence of nuclear weapons.

It is a hegemonic era of the weak and the strong.

Britain is the number one power in the world, and bullying you will bully you.

No country will come out on your way to help you.

The steel base is just the first destination.

The second destination is the Shenfei manufacturing base in Shenyang.

The manufacturing base of Shenfei Company is the former Northeast Airlines Aircraft Manufacturing Plant.

It is also the largest aircraft manufacturing base in China.

If you run full power for three-shift production.

For a fighter like the Mustang, producing 10,000 a year is definitely not a problem.

If it's a JF-5 fighter.

Although production is more complex.

But the annual production of 3,000 aircraft is not a big problem.

And that's what they visited.

Of course, secrecy must be done. 043

They were not allowed to enter the factory area to see it closely, but just watched from a distance on the periphery.

But the shock it brought them was powerful enough.

The place where they were taken on the third day was the Dalian Shipyard.

It is also the largest shipbuilding base in China.

For example, Huaxia's 100,000-ton super battleship was built here.

At the same time, there are three Midway-class heavy aircraft carriers.

There are more than twenty other warships under construction.

There will be no leaks either.

After all, the scale of the Dalian shipyard has long been figured out by other countries.

And it's not too simple to buy a shipbuilder.

So bringing them here won't cause any leaks.

Just don't let them see core secrets they shouldn't.

The shock caused to them by the Dalian shipyard is the greatest.

Especially when they stand in front of the largest 300,000-ton dry dock.

When he looked at the 100,000-ton battleship in front of him, which had already given a silhouette, his expression was as wonderful as it was.

Don't say it's them.

Even if the Britons came here and saw the construction of this super battleship, they would be amazed.

Because it's so big.

Although only half of the construction of the hull has been completed so far.

But it's clear how shocking it was when it was built.

There are also three heavy aircraft carriers on the side.

It's basically already wrapping up.

Two of them will even be able to launch this month.

The other one will have to wait another two months.

It is not only the largest shipbuilding base in China.

It is also the most powerful shipbuilding base in the world.

So it's also quite normal for them to be shocked.

The visit lasted about a week.

Everything that should have been taken to see them went to see.

Then all you have to do is get them back safely.

Wait for a while to brew.

You can proceed to the third step of the plan.

It is also the most important step.

Large-scale investments in the name of helping them develop the economy, industry.

As long as this step goes smoothly.

Then it is not far off for Persia to become the first little brother of China.

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