Another launch of three Midway-class heavy aircraft carriers.

The number of heavy aircraft carriers in China has also reached 7.

Seven 60,000-ton heavy aircraft carriers are also the top in the world.

Both in quantity and quality.

Huaxia's aircraft carrier fleet can also be regarded as standing at the top of the world.

And other countries are still frantically designing and building super battleships under the 100,000-ton super battleships of China.

Of course, they will not give up on this new type of aircraft carrier.

But this will undoubtedly slow down their development.

The first two of these three carriers are not much different from the active 4.

However, radar, boilers, ship electricity and other aspects have been upgraded to a certain extent.

At the same time, the three aircraft carriers will also be equipped with the Navy's self-developed first-generation short- and medium-range air defense missiles.

This anti-aircraft missile is called the Falcon.

It is a fleet-to-air missile with all-weather, medium-range, medium-low altitude air defense capabilities.

Its powertrain is a solid rocket motor.

Semi-active radar guidance is used.

The maximum firing range can reach 32 km.

Its main function is to protect against enemy aircraft at low and medium altitudes.

Used to hit the current propeller aircraft.

It can be completely described as killing chickens with a cow knife.

But that's not how the accounts are calculated.

As long as it can play a protective role, then it plays its due role.

This missile is also the only anti-aircraft missile currently in the Navy that was the first to enter service.

There is also a long-range anti-aircraft missile due to the slow progress of the supersonic ramjet engine.

So it can only be the first to enter service.

But for the current naval battle.

The missile, which has a range of 32 kilometers, is quite adequate.

However, the Navy also intends to develop a smaller short-range anti-aircraft missile.

This makes it cheaper to use.

At the same time, it can also form a short-, medium-, and long-range air defense system with two other missiles.

But anti-aircraft missiles for the current Chinese fleet.

It's the icing on the cake.

267, after all, aircraft that can fly within 200 km of the perimeter of the fleet do not yet exist.

But it can't stop developing because of that.

After the completion of outfitting and sea trials of the two aircraft carriers.

And early next year will be able to join the active service of the Navy.

The other, somewhat different aircraft carrier, is different.

Although it has just been launched, it has received great attention from the whole Navy.

The Midway-class aircraft carrier has an angled deck.

At the same time, its length has also been increased from 274 meters to 306 meters, the standard displacement has also been increased to 52,000 tons, and the full load displacement is expected to be about 65,000 tons.

The boilers were replaced with new, more powerful heavy oil boilers and steam turbines.

The power has increased by about 4, which is 250,000 horsepower.

This also brought the 65,000-ton full-row carrier to a speed of 34.

In addition to the angled deck, a steam ejection system was added, as well as a blocking cable system.

Two steam catapults can fully lift and land fighters weighing more than twenty tons.

This is also preparing the jet for the ship.

If various sea trials of this aircraft carrier are very successful.

Then it will be used as a template to upgrade the first six aircraft carriers one after another.

All upgrades need to be done 40 years ago.

As for the subsequent aircraft carrier construction program, it will not continue.

It will also be the last Midway-class aircraft carrier of the Huaxia Navy.

The reason is also very simple.

Because the Ship Design and Research Institute has completed the design of a new heavy aircraft carrier.

The Navy is very satisfied with this new heavy aircraft carrier.

Orders for 4 ships were placed directly.

Two ships will be started at a time, and it is expected that in about two years of service, 4 will be able to complete the construction work.

The new heavy aircraft carrier will have a full load displacement of 80,000 tons.

Larger and able to equip more and heavier fighters.

It is a maritime combat weapon prepared entirely for jet fighters.

The appearance of anti-ship missiles completely put an end to the Navy's plans to continue the development of battleships.

In addition to this newly built super battleship.

The Navy will not build a single battleship anymore.

Because in the face of anti-ship missiles.

Even if this thing is large in tonnage, it is just a coffin at sea.

Before before anti-ship missiles appeared.

The navy is still lucky.

It is considered that only anti-aircraft fire is strengthened.

It can also play a major role in naval battles.

And anti-ship missiles really can't be stopped.

The firing range was longer than that of the guns of battleships, and it did not play any role at all.

Perhaps the only effect is to be able to load more anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles.

It can act as a firepower exporter in the fleet.

The advent of missile time has also made the situation of the Navy's Keeling-class destroyers, Cleveland-class light cruisers, and Des Moines-class heavy cruisers very embarrassing.

This traditional ship is no longer adapted to the advent of the missile age.

Even if it is modified, there are great restrictions.

Moreover, the vast majority of these ships were not built by shipyards, but were given away by the system.

So the Navy is not distressed to retire here.

With the start of construction of a new guided-missile destroyer.

The design of a new missile cruiser has also begun.

The new destroyers and cruisers will use various types of missiles as their main attack weapons.

With the new aircraft carrier, the prototype of the modern naval system has been formed.

To be honest, the speed of naval development is not slow compared to the army and air force.

Over the past few years, Huaxia has trained a large number of skilled shipbuilders.

The shipbuilding capability has been greatly improved.

Especially after Jiangnan Shipyard, Qingdao Shipyard, Sanya Shipyard, etc. were put into operation.

The shipbuilding capability has been further improved.

Take the 100,000-ton super battleship.

In terms of the current ship-building capabilities of Huaxia.

It is possible to start construction of 4 ships at the same time without stress.

It's just that it's not wartime yet.

It is impossible to engage in such a cost-free construction method.

But this can already show Huaxia's shipbuilding potential. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In two more years.

Compared to the eagle sauce in its peak state during World War II, it is already very different.

In addition to these three heavy aircraft carriers.

Two more aircraft carriers were commissioned at the end of the year.

However, it is not a heavy aircraft carrier.

Instead, it was a fast escort aircraft carrier designed and built by the Navy after receiving Zhang Xueming's order.

In World War II, naval battles were fierce. (cjai)

It is impossible for the main fleet to pull to escort merchant ships.

But destroyers and cruisers alone are also very difficult to escort.

So escorting aircraft carriers can be used in a row.

And Zhang Xueming also hopes that these small escort carriers can come in handy in naval battles.

That's why these two light aircraft carriers were born.

The two light aircraft carriers were named the Tokai-class light aircraft carriers.

Its standard displacement is 10,500 tons, and its full load displacement is 15,000 tons.

Equipped with a large diesel engine power system, the power output reached 50,000 horsepower.

This also gives it a top speed of 30 knots.

Capable of carrying 20 F4U stealing carrier-based fighters.

It is still completely fine to use in low-intensity naval battles in peacetime.

Its main thing is anti-submarine.

This is also the greatest threat to merchant ships.

But in addition to being used for escort.

The Navy also wants it to have more uses.

Like transportation.

So there is also a dock cabin inside it, which can help carry some cargo.

The same can be used to transport large quantities of ammunition to troops.

It is even capable of loading soldiers, tanks, amphibious tanks, armored vehicles, self-propelled guns, etc.

Isn't it a little familiar to see here.

Zhang Xueming was also stunned after learning that this light aircraft carrier was designed to be so versatile.

Isn't this fucking amphibious assault ship?

To be honest, he just wanted the Navy to design a light aircraft carrier.

Unexpectedly, the amphibious assault ship was lit up by mistake.

If not for the sight of this aircraft carrier.

He almost forgot it existed.

It's time for December.

In the distant western part of Serbia.

A fierce battle broke out between Frangue's National Army and the Republican Army of the Republic.

This also means that the civil war in Xibanya has entered a new phase.

With the support of Huaxia, Germany and Yiduli.

Fraunge's national army can be described as strong.

However, some accidents occurred in this battle.

The IRA side was equipped with a new tank.

It is a tank that has never been seen before.

and the previous generation of medium tanks equipped before Huaxia.

That is, the T-34/85 tank is somewhat similar, and its shadow can even be found in the appearance.

And this tank is the new generation tank equipped by the hairy bear.

The maximum combat weight reached 32 tons, armed with a 76 mm caliber tank gun.

Not only is the armor thick, but the firepower is also very ferocious.

Even the No. 4 tank given by German support to the Nationalist Army could not fight this thing.

If it were not for the fact that they purchased a batch of decommissioned 88 guns from the Huaxia side.

And if there are few of these new tanks.

Maybe they lost this battle.

This tank was designed on the side of the hairy bear to replicate the T-34/85 tank.

The hairy bear imitates the T-34 gram, which has a magical sense of time and space.

After more than two years of imitation.

Mao Xiong finally built this tank.

However, the specific combat effectiveness needs to be known after actual combat.

So it was sent directly to the West Spot Tooth for testing.

And the performance of this new tank also made them very satisfied.

Although they were all destroyed by large-caliber anti-tank guns.

But none of the four tanks equipped by Germany were its opponents.

The hairy bear side is already very satisfied with its performance.

And it has already started mass production.

This anomaly also aroused the vigilance and sense of crisis on the part of Franco, Deutschland and Yiduli.

Franger immediately generated electricity for Huaxia.

It is hoped that Huaxia can transport the tanks they purchased as quickly as possible.

Now only the tanks of Huaxia can deal with it.

And on the German side, after their proud tank No. 4 was easily defeated in the front.

It also made them attach great importance to this situation.

They did not expect that tank No. 4 was not an opponent.

"We need more advanced tanks."

So the new business found Huaxia Ordnance Industry Group.

Itoli was also shocked by the Republican Army's performance.

But they couldn't make it.

So they also found Huaxia.

The T-34/85, codenamed the Type 32 medium tank in the Huaxia Military Trade Trade, immediately became a sweet potato.

Not only Fraunge's side added another 200 vehicles.

It also opened up the arms market in Yiduli.

Although the combat effectiveness of the noodle army is not good.

But it doesn't delay them to make money.

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