The current Nazi camp is still quite interesting.

Mussolini as the Führer of the Nazis.

It can be said that fascism originated from him.

So in the beginning, in the Nazi ~ camp.

Mussolini was dominant-.

Even Mustache saw him as an idol at the beginning.

However, with the rapid growth of Germany's national power, the ambition of the mustache continued to increase.

And the external strength and cadre on Mussolini's side were also seen by him.

So Old Mo's idol aura in the eyes of the mustache was shattered.

The Nazi camp was also gradually dominated by mustaches.

Mussolini, on the other hand, became a puppet.

In terms of fooling people, Lao Mo is simply 108,000 li worse than a mustache.

It is also called the restoration of the glory of the Roman Empire.

And what is this about the soldiers at the bottom?

They don't get any benefit.

Therefore, the soldiers who are not willing to fight at all, which is the main reason for their noodles.

If they really break out in combat.

Actually, it's still very strong.

Wasn't there a joke in World War II?

On the African battlefield, the Italians wanted to surrender, but the British on the opposite side refused.

So in a fit of anger, the Yiduli people directly pressed the British troops to the ground and beat them fat.

In the end, in desperation, the British army was forced to accept the surrender of this Yiduli force.

All kinds of ridiculous things can always be found in this group of teases.

However, this does not affect Lao Mo's desire to build a strong army.

As a traditional industrial power in Europe, Lao Mo still has a little money in his hands.

The procurement team sent is also very deep-pocketed.

The T-34/85 tank is good, buy it directly.

I bought a whole 500 in one go.

JF-47, JF-51, these two fighters are also very good, buy directly.

Bought 400 and 600 in one go.

The M3 half-track is good.

I bought more than 900 in one go.

Such as anti-tank rocket launchers, 240 mm super-large caliber heavy guns, etc. were also bought.

More than a billion were consumed directly in the Vulcan Industrial Group.

It also reached an oil trade contract with Huaxia.

Because the Yiduli people found that buying oil from the Chinese side was cheaper than buying it from Eagle Sauce and Europe.

As an important strategic material for them.

Eggs cannot be placed in one basket.

Therefore, he also conveniently divided a part of the share to Huaxia's side.

Although it's only about ten percent, it's a good start.

For the wild consumption of Yiduli, Zhang Xueming really did not understand.

I don't know where it stimulated Old Mo.

But when I think of Old Mo's dream of the Roman Empire.

And he understood.

The big patron just left.

Deutsche is a big customer again.

The person in charge of their Ordnance Summer directly approached Yue Heng, the general manager of the European branch of the Northern Ordnance Industry Group.

They hope that Huaxia will design a more advanced heavy tank for them.

T-34 g capable of crushing hairy bears in battle.

That's right, this replica T34 tank is also called the T-34 gram.

And the origin of the name is due to the fact that in 34 Obayashiko issued an order for the large-scale development of armored forces.

So under the inertia of history, the T34 tank returned to the hands of the hairy bear.

However, compared to history, it is several years earlier.

But this tank of theirs is not without problems.

Since it is equipped with a gasoline engine with a power of 450 hp.

So its top off-road speed is only about 30 kilometers per hour.

This problem was solved until the replacement of high-power diesel engines in 38.

Nevertheless, this T34 tank did give Mustache a head start.

That's why they urgently found the Northern Ordnance Industry Group.

However, they did not put all their hopes on Huaxia.

Henschel, Krupp and other companies were also involved in the tender for this heavy tank.

To be honest, Mustache still very much hopes that his own military industry can win the competition.

After absorbing the technology of tank No. 4.

Their tank design and manufacturing capabilities have been greatly improved.

However, Yue Heng would not give them this opportunity.

Such a big cake makes no sense.

So the Tiger tank was born ahead of schedule.

However, the Northern Ordnance Industry Group has upgraded the Tiger tank to a certain extent.

The main ones are power and armor.

The thickness of vertical armor will only increase weight in vain, and will not have the corresponding protective effect.

So the turret was replaced with a turret with inclined armor.

The tilt angle reaches 45 degrees and has a protection capacity of more than 200 mm.

This also reduced the weight of this Tiger tank to a certain extent.

Only about 50 tons of combat weight.

The guns were still 88 mm tank guns.

The suspension adopts the all-steel load wheel design of the King Tiger tank, and the rubber tires are located inside.

It is arranged in an overlapping manner.

Instead of a complex cross-arrangement of load wheels.

This new suspension method also solves the problem of difficult maintenance to a certain extent.

However, the cost is not low.

But this way of hanging is indeed more suitable for Germany.

In terms of engines, a more powerful gasoline engine is used.

This engine is also an optimized improvement on the original Tiger Maybach 12-cylinder HL210P45 engine.

However, a lot of technology has been upgraded.

While increasing reliability, it also increases its power.

700 horsepower was added to the 100 horsepower to 800.

This also brings the new Tiger's power-to-weight ratio to 16 horsepower per ton.

There was no small horse-drawn cart.

The top speed of the new Tiger tank also reached 45 kilometers per hour.

There is no need to limit its speed, and it can be driven at speeds of up to 3500 rpm.

and the T-34/85 tank can compare with the mechanical power. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This new Tiger tank can be said to be extremely classic.

It can be seen as a template for heavy tanks.

At least for now, the performance is excellent.

Maneuver, firepower, protection, etc. are basically balanced.

However, it also has a very big drawback.

That's expensive, and it's very expensive.

Because alloys of tank armor, engines, tank guns, shells, etc. all require the use of rare metals.

Plus the manufacturing process of heavy tanks is inherently more complicated.

Its single unit is expected to sell for more than 150,000 marks.

Of course, if it is produced in China.

The cost doesn't have to be that high.

But if you add freight, then the cost goes straight up.

However, the net profit of one is not low.

Almost 50,000 marks, that is, 100,000 RMB.

However, the premise is that the bid can be won.

In terms of the performance of this new Tiger tank.

The possibility of winning the bid is still very high.

The design drawings have already been prepared.

Therefore, Huaxia North Ordnance Industry Group began the manufacturing of prototype parts.

After these parts are produced.

These will be transported by plane to Germany for final assembly.

If you use a merchant ship, the speed is too slow.

The development of the southwest began as early as the reconquest of these places.

The entire southwest region will have Chengdu as the core.

Build a heavy industry base located in the rear of China.

Among them, the role of Pangang in it is crucial.

Many military enterprises have factories in the southwest region.

The Northern Ordnance Industries Group is no exception.

In Chongqing, they have a large tractor production base.

Both military tanks and civilian tractors are produced.

Among them, civilian tractors are also one of the important sources of income for these tractor factories.

The tractor factory still has two T-34 gram lines.

It is mainly used for the refurbishment of tanks.

The Army still has about 10,000 T-34/85 medium tanks.

In addition to the National Guard, which is equipped with about 2,000 vehicles.

There are about 8,000 more.

That's not counting the thousand or so sold before.

However, this time the army also saw the hope of selling a lot of T-34/85 medium tanks.

That's the West Spotted Tooth Battlefield.

When Frangue's side captured Serbia, he began to urgently build a large military airport.

The Huaxia side requires that the runway must be built with high-standard military concrete.

And the length must be more than 3500 meters.

The Y-10 strategic transport aircraft still has very high requirements for the takeoff and landing of the runway.

Especially if you are loaded with heavy loads.

It took almost a week to build.

The first phase of the military airfield is considered complete.

And the Huaxia side also began to arrange transport aircraft for transportation work.

A Y-10 strategic transport aircraft will recover $10,000 a fee.

This is already equivalent to a third of the price of a tank.

After all, it's only $50,000 for one of these things.

Soon the first batch of 12 Y-12 strategic transport aircraft took off from the military airfield in Chengdu.

With a full load, the range of the Y-10 strategic transport aircraft is only about 6000 kilometers.

So you have to refuel halfway through.

And Persia played a crucial role at this time.

However, this time, the strategic air force command does not intend to allow the strategic transport aircraft to the West Banya to land and refuel.

Instead, it intends to use this mission as an aerial exercise based on actual combat standards.

The drill was aerial refueling technology.

The first aerial refueling appeared back in the 20s.

How could such an important technology be ignored by the Air Force.

When there was the Y-10 strategic transport aircraft, a huge aerial platform.

The tanker project has already begun development work simultaneously.

In addition, two technologies, hose refueling and rigid pipe refueling, have also been developed.

These two aerial refueling technologies can be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Hose refueling technology is simple, allowing simultaneous refueling of multiple fighters.

The biggest advantage of hard pipe refueling is that it is faster and more stable.

Won't throw around when refueling.

Basically, the tanker only needs to maintain a certain speed and altitude flight.

The operator of the tanker will operate the hard tube to refuel the tanker in the air.

The KY-10 aerial tanker developed on the Y-10 strategic transport aircraft platform has two refueling technologies: hard pipe and hose.

Two hoses are placed on the left and right wings.

Hard-tube refueling is located at the tail of the aircraft.

This time, the Air Force sent a total of 12 aerial tankers to the military airfield in Persia.

With the current relationship between the two countries, there is still no problem in borrowing some airports.

And the Persian side also said that all oil was provided by them free of charge.

This is where the bottom gas of oil-producing countries lies.

Although their oil quality is a little worse.

However, the WJ-30 Yangtze River turbo engine does not have high requirements for the quality of oil, but it can still be used.

This also saves China from the trouble of transporting aviation kerosene back and forth.

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