Over the northwestern region of Persia.

Twelve Y-10 strategic transport planes loaded with a T-34/85 and a large amount of ammunition and spare parts flew at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour at 8,000 meters in the air.

After coming to the designated refueling airspace.

They slowed down to 280 kilometers per hour.

At this time, they also saw 12 KY-10 aerial tankers in the airspace ahead, which were already waiting for them.

In less than ten minutes, the two sides completed their rendezvous in the air.

The 12 tankers began to stabilize their altitude and speed, slowly approaching the group of tankers ahead.

About 5 minutes later.

The first tanker was already very close to the tanker.

The oil hatch hatch cover on the top is open.

And the hard tube in the tail of the KY-10 air tanker in front has also been protruded.

The tanker inside the cabin looks at the black and white screen in front of him.

Constantly control the docking of the hard pipe and the oil receiving port.

This also tested his technical and psychological qualities.

This was also the first time their crew flew an aerial refueling mission.

And it's still on such a large scale.

Although the tanker was a little nervous, his hand was very steady.

The refueling hose is constantly moving with the shaking of the oil inlet.

It took almost three minutes.

The refueling pipe finally completed the "987" docking with the oil receiver.

Large amounts of jet fuel began to enter the fuel tanks of the Y-10 strategic transport aircraft along with the hard pipes.

There were also surprises.

Three transport aircraft failed in the first refueling.

However, they all succeeded in the second attempt.

Failure is inevitable.

After all, aerial refueling itself is a test of technology.

When 12 Y-10 strategic transport aircraft completed aerial refueling.

He flew straight towards Serbia, in the western region.

Almost 5500 km distance.

Having already filled with dozens of tons of aviation kerosene, it was enough to support their arrival in Serbia.

5500 km distance.

The fleet cruised at 400 kilometers per hour.

It took almost 14 hours to finally reach the skies over Serbia.

Franco's National Army also sent more than a dozen BF-109 fighters to escort the convoy.

And the fighters they purchased from Huaxia did not have pilots who could fly skillfully.

Training is still ongoing.

It will take at least half a year or so to be put into use.

Fraunge, on his part, wanted to hire Huaxia Air Force pilots as volunteers to help them in Xibanya.

However, Zhang Xueming refused.

First, there is no shortage of actual combat pilots in the Huaxia Air Force.

Second, Huaxia and Xibanya are just normal military and trade relations, and there are no other interests involved.

So he didn't want his pilots to fight meaningless battles because of this unprofitable war.

Unless Franco's side is already in a state of big headwind.

Then for the hundreds of millions of loans he owes.

Zhang Xueming is expected to send soldiers into the West Banya to fight.

After all, that's hundreds of millions.

You can't get it off the beaten track.

And as the battle progresses.

The amount of this loan will become larger and larger.

There is no doubt about that.

The operators of the escort fighter group were all active German pilots.

When they saw the Y-10 strategic bomber group.

Their radio channel went straight to the fryer.

Every eye and pupil are shaking.

Look at this huge fleet of air transport aircraft in disbelief.

It was also the first time they had seen a transport plane of such a size.

Y-12 tactical transport aircraft, they have seen.

That was enough to amaze them.

After all, it is even bigger than the Y-47 and Y-54 that they purchased from Huaxia.

Much bigger than their home-produced Aunt Juncker.

However, these transport aircraft mentioned above all look like a small size in front of this transport aircraft.

This includes the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft with a payload of 22 tons.

After all, an air is only about 30 tons, and an empty weight is about 50 tons.

"God, is this the transport plane of the Huaxia people?"

Among Serbian military airfields.

When Fraanger and others saw the Y-10 strategic transport plane in the middle of landing.

The expression was even more wonderful than when I saw the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft.

Human beings are often full of fear and reverence for giants.

The Y-10 strategic transport aircraft is an undisputed giant in the current aviation world.

As seen by later generations An-124. Strategic transport aircraft such as the C-5 Super Galaxy in general.

Now Frange finally understood why Huaxia wanted them to build the airport so big.

Only such a large airport can accommodate these super transport aircraft.

He also knew why the Type 32 tanks they had purchased had been airlifted.

Only such a huge transport aircraft can hold tanks weighing more than 35 tons.

When the Y-10 strategic transport aircraft came to a standstill in the tarmac.

The mussel hatch in the tail section opens.

A few minutes later, a T-34/85 medium tank with its head held high slowly drove out of it.

The shock this scene brought them was incomparably great.

At this time, several reporters also filmed this extremely shocking scene.

The next day, it caused great shocks in Europe, America and other regions.

"The greatest miracle in human history, a miracle created by the Chinese people."

"If there are ten wonders of the 20th century, it will definitely be in the top three."

"In the field of aviation, the Chinese people have left us far behind, what about our large aircraft?"

"We simply can't build such an aircraft, a few years ago China was an agricultural country, how did they do it?"

The appearance of the Y-10 strategic transport aircraft can be described as stunned everyone.

Anyone who sees its huge size will be shocked by it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This transport aircraft can fly tens of thousands of kilometers.

Tanks weighing up to 35 tons were sent to Europe, thousands of miles away.

How can such a powerful air transportation capability not be shocking?

It has also made some countries feel fear.

For example, a small book located on an island country.

Huaxia is so close to them.

If Huaxia lands on their mainland one day.

This transport aircraft can easily and quickly deliver tanks to their home country.

This is undoubtedly disastrous for them.

On the sea, they still have the confidence to stop Huaxia's sea landing operation.

After all, they fought the super battleship, and the Yamato class had already begun to lay the keel.

But if it's air, can they stop it?

The answer is also very pessimistic.

Can't stop it, can't stop it at all.

At the same time, there is also the hairy bear side.

Although they have a vast Siberia as a strategic depth.

But Huaxia has such a frightening air transport capability.

Can their strategic depth really be effective?

As a result, high-altitude heavy fighters also became their research objects.

Under the orders of the Great Forest...........

They had to build fighters capable of intercepting such giant transport aircraft.

The outside world is turbulent, and the wind and waves on the Huaxia side are calm.

The Y-10 strategic transport aircraft is no longer the most advanced strategic transport aircraft of the Chinese Air Force.

Because the Y-10 strategic transport aircraft has undergone another upgrade.

This upgrade is mainly to replace it with a WJ-20A Nujiang turboprop engine with more advanced performance and more powerful power.

The improved WJ-20 Nujiang engine has reached a single limit power output of 7,000 horsepower.

Together, the four are 24,000 horsepower.

This also makes the new Y-10A strategic transport aircraft have made significant progress in terms of range and speed.

Its maximum flight speed is 750 kilometers per hour.

The cruising speed reached 650 km/h.

The maximum range is 15,000 kilometers.

It can fly almost 9,000 kilometers with a full load.

Before the outbreak of World War II.

This Y-10A is a strategic transport force that plays an important role in the strategic air force.

After completing this transportation mission.

More than 100 Y-10 strategic transport aircraft will be pulled back to the west for improvement.

All Y-10 strategic transport aircraft will be upgraded to the more advanced A.

Such a huge progress is naturally due to the PH-30 twin-rotor core engine.

An excellent core aircraft will greatly drive the development of the aviation industry.

A series of engines are already being developed on the basis of the PH-30 core engine.

There are basically all power ranges.

This includes gas turbine engines.

The main direction of application is marine use.

At present, the light gas turbine engine based on the turbojet-1 engine has been installed on small non-combat ships for experiments.

Such as high-speed gunboats, coast guard ships, etc.

In the field of aviation power.

Huaxia's side is directly open.

And with the blessing of many top researchers in research institutions.

This hanging is getting bigger and bigger, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Just like this WJ-20A motive.

It's basically technology from around the 60s. 2.8 and now it has been developed abruptly.

It can also be seen how exaggerated it is.

When the time came January 1, 1937.

The land of Huaxia is full of lively firecrackers.

Although it is not yet the Spring Festival.

But the people are enthusiastic about the arrival of New Year's Day.

Because in the eyes of the people, this is a year worth remembering.

After that year, they would never go hungry again.

And in Zhang Xueming's residence.

The Zhang and Lin families also gathered together to spend this New Year's Day.

When everyone had finished eating, they all began to fiddle with a black box in the living room.

This black box is very ugly and simple in Zhang Xueming's opinion.

Of course, it is also very familiar.

But in the eyes of Zhang Hanqing, Yu Fengzhi, Lin Father Lin Mu and Lin Su, it is a very new thing.

Under their fiddling.

Soon the screen of this black box lit up.

This thing is the color TV successfully developed by Changchun Electronics Factory two months ago.

And it's already on sale.

But now televisions are extremely expensive.

It's better than a car.

And there are very few current programs.

The hottest show is also the movie channel.

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