In the southern waters of the South China Sea, near the Nansha Islands.

The Japanese fast fleet sailed for nearly three days.

Finally arrived here from near the Balintang Strait.

Now they are still more than 300 nautical miles away from the confrontation between the Chinese and British navies.

Give them another dozen hours to arrive.

What they don't know, though.

The two fleets of the main fleet of Huaxia have already rushed towards them.

And the side of the English Expeditionary Fleet after knowing this situation.

He did not choose to inform the Yin side of the news.

Because he knew that the Huaxia people had discovered the arrival of the Yan fleet.

And the main forces have already been sent against them.

His judgment was indeed correct.

The arrival of the Yan fleet can indeed help him break the game.

At this time, it was they who attracted the attention of the Huaxia fleet in the front.

And of course he decisively chose to slip away.

Straight towards the port of Xinjiapo.

This time, he knew that although he lost the face of the invincible navy of the entire British Empire, he damaged the prestige of the first naval power.

But he at least saved the fleet.

Compared to the face.

It is more practical to keep the warships.

If for the sake of the so-called face.

If you start a war with the Huaxia Navy in such a disadvantageous situation.

That's just stupid.

Because without this fleet.

The British Empire is really finished.

The reason is also very simple.

Once they lost a powerful navy.

Then colonies all over the world will become independent or be swallowed by other countries.

This included their most important Indian colony.

Once the colony is lost, the consequences can be imagined.

Now the Yan people are thundering in front.

They just slipped away is already the best result.

As for telling the Yankoku?

That's completely unnecessary.

He also wanted to see what the real combat power of the Huaxia Navy was.

Is it strong outside and dry in the middle, or if their luxury ships are average, and their combat effectiveness is also very strong.

The fleet of the Yin people is the test stone.

How could he have informed them of the news?

Chen Shaokuan led the first and second fleets towards the area where the Yin fast fleet was located at a speed of more than 20 knots per hour.

A fast fleet to deal with the small Uguo Navy Combined Fleet will definitely not need two major fleets to attack.

But there is another neighbor in the north who is about to move.

This neighbor is naturally the hairy bear's Far Eastern fleet.

According to intelligence.

The main forces of the Far Eastern fleet of the hairy bear left the port of Vladivostok.

It appeared in the waters near Jeju Island.

In this conflict in the South China Sea, he took away the main force of the Chinese fleet.

As a result, the forces in the northern seas are empty.

So he ordered the Second Fleet to return to the East China Sea.

In the middle of the way, this small fleet of little devils was just destroyed.

After destroying this fleet of the little devils.

He will also lead the main forces of the First Fleet and the Little Devil Combined Fleet to have fun.

Take this opportunity to hone the Navy's combat capabilities.

"Send a destroyer fleet and let the little devils try the power of our anti-ship missiles."

No need to save me ammunition.

We still have this missile money'. "

Anti-ship missiles are so powerful.

But there has never been a chance to actually fight.

This is an opportunity.

Take a look at how strong the FJ-35 anti-ship missile really is.

With the giving of the order.

Twelve Keeling-class guided-missile destroyers and 2 rapid integrated supply ships left the formation.

Among them, two integrated supply ships are auxiliary ships independently designed by Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute.

It is possible to supply the fleet with various supplies such as fuel, aviation fuel, ammunition, food, spare parts, etc.

It is a nanny that the fleet must bring to the ocean.

The displacement of this ocean-going rapid integrated supply ship reached 20,000 tons at full load.

The powertrain is equipped with two 30,000 hp steam turbines with twin-shaft propulsion.

The total output reached 60,000 shaft horsepower.

As a nanny who can quickly support the fleet in combat.

It also has a top speed of 28 knots.

However, its tonnage is still a little smaller.

Now the Navy is already building rapid integrated supply ships with a full load displacement of more than 50,000 tons.

It can provide more powerful supply capabilities for the Navy's voyages.

It is also able to fight with the fleet.

And the Keeling-class guided-missile destroyer is actually not a real guided-missile destroyer.

The shipyard also simply modified this type of destroyer.

For example, one of the main battery turrets in the front was removed.

A twin heavy anti-ship missile launcher was welded on it.

A single-mount anti-ship missile launcher was also added to the stern of the ship.

As for anti-aircraft missiles, they cannot be stuffed.

At the same time, certain updates were made to the destroyer's radar equipment, fire control system, data link, communication system, etc.

Basically, one can be done in a month.

The reason why the Navy is so simple and rude to install anti-ship missiles.

Naturally, because new guided-missile destroyers are already under construction.

The Keeling-class destroyer, a small warship of more than three thousand tons, is only used excessively.

Naturally, you don't have to spend more money to update it.

However, this does not mean that the combat power of the Keeling-class destroyers is weak.

The 12 Keeling-class destroyers directly left the two nanny ships behind.

At a speed of more than 30 knots.

After a seven- or eight-hour voyage.

The 12-ship anti-ship missile traveled to the southern part of the Spratly Islands.

The little devil's fast fleet also appeared in their vigilance radar at this moment. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this moment, the distance between the two sides is only more than 40 kilometers.

This is already within the range of the FJ-35A anti-ship missile.

It can be seen from this model.

It is an improved version of the FJ-35 anti-ship missile.

In order to be able to stuff it into the destroyer.

Had to slim it down a little.

It also shrank to about 2 tons when it reached 3 tons.

However, this also drastically reduces its range.

The original maximum range of 80 km shrank to 45 km.

But that's perfectly enough.

The reason is also simple.

Because the warship radar can detect the distance of the ship. (Curvature of the Earth)

At an altitude of 100 meters, the detection range of the ship's sea-based radar is only 50 kilometers.

A little further, the missile range is enough.

But shipborne radars can't lock onto targets.

Naturally, missiles cannot be guided.

Although its tonnage is only 2 tons, its power is not weak.

It is equipped with a shaped armor-piercing warhead weighing up to 500 kg.

Able to present any armor that penetrates the main battleship.

One may dare not sink if it goes down, but five and ten pieces down will probably dry up.

The price of this thing is expensive though.

One coin costs 50,000 RMB.

But the value is not worth mentioning compared to a capital battleship.

"Get closer to 35 kilometers and shoot."

The commander of the 5th Deportation Detachment, Lai Yang, gave the combat order.

Suddenly, the entire destroyer fleet was transferred from a second-level combat state to a first-level combat state.

At a distance of less than ten km, it is close for the fleet.

And he began to give the latest combat orders to the ships.

Their primary combat targets were the three Kongo-class battle cruisers of Little Devil.

Compared to the previously sunk battlecruiser Kirishima.

All three Kongo-class patrols have been rebuilt, also known as modernization.

Retrofitting work has been going on since 32 years.

It continued until the end of 35 years that the entire modernization work was completed.

The workload of this modification is still very large.

The displacement at full load soared to 37,000 tons.

Not only mine-protection armor belts were added, but also anti-aircraft fire was significantly strengthened.

For example, the 25-mm twin cannon they directly equipped 15 guns.

It was also armed with more than 10 twin anti-aircraft machine guns.

The increase in anti-aircraft firepower compared to the previous period is very large.

In fact, after this modification.

It can be regarded as a high-speed battleship.

If you sink these three Kongo-class capital ships.

Enough little devils have been distressed for a long time.

After all, their capital ships themselves do not have a few.

It can achieve the purpose of teaching the little devil.

And it won't hurt their vitality.

Lost the ability to attack the colonies in Southeast Asia.

It's a double win.

12 destroyers, divided into two attack groups.

That is, 6+6.

For each attack cluster, two destroyers are responsible for a Kongo-class patrol.

This makes it possible to launch 6 FJ-35A anti-ship missiles for attack at once.

If 6 have not been sunk.

Just replenishing 6 pieces.

The targets of these 12 destroyers are these three patrols.

Because anti-ship missiles cannot be reloaded on their own.

It must be filled with the help of equipment on board the integrated supply ship.

So they are also a wave.

The rest of the cruisers and destroyers are left to the fighters to solve.

There is no need to waste anti-ship missiles.

When all destroyers have locked onto their targets.

Lai Yang let out a roar.


In an instant, 6 destroyers raised huge smoke.

One FJ-35A heavy anti-ship missile after another roared into the air.

This is also the first time in the world that anti-ship missiles have been used for combat.

And it was also destroyers that attacked the battle patrol.

This is also a first.

After all, in the era of giant ship artillery.

The destroyer is just a little karami in front of the war patrol.

Not long after 18 anti-ship missiles took off.

The altitude was reduced to about 80 meters for high-speed cruising.

Anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles attack in a very similar way.

The distance of 35 kilometers is not far for a missile that reaches a speed of Mach 0.9 per hour.

From the perspective of missiles.

They can already see the Yin fleet not far away.

In the face of low-altitude incoming anti-ship missiles.

It seems that the Ukoku has also detected the anti-ship missile group that is getting closer and closer and has begun to carry out the pull-up phase.

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