"What is that?"


A destroyer, located on the periphery on the right side of the fleet, was the first to spot the target.

When I saw the anti-ship missiles that were rapidly pulling up with tail flames.

The little devil who saw this scene was still stunned for a moment.

Although they don't know what exactly this thing is.

But even fools know that this thing is not good.

An officer raised his binoculars and looked up.

When you see the shape of an anti-ship missile.

"Enemy aircraft!"

Suddenly, his face changed drastically.

This is the first thought that comes to mind.

Because its shape is so much like an airplane.

But why don't these planes have propellers.

And still flying upside down.

Fortunately, there are not many of them.

"It's the plane of the Chinese people, quickly pull the battle alarm and report the intelligence here to the flagship."


The flagship of the fast fleet was none other than the battlecruiser Kongo.

It is also the lead ship of the Kongo-class battle cruisers.

In charge of commanding this fleet was Rear Admiral Kotaro Shibado.

He was also commander of the Third Group of the First Fleet of the Combined Fleet.

"What? The plane of the China? "

He hurriedly left the command tower.

As soon as it came out, I saw the anti-ship missile group that had been pulled up to a height of several hundred meters.

"Damn, we were discovered by the Chi Na, and all the warships obeyed my orders to change formation.

With our ship as the center, change the air defense formation.

Concentrate all the firepower of the whole fleet and shoot them down to me. "

Then he said: "Immediately report the intelligence here to His Excellency the Commander, and say that our surprise attack has failed and encountered a small number of Chinese fighter air attacks." "

This scale can be roughly counted at a glance.

But he felt something was wrong.

How the speed of the other party is getting faster and faster.

And looking at the target, it seems that they came to their capital ships.

"Knock knock..... Knock knock........"

"Boom 930..."

When the anti-ship missile group approached within the range of anti-aircraft fire of the peripheral warships.

Immediately, it was attacked by several destroyers.

However, at this time, the missile speed of the FJ-35A ship has reached a maximum speed of 0.95 per hour.

That's 1163 kilometers per hour.

Already very close to the supersonic range of Mach one.

At this time, the anti-ship missile is only a few kilometers away from the target.

The terminal active radar of the front end is turned on.

After a few seconds, the target is locked.

The anti-ship missiles began to rush directly towards the three war patrols of Kongo, Hiei, and Haruna.

At this moment, the entire sky was filled with black smoke that made up for it.

It is the mark left when the anti-aircraft shell exploded.

A dense rain of bullets fired at the anti-ship missile cluster.

But not a single anti-ship missile was shot down.

Because they're so fast.

"Gather fire, concentrate fire for me, hit down, beat me down."

Look at the missile swarm that rushed directly towards them.

The three war patrols also began to panic.

The ships' anti-aircraft fire scrambled toward the incoming missiles.

But it didn't work.

Their Type 96 25mm anti-aircraft guns also revealed fatal shortcomings at this time.

Slow reaction, too little ammunition load, poor accuracy, etc.

In real combat, the firing range is only 800 meters.

A little further away, you can't hit directly.

Poor anti-aircraft fire doomed them to nothing.

And God doesn't seem to be on their side.

There were no examples of luck and interception success.

Eighteen FJ-35A missiles rushed towards the target one after another.

Although the radar performance of this era is not strong.

But for such large warships, the hit rate is still very high.

The Haruna battle patrol closest to the missile group was the first to hit.

6 whistling anti-ship missiles hit it one after another.

In the case of six all-in.

A succession of violent explosions resounded inside the battleship.

One of them very unkindly broke through its ammunition depot armor.

Plunged headlong into the ammunition depot under turret number two.


The violent explosion directly shredded the deck armor.

The Haruna War Patrol was suddenly lifted off the water by a violent explosion.

It was directly cut off.

Then the patrol fell heavily on the sea, and an even more violent explosion occurred.

It set off a splash that rushed into the sky.

The other two patrols were no better.

All missiles have a very high hit rate without interference.

At least 90% or more.

However, this time the hit rate was surprisingly high, reaching 100%.

That is, all 18 anti-ship missiles hit the target.

After all, the war patrol is just a war patrol, just a replacement for battleships.

The fatal drawback of weak armor was evident at this time.

After being hit by 6 anti-ship missiles in 2 tons.

These two patrols were slightly luckier than the Haruna.

And did not hit the ammunition depot.

But the situation is no better.

Billowing smoke enveloped the two patrols.

Among them, the King Kong battle patrol has obviously tilted.

A large amount of seawater poured into this patrol.

It took less than five minutes before it rolled over. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It eventually sank to the bottom of the sea.

The moment it sank down, it left a huge whirlpool on the surface of the sea.

Dragged all the surrounding life to the bottom of the sea.

The Hiei Patrol lasted a little longer.

The tilt did not begin until 7 minutes after being hit.

However, after holding out for half an hour, it couldn't hold up here.

Step into the footsteps of the Kongo Patrol.

In just half an hour.

Three battle cruisers of more than 36,000 tons sank to the bottom of the sea under the attack of these mysterious weapons.

Still under the gaze of more than a dozen destroyers and cruisers of little devils.

The shock to them is still very great.

The task of the destroyer fleet was successfully completed.

The test of the anti-ship missile was also very successful.

This also proves that the future era belongs to the era of missiles.

"The cannons of giant ships are completely outdated."

When I saw the war report that came back. (CJBB) Chen Shaokuan couldn't help but sigh.

On his side, he dispatched 12 destroyers of more than 3,500 tons.

The number of missiles carried is also not very large.

If there is no integrated supply ship for resupply.

In one wave, only 36 missiles can be launched.

The total cost of these 36 missiles is 1.8 million RMB.

And their side only launched 18 pieces, spending 900,000 RMB.

It directly sank three capital warships of more than 30,000 tons.

This battle is also destined to go down in history.

It is also the first example in the history of the world navy in which a destroyer sank a capital ship.

Anti-ship missiles, this thing, is indeed a thing that can change the tide of war.

And that's just on battleships.

What if it's on an airplane?

Then the range of strikes will increase significantly.

Warplanes can also launch missiles within a safe range.

Then calmly return to resupply, and then continue to attack.

At this time, his mind could not help but think of the future way of war.

This also strengthened his determination to develop heavy aircraft carriers.

Although the Midway-class aircraft carriers are already large enough.

After all, the displacement at full load reached 60,000 tons.

But in his opinion, it is still a little smaller.

It is imperative to develop a large aircraft carrier of 100,000 tons.

And they also need jets that are larger and more tonnage.

Only large-tonnage jet fighters can carry air-launched anti-ship missiles that are powerful enough.

"Order the aircraft carrier-based aircraft forces to attack, and send me to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish with those destroyers and cruisers of the little devils."

These small and medium-sized ships do not need anti-ship missiles.

After all, the price of this thing is still quite expensive.

Torpedoes, aerial bombs, these things are much cheaper.

A 1-ton aviation torpedo costs only 3,000 RMB.

The price is less than a tenth of the price of anti-ship missiles, but if you are lucky, you can sink a thousand-ton warship with one shot.

The collapse of the Fast Fleet caused great shocks to the Combined Fleet.

When Mikwang wanted to contact the English.

But found that the other party could no longer be contacted.

At this time, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that he had been tricked by the English.

"Evacuate, immediately evacuate backwards, into the Pacific."

Suddenly, Mi Guang's internal affairs sweat stood upside down.

The strength of the Huaxia Navy was completely beyond his imagination.

The opponent is equipped with a very mysterious weapon.

This weapon is very much a remote-controlled aircraft, and it can actually turn corners, and it is very fast.

The three Kongo-class war patrols were sunk by this mysterious weapon.

And the hit rate is amazingly high.

At this time, they were deep in the South China Sea.

It can be said to be very threatening.

The English people all ran directly.

If it doesn't run again.

When the main fleet of the Huaxia Navy catches up.

They can't run away even if they want to.

Chen Shaokuan's side also issued a new order after packing up the fast fleet.

The First Fleet split in two.

Two aircraft carriers led more than a dozen warships of various types to pursue the main force of the combined fleet that was fleeing in a hurry.

Can't let them run away so easily.

The remaining three battleships and one aircraft carrier went west to Malacca with the rest of the heavy patrol, light patrol and destroyers.

Preparing for a friendly visit to Germany in Europe.

During this process, they will also stay in Persian ports for 1-2 days.

It's not polite to come and go.

Since the English side has organized expeditionary fleets.

Then Huaxia's side naturally wants to return the courtesy.

At the same time, he also gave the little brother of Persia a shot in the arm.

Tell them: You have me covered, and you don't have to be afraid of the English anymore.

The Third Fleet was carried around the nine-dash line during this time.

Staring dead at the English Expeditionary Fleet.

In terms of the strength of one battleship and two heavy aircraft carriers of the Third Fleet, plus about 20 cruisers and destroyers.

It can completely hold the expeditionary fleet of the English.

The battle in the South China Sea completely opened the reputation of the Chinese Navy.

This expedition of the main English fleet attracted worldwide attention.

It is even more concerned about the South China Sea.

It is not difficult for them to obtain the process of this conflict.

This time, the Huaxia Navy was full of firepower.

But the world's major powers were shocked.

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