"We still underestimate our allies in the Far East."

When I saw the photo of the confrontation published in the newspaper.

The mustache said with a look of amazement.

Then his face couldn't help but show a bright ~ envious color.

"If only we also had such a powerful ship-fleet."

If only they also had such a powerful fleet.

Then the native fleet of the English will not threaten them.

It is also impossible to impose a naval blockade on them.

Resources everywhere can be brought in by sea.

There will be no shortage of resources for their development.

"The first super battleship that the Huaxia people helped us build is also about to be launched.

It is not for nothing that their navy is so powerful.

Sixty or seventy thousand tons of super battleships, they built in just over two years.

Their navy is not only the world's first, but also the world's shipbuilding capability. "

Navy Commander Erich Raedel praised.

The first 70,000-ton super-battleship they ordered in China, the Imperial-class battleship, began construction in early 1935.

It has been under construction for more than two years now.

Within three years, it will be able to complete the launch, outfitting, sea trials and enter service.

That's pretty fast.

After hearing this.

The mustache shines with both eyes.

For their super battleship, he was looking forward to it.

After all, he himself is a promoter of the giant ship artillery faction.

"I think it's time to go to China too.

Not only did I want to see our warships, but I also wanted to see for myself how powerful they really were. "

For Zhang Xueming, he has also been fascinated for a long time.

Able to defeat the Wakuni in just a few years.

Leading a backward agricultural country with a population of 40,000.

The hard development has become a comprehensive industrial strength that has surpassed their power.

What kind of god-man can do this?

So this trip to China, he must go.

In his view, the meeting between the two will surely become the greatest meeting of this century.

He wanted to personally go down to win Huaxia into their Nazi camp.

Roosevelt of the United States was also shocked by the appearance of the Chinese fleet this time.

"It seems that the development of our neighbor on the other side of the ocean is already unimaginable.

It's growing even faster than we are.

Their navies are growing fast enough to threaten our interests in the Pacific.

I think it's time for us to value their development. "

The strengthening of the Pacific Fleet also became the consensus of Roosevelt and others.

"The Chinese Exclusion Act has hindered economic and trade development between our two countries.

I don't think this bill is necessary anymore. "

In addition to guarding against Huaxia, it does not mean that it is necessary to exclude Huaxia.

Now the trade between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.

The existence of the Chinese Exclusion Act is not a friendly signal for Huaxia.

The Huaxia side has also communicated with their secretary of state many times.

I hope that the American side can cancel this clearly discriminatory law against Chinese.

Because this shows that the American side has no respect for Huaxia.

When seeing the powerful fleet of Huaxia.

Roosevelt felt that the time had come for the bill to be outlawed.

This is the impact of strength.

Only if you have enough strength.

The other person will be able to hear what you say.

The reaction from the English side was particularly strong.

How high they held the expeditionary fleet before.

How miserable it is to fall now.

It also made countries around the world, including their own people, question the English Armada for the first time.

Such a huge fleet expedition, in the past was slapped in the face by Huaxia?

Running to the South China Sea, I was actually wrapped in dumplings by the Chinese fleet.

For such a humiliating thing.

The English side will certainly not advertise.

But Huaxia released a large number of photos.

For example, the scene when the three major fleets surrounded the English Far East Fleet.

Ships on the sea can't even put photos.

This also made England lose face in the international community.

This time, even Fatty Qiu remained silent, not daring to make a big fuss when he ran out.

And now the situation on the English side is also very embarrassing.

They spent money and effort to send an expeditionary fleet, just to find trouble with Huaxia.

As a result, now the trouble has not been found, but it has been taught a lesson.

If you continue to find trouble with Huaxia in the South China Sea.

Then you can't beat each other.

They knew the news that the rapid fleet of the Yin Kingdom had been completely wiped out within an hour or two.

These were three 36,000-ton battle cruisers.

It was so easily annihilated.

One can imagine how terrifying Huaxia's hidden strength is.

But if the expeditionary fleet is so gray and let it come back.

They have reluctance. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I'd love to get back on the ground.

So now they are in such a stage where they are not up or down.

"Wait for the turmoil to pass, and then gradually withdraw the expeditionary fleet."

This is also the best way to dispose of it.

Now the Huaxia Navy has proven it with strength.

They already have the ability to stand up to them at sea.

Naturally, they also possessed sufficient capabilities to threaten their colonies in Southeast Asia and South Asia.

Like Siam.

Like India.

Therefore, it is no longer advisable to continue to intensify the contradiction.

And the Chinese side is getting closer and closer to Germany.

This is also not a good signal.

So Chamberlain's side decided to change strategy.

Do not seek to repair relations with Huaxia's side.

But at least let the Chinese side not get too close to Germany.

This is not conducive to their balancing of the situation in Europe.

Germany is now a little too powerful for England.

to the point of getting out of their control.

If they unite with China in the Far East again.

Then the whole world is going to be out of order.

This is a consequence that they cannot afford at present.

However, in addition to wooing Huaxia.

A strategy was also developed.

Be prepared to make a little move.

Huaxia is too strong, and there must be an opponent who can contain Huaxia.

The United States does not want to be an English thug, and it can't.

Then it seems that only the Wakoku can play this role.

First, the Yin Kingdom and Huaxia have irreconcilable contradictions and deep hatred.

Second, the Yin Kingdom is now suppressed by Huaxia, and they are almost out of breath.

If at this time they make a move to pull the country.

Will definitely be grateful to Zero and help them deal with Huaxia.

At least it can contain part of the main forces of the Chinese Navy.

What the country lacks, they will provide on their side.

Of course, this is to be paid, and if there is no money, it is owed first.

It is enough to quickly restore the strength of the Yan Navy.

However, the English never expected that they would be eaten back.

The Yan people were indeed stronger later, and they were directly beaten in Southeast Asia.

It even hit Yindu at one point.

After the confrontation in the South China Sea.

The Huaxia Navy has attracted the attention of the whole world.

In many military magazines or newspapers.

The Chinese Navy even surpassed the English fleet to take the first place.

But whether it is Zhang Xueming or the navy's side.

None of them are very interested in this so-called ranking.

Because that's what it is.

Especially this year their 100,000-ton super battleship will be launched.

By that time, the strength of the Huaxia Navy will rise to another level.

Although the missile stuff makes the giant ship cannon completely obsolete.

But you know, this thing is currently only available on Huaxia's side.

When the Western powers have this technology.

It's basically ten years later.

By that time, the supercarriers of China were all out.

After this supercarrier came out.

Huaxia Aerospace first came with good news.

They have already begun to put satellites.

This satellite is not an adjective, but a real satellite.

Huaxia's aerospace industry has been developing for so many years.

Even ballistic missiles with a range of tens of thousands of kilometers have already been worked out.

All obstacles to the launch of satellites have been cleared.

Now is also the time to start laying out space.

If in World War II, various military reconnaissance satellites and even navigation satellites in China have completed the layout.

Then the situation of war will change subversively.

Therefore, for this first satellite launch, Zhang Xueming attaches great importance to it.

Personally rushed to the satellite launch center in Jiuquan.

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