When the time entered 1938, all countries began to look at the Chinese side.

Because January is the time period for the release of statistics on the Chinese side.

Through the data released by Huaxia, a lot of things can be analyzed.

For example, Huaxia's comprehensive strength and development speed.

Compared with before, the development speed of Huaxia has begun to flatten.

Not as terrifying as the increase in previous years.

After all, the base is now too large.

However, the growth rate is just as scary as other countries.

Take gross national product, for example.

Last year's total GDP was 2~61.7 billion RMB.

In 37 years, the GDP exceeded the 300 billion mark, reaching 338 billion R-MB.

The increase is almost 10% lower than last year's 40%, and the increase is only 30%.

But this is also expected by Zhang Xueming.

When any country develops to a certain extent, the speed will definitely begin to slow down.

The rapid development of China mainly depends on the dividends brought by high-tech and high-value-added industries.

Now the momentum of barbaric rapid development has begun to slow down.

A slowdown in economic development is also expected.

However, as long as the development rate remains above 20%.

Then Huaxia's will maintain a rapid growth momentum.

In 37, several large steel plants were put into operation again on the Huaxia side.

This includes the special steel plant in Dalian.

A total of more than 8 million tons.

Total steel production also reached more than 83 million tons.

Of these, almost 20 million tons were exported.

The German side alone digested almost half.

This alone provides Huaxia with billions of marks in foreign exchange.

In fact, except for steel.

The production of other metal materials is also growing significantly.

In terms of grain production, Huaxia has popularized super rice seeds nationwide.

The production of various grains has also developed rapidly.

Supplemented by low-cost fertilizers and a substantial increase in arable land.

In 37 years a year.

Total grain production officially exceeded the 300 million ton mark.

In terms of food.

Huaxia can be said to have achieved self-sufficiency in grain production.

As long as you are not lazy or do not suffer from serious natural disasters.

Then basically there will be no starvation.

Zhang Xueming also fulfilled his promise to keep the people well fed and warm.

Now the problem of eating well is being solved.

The two data of food and steel make it difficult for many countries to match.

America's steel production rose last year.

The annual output can reach 70 million tons.

Able to go far beyond the highly developed United States in this regard.

It is enough to show the industrial strength of Huaxia.

After all, steel doesn't mean you can produce as much as you want.

It's how much you need to produce when you use.

Otherwise, if the United States is fully powered, there will be no problem with an annual output of two or three hundred million tons.

But what's the point of all this extra steel?

The 83 million tons produced by Huaxia are used for export in addition to exports.

The remaining 60 million tons are used in all walks of life.

This is enough to show that the scale of Huaxia industry is large enough.

In particular, the development of major cities is also changing with each passing day.

Various high-rise buildings were built in the city.

It can be described as a year.

In addition to steel and grain, in terms of energy, China has gradually caught up with the United States.

In terms of electricity, power plants in various places are gradually put into operation.

At present, the power generation has reached 140 billion kWh from 100 billion kWh last year.

Oil production rose from 50 million tons to 65 million tons.

It has become one of the world's major energy suppliers.

It accounts for about 20% of the world's total oil production.

In terms of transportation development, Huaxia can also stand out.

At present, the mileage of Huaxia Railway has officially exceeded the operating mileage of 30,000 kilometers in 37 years.

The road mileage also exceeded the 300,000 km mark.

In the field of infrastructure, the efficiency of Huaxia's explosion is very appalling.

Even the length of the highway has reached 10,000 kilometers.

Basically, the county connection has been completed, and steady efforts are being made to connect villages and villages.

In terms of transportation, Zhang Xueming has never been ambiguous.

In the field of education.

It mainly depends on the aspects of higher education institutions.

After many years of large investment and high investment.

The number of students enrolled in institutions of higher learning in Huaxia has increased from less than 100,000 to about 500,000 now. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This includes higher vocational colleges.

Institutions of higher learning in China mainly follow two routes.

One provides higher education talents.

The other is to provide a large number of basic skilled workers in various fields.

Sure enough, when Huaxia released this work statistics report.

It made quite a few waves in the world.

Even the United States has already felt the great competitiveness from Huaxia.

Their export trade has shrunk year after year.

It has a great relationship with Huaxia's increase in foreign trade.

More and more Chinese high value-added industrial products appear in countries around the world.

For example, aviation field, automobile field, electronic consumption field, ship field, grain processing field, textile field, etc.

Among them, the fastest growth rate last year was in the field of electronic consumption.

Take the emerging gadget of television.

Whether it is the low-end black and white TV series field or the high-end color TV field.

Huaxia's major TV companies are all leading existences.

This side benefits from the leading position of Huaxia electronic technology.

Let other countries not be able to compete with China in this emerging field.

And in such a field as the car.

The development of Huaxia is also getting faster and faster.

After all, the internal combustion engine has not been around for long.

In fact, the automotive field is only in the initial stage of development.

It's actually easy for Huaxia to catch up and overtake.

At present, there are more than 20 registered automobile enterprises in Huaxia.

There are more than 30 brands.

Last year, more than 3 million vehicles were exported.

The year-on-year increase reached more than 100%.

In the automotive sector.

Huaxia relies on more advanced technology, lower costs and a strong industrial base.

It has begun to gradually exert its strength.

It competes internationally with Ford, Mercedes-Benz, GM, Chrysler, etc.

After all, huge advantages have been achieved in several areas.

The low-end ones have pickups, vans, mid-range bridge cars, and high-end sports cars.

Not to mention the complete range of models, they are also very competitive.

Last year alone, Huaxia sold more than 5 million cars.

Among them, about 2 million vehicles were sold in China.

You can see it from here.

Now the people's wallets have begun to bulge.

The price of cars has also reached the stage where ordinary workers can afford to consume and support.

Take the three best-selling pickup trucks, motorcycles and vans in China today.

The price is basically between 200-500 yuan.

Now the salary of an ordinary worker is basically more than 40 yuan.

If it's in a big city.

Basically, the salary is 50 yuan upwards.

On average, the average worker can buy a motorcycle or pickup van for a few months' wages.

There is absolutely no problem in saving a year or two to buy a car.

Of course, buying a car is easy to maintain a car is also a problem.

The bulk of that expenditure is oil.

Huaxia's total oil reserves now exceed 35 billion tons.

In the 21st century, the world's total proven oil reserves are 180 billion tons.

Huaxia alone accounts for about one-fifth of its oil reserves.

As an exporter of petroleum energy, the price of gasoline and diesel is naturally not too expensive.

Completely at a price that the people can afford.

Adding a liter of oil basically only costs five or six cents.

Money in this era is still very valuable.

Prices are also relatively low.

Not to mention in aviation.

COMAC leads the way.

There are simply no opponents in the world.

Whether it's the commercial aircraft sector or the private jet sector.

All accounted for 890 percent of the share.

It is the absolute pillar industry of Huaxia.

And COMAC also plans to start launching a new turbopulp version of the Passenger Aircraft Five this year.

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