At present, Huaxia Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Enterprise is the largest of Huaxia Commercial Aircraft Group.

It covers almost all commercial aircraft manufacturing areas.

The core of these is the field of passenger aircraft.

The second is the private luxury business jet segment.

The S-200 private business jet launched by COMAC was an instant hit.

There are already more than 100 in operation in various countries.

However, in this field, COMAC still has an opponent.

It was established by a number of large companies.

They saw the windfall profits of the aviation industry.

There are still many people who want to get involved in this field.

But if you want to compete with COMAC in the field of passenger aircraft.

Basically impossible.

So they set their sights on small airliners and private business jets.

In addition, COMAC is also involved in the seaplane field, agricultural aircraft field, etc.

In the face of comprehensive strength, COMAC is definitely a giant-like existence.

At present, COMAC's troika is the C-100 short-haul regional airliner, the C-110 medium- and long-range trunk airliner and the C-120 large long-range airliner.

Because the Huaxia military did not authorize the jet engine to COMAC.

Because this thing is forbidden to be used in the field of civil aircraft.

Without the lifting of the ban on technology, COMAC naturally cannot develop jet airliners.

However, after the military lifted the ban on turbo engines.

COMAC directly eyed this engine.

The engines used in COMAC's airliners are all piston-engined.

And in comparison with turboprops.

Piston engines are not comparable except that they are cheap and fuel-efficient.

Crushed in all aspects, especially in the field of medium and large passenger aircraft.

The stability and durability of the turbo engine are unmatched by piston engines.

This is also an extremely important indicator for the field of civil aviation passenger aircraft.

Another key point is key.

That is, now they have a full range of turbo engines at their disposal.

And they didn't have to reinvent it.

However, COMAC still let Hangfa Group optimize the design of several turbo engines.

One of the core indicators is to save fuel as much as possible without sacrificing performance and stability.

After solving the problems with the engine.

COMAC decided to update the full range of C-100, C-110 and C-120 aircraft.

Among them, the changes to the first two passenger aircraft are the largest.

It's almost no less than a redesign.

It is precisely because the workload is relatively large.

So it took almost a year to complete the improvement of the C-110.

The predecessor of the C-110 passenger aircraft was the C-47 transport aircraft.

This airliner has to admit that it is very classic.

There are currently more than 1,000 C-110 aircraft operating around the world.

The price rose to $250,000 a piece of it.

It has generated more than $200 million in revenue for COMAC.

This does not include after-sales and parts.

This improvement not only enhances its momentum.

Its fuselage was also lengthened and widened to a certain extent.

The wing also received an improved design of the swept wing.

The fuselage structure was also reinforced, and some new avionics equipment was added, as well as a pressurized cabin.

Its engines are powered by two turbospine engines with 2,000 shaft horsepower.

This engine still has a story.

Since the development of turbo engines is under planning.

There is simply no less than 2000 axle horsepower.

Basically, it is more than 3000 shaft horsepower.

If you use two 3000s, then it is too wasteful.

It will also increase fuel consumption in plain terms.

However, if it is to be redeveloped, it will take a long time.

It takes more than two years to design, test and finalize.

At this time, COMAC noticed another type of engine.

Turboshaft engine.

That is, turboshaft engines for helicopters.

Both this thing and the turbo engine output shaft power.

Basically, the structure is similar.

Therefore, the basis of the turboshaft engine of the Haizhi-20 universal helicopter was improved.

The result was a turboprop-22 engine with 2,000 shaft horsepower.

The development of this turboshaft engine has led to the development of turboshaft engines.

This also led to another postponement of the gunship project.

The reason is because of this engine.

With more power, gunships can carry more weapons.

Therefore, the Wuzhi project carried out another reconstruction.

However, this year it is almost ready to complete the test flight and enter service.

Backed by two 2000-shaft horsepower turboshaft-22 engines.

It also made the C-110W-22 passenger plane renew the new year.

The standard passenger capacity has been increased from 28 to about 40.

This is without changing the seat pitch.

The maximum take-off weight has also been greatly improved.

More than 20 tons in this class. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It can load even up to 15 tons.

In the field of short-haul cargo aircraft, it has always been the absolute king.

Now after the facelift, it is even more dominant.

The turbo engine also brings an increase in speed and range.

Originally, its maximum speed was only 360 kilometers per hour, and its economic cruising speed was only 260 kilometers per hour.

The maximum flight speed reached 680 kilometers per hour.

The economic cruising speed also reached 500 km/h.

Twice as fast.

And its range also increases as the fuselage increases, carries more fuel, and the range becomes longer.

The original 2,600 km has been increased to 3,500 km.

Significant performance improvement.

Also means before the advent of short-haul passenger aircraft equipped with turbofan engines.

It is the absolute king of this field.

This, in turn, could lead to orders for improved C-110 aircraft.

Of course, its cost is naturally greatly increased...........

The price will be further increased to $300,000 a piece.

The improvement of the C-100 passenger aircraft is actually not much different from the C-110 passenger aircraft.

The engine uses the same turboshaft-22 engine as the C110, and a total of four units are equipped.

The fuselage was lengthened and widened, and the wing swept wing design was made.

Basically, it can be seen as an enlarged version of the C-110 passenger aircraft.

With a powerful output of 8,000 horses.

The performance improvement of this airliner is also quite large.

The standard passenger capacity has been increased from 48 to 65.

The maximum take-off weight even reached the 50-ton class.

If it is a load, it can carry more than 25 tons of cargo.

The maximum flight speed is 650 kilometers per hour and the cruising speed is 450 kilometers per hour.

The range has also been increased from 3,500 kilometers to 6,000 kilometers.

As the size increases, so does the amount of fuel it carries.

However, its selling price has also increased from the original $350,000 to 500,000.

At present, these two improved models of passenger aircraft have received widespread attention from major airlines and even the military.

Once launched into the market.

The volume of orders is definitely indispensable.

After all, the current air transport industry has gone through so many years of development.

The size of the market is not comparable before.

The demand for passenger aircraft is not comparable to before.

Improvements to the C120 are also underway.

However, the workload of this passenger aircraft is relatively large, and it is expected that it will not begin the test flight certification until next year.

In addition to these three improvement projects.

COMAC also wants to develop a 100-seat class medium and long-range large passenger aircraft.

Used to fill the gap between the C-100 and C-120 aircraft.

Used to perform medium- and long-range passenger and cargo flights.

It will also gradually replace the C-100 passenger aircraft market.

After all, the C-100's passenger capacity of 1.0 does not have much advantage over the C-110.

In general, words.

In the field of civil aircraft, COMAC has basically formed a monopoly trend.

And also became the standard setter in the field of civil aircraft.

Zhang Xueming even moved the idea of developing a turbojet airliner.

But think of the secrecy of jets.

In the end, the idea was dismissed.

This thing will be used in the field of civil aircraft after World War II.

After all, once this thing is seen by the West, it is tricky.

will stimulate the speed of jet engines in the West.

This is not to try.

Anyway, the turboslurry airliner is already enough for use.

Civilian medium and large aircraft will not work.

Military medium and large aircraft can.

For example, large long-range strategic bombers after many years of development.

Finally, the first flight was completed this year.

It is expected that by the end of the year it will be possible to start mass production and enter service.

The B-36, a strategic bomber with a peculiar shape, will also gradually take a back seat.

It will generally be transformed into a high-altitude long-range strategic reconnaissance aircraft.

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