As the development of mushroom eggs has also begun to draw nearing completion.

At this time, the Air Force's demand for a large, long-range strategic jet bomber was increasing.

Although the B-36 strategic bomber is also very good.

With a range of tens of thousands of kilometers, it can carry out cross-continental bombing missions.

But in many ways the performance is not comparable to the jet strategic bomber.

Especially in terms of speed, it is even more incomparable.

The Air Force fancy its speed.

Speed, at this stage, means when on a bombing mission.

Altitude and speed became the best protective shield for bombers.

There is no need to specially arrange battles for escort.

With the service of jet bombers.

The Mustang fighters in the Air Force sequence can all take a back seat.

This bomber has been developed since the first generation turbojet-1 engine came out.

After almost four or five years, the first flight finally ushered in.

This time its maiden flight attracted the entire top of the Air Force.

The Air Force is eager for high-speed, high-range strategic bombers.

The B-36 strategic bomber was destined to be just a transitional model.

So at the moment the number of B-36 strategic bombers in service is not much.

Only one or two hundred aircraft remained.

At present, the Chinese bomber echelon still retains about 1500 bombers29.

The worst are at the B-29 level.

It is also the largest number of current holdings.

There are still 800 B-29s in service with the Air Force.

H-37 strategic bomber since mass production.

More than 500 are currently in service with the Air Force.

It took only a year to produce these 500.

500 aircraft entered service in one year, and 1,500 aircraft were ordered in three years.

This is the current plan of the Air Force.

It was necessary to maintain about 2,000 strategic bombers before the outbreak of World War II.

After all, in conventional warfare, the bombing capability of strategic bombers is also very strong.

The Air Force is now a big fan of carpet bombing.

Therefore, the requirements for this new bomber are not only to fly far and fast, but also to bomb accurately, and the bomb load is large enough.

It is necessary to have the ability to carry nuclear weapons.

The first is in the choice of power.

The power system chosen for the new strategic bomber was the turbojet-1B engine used in the H-37 strategic bomber.

However, after testing, it was found that this power is not ideal.

The range has never been able to exceed 8,000 kilometers.

So this engine is only used for the initial flight test work.

Later, the turbojet-5 engine was introduced.

This twin-rotor turbojet engine performs very well.

However, the original turbojet-5 engine power is small, and the intermediate thrust is only about 3 tons.

Later, after a minor facelift, the thrust was increased to 4.

This meets the requirements of some test flights, but the power is still low.

Until the latest model of turbojet-5C engine completed the test car.

This strategic bomber ushered in its best power.

The pre-vortex temperature of the high-temperature resistant material breaks through to 1200 degrees Celsius.

The maximum thrust of the turbojet-5C engine reaches the 8-ton class.

Basically all hangfa has received epic breakthroughs because of the breakthrough of materials.

So after carrying 8 turbojet-5C engines.

The performance of this new strategic bomber has also improved by leaps and bounds.

Fully meets all the needs of the Air Force.

The new H-40 strategic bomber received a straight-barreled fuselage.

The wing design uses a swept upper monoplane with a sweep angle of 35 degrees.

On each side of the wing are four engine nacelles.

The nacelle is suspended under the wing by a cantilever and protrudes from the leading edge of the wing.

Each nacelle can accommodate two turbojet-5C engines.

Eight 8-ton turbojet-5C engines.

Its thrust reached 64.

The H-37 strategic bomber is only equipped with six 3-ton turbojet 5 engines.

This also allowed the bomber to reach an empty weight of 83 tons, and a maximum take-off weight of 230 tons.

It also became the largest and most powerful strategic bomber of the Chinese Air Force.

You must know that the maximum take-off weight of the B-36 strategic bomber is only 160 tons.

With the blessing of the turbojet-5C engine.

Its maximum flight speed can exceed the 1100 kilometers per hour mark.

It reached the level of Mach 0.9.

The maximum combat range has reached 12,000 kilometers, the combat radius is 5,000 kilometers, and it has the ability to refuel in the air.

In terms of bomb load, it reached the class of 30 tons.

In terms of performance, Basic Mountain is already on par with the B-36 strategic bomber.

In terms of speed and ceiling, it is much higher.

The maximum practical combat altitude can reach 15000 meters.

In terms of avionics, it is equipped with the most advanced bombing / navigation systems at present. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The fuselage turret was canceled.

In the tail section were armed with 2 cannons of 20 mm caliber.

When Zhang Xueming saw this type of strategic bomber on the airport.

It gave him a sense of déjà vu of the B-52 strategic bomber.

This is not a sketch provided by Zhang Xueming.

A big reason for this is that the Huaxia aviation industry basically has American aircraft.

The front and rear are equipped with B-29 and B-36 strategic bombers.

So it is also very normal that the straight fuselage, sweep-up monoplane are similar.

However, it is better than the early B-52 strategic bomber.

That's because it has eight powerful engines.

When I saw this bomber.

Zhang Xueming's mood is still very excited.

I didn't expect it in this era.

Huaxia actually equipped such an advanced strategic bomber more than ten years ahead of schedule.

Don't say this thing is put now.

Even in the 21st century, it is a heavyweight existence.

After all, in the 21st century, only two countries are equipped with strategic bombers.

So Zhang Xueming also has a sense of pride in his heart.

Because all these changes were brought about by him.

Of course, there is also a check-in system that has little to no sense of presence.

"Boom boom ........"

With the launch of the 40 turbojet-8C engines of the H-5 strategic bomber.

There was an unusually strong momentum.

The roar even filled the entire airfield.

When the brakes were released, the huge strategic bomber flew out like a wild horse.

After gliding for more than a kilometer.

He jumped into the sky.

Look at the H-40 strategic bomber spreading its wings.

Zhang Xueming suppressed his excitement and took a deep breath.

Strategic bombers have all successfully taken off.

So are nuclear weapons still far away?

At the end of last year. 157

There is great news from the atomic town.

They used three routes to purify uranium-235, which is more than 95% pure.

Subsequently, the cyclotron was used to successfully extract plutonium-239 with a purity of more than 92%.

Both of these gadgets can be used to make mushroom eggs.

With plutonium-239, less material is used, about a third less.

So after the discussion of the leaders of the Jinwu Project Team.

In the end, uranium-235 was chosen as the first nuclear explosive device to test the mushroom egg.

Subsequent mushroom egg manufacturing switched to plutonium-239.

Now it has been a trial production for several months.

The first mushroom eggs are already taking shape.

Zhang Xueming has been looking forward to this day.

It can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

For this Jinwu plan.

So far, a total of more than 3 billion RMB has been invested.

More than 20 universities and more than 150 public and private enterprises have participated in the project, and the number of direct and indirect participants has reached 150,000.

From here, you can see how huge the scale of this Jinwu plan is.

The mushroom egg is not a big thing, but the materials and financial resources required are huge.

It was early March 1938.

A big event happened in Europe.

Germany and Austria successfully merged through legislation.

became the German Voivodeship of the East.

This act of aggression was only met with strong protests under the appeasement policy.

This also makes the mustache more and more unscrupulous in the future.

And Zhang Xueming's side also ushered in a great news.

The test explosion work of the mushroom egg has been timed.

March 15th!.

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