At present, Huaxia has three production plants for JF-5 fighters.

There are 10 production lines in total.

Each production line is capable of producing about 600 JF-5C fighter jets per year.

That is to say, the annual production of JF-5C fighters is about 6,000 units.

The production of turbojet-5 engines is even more, with an annual output of about 20,000 units.

The Air Force is somewhat confused about keeping JF-5C production high.

The size of 4,000 aircraft is enough for the Air Force.

This is a highly advanced all-weather jet supersonic fighter.

The combat effectiveness is extremely powerful, and there is currently no country's battle ~ function to fight with one.

Why do you need to keep production so high?

But since this order came from the Supreme Command-Command.

The three aviation giants have to do so, and have been keeping the JF-5C fighter line running.

This order naturally came from Zhang Xueming.

The scale of the Second World War was extremely large, and the number of people and countries involved was very large.

And this time and space war situation will definitely be more intense.

So we must be well prepared for this war.

As the mainstay of the Air Force, the JF-5C fighter naturally needs to maintain high production and high scale.

The number of equipment is expected to be more than 10,000.

Although now the second-generation fighters of the navy and air forces are ready for their first flight.

But the JF-5C will still be an absolute workhorse.

It will form a high and low echelon of the Air Force with second-generation aircraft.

After all, the manufacturing cost of second-generation aircraft is much higher.

It is also impossible to equip all second-generation aircraft in a short period of time.

In addition to the fighter echelon.

There is also the A-4 air ground attack aircraft, which occupies a large number of positions in the Air Force.

At present, this attack aircraft has been equipped with about 1500 aircraft.

The A-1 SkyRaider has been largely decommissioned.

Only 500 remain in the Air Force sequence.

However, it is expected to retire all of the Air Force from active service early next year.

The A-4 gas attack aircraft is sufficient for the time being to maintain a size of 2,000 aircraft.

After all, the JF-5C fighter also has certain ground attack capabilities.

The demand for attack aircraft is not particularly great.

These two fighters are also currently the absolute workhorses of the Air Force.

Recently, the Air Force entered service with a new fighter to replace the original Mosquito high-speed reconnaissance aircraft.

This fighter was a high-altitude strategic reconnaissance aircraft project that was established several years ago.

This high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft is codenamed FR-40 Clairvoyance high-altitude strategic reconnaissance aircraft.

It is basically a level of existence with U2.

Its greatest role is to penetrate deep into the airspace of enemy countries and carry out high-altitude all-weather reconnaissance missions.

Before the popularization of reconnaissance satellites, this high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft will also be the main aerial reconnaissance means of the Air Force and the General Intelligence Bureau.

In terms of aerodynamic layout, it adopts a conventional layout, with a pair of large aspect ratio medium wings.

It is equipped with an 8-ton turbojet-5C engine.

Because the height of its missions is more than 20,000 meters.

Therefore, pilots must wear special pressurized suits for missions.

And this pressurized suit is also one of the products of the spacesuit project.

The space group's side is already eager to try the moon landing.

In terms of avionics systems, it concentrates the most advanced reconnaissance equipment available.

For example, the first generation of synthetic aperture radar, high-altitude automatic aerial cameras, radio communication detectors, and multi-spectrum analyzers.

There are also navigation radars, landers, autopilot systems and so on.

In order to increase its endurance, aerial refueling equipment is also installed.

In terms of flight performance, it is also very tough.

After all, it is equipped with a twin-rotor turbojet engine with 8 tons of thrust.

The maximum take-off weight reached 14.

Fuel alone takes up 5 tons of weight.

As a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft.

Its practical ceiling reaches about 24,000 meters.

However, the altitude of high-altitude reconnaissance missions is generally between 8,000-15,000 meters.

Basically, at 8,000 meters, there are no fighters that can threaten it.

It has a flight speed of 800 kilometers per hour.

Basically, no fighter can catch up with it.

It is also not weak in terms of battery life.

It has a maximum range of 6,000 kilometers. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If you carry out aerial refueling.

The maximum endurance can reach about 10,000 kilometers.

But there is a key issue at the moment.

That is, there is currently no tanker capable of refueling it.

The Air Force had to modify several H-37 strategic bombers as tankers to serve it specifically.

This also made the Air Force feel the urgent need for a jumbo jet transport aircraft.

A total of 30 FR-40 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft have been produced.

The main thing is that this thing is too expensive.

One aircraft will cost millions.

So the amount produced is not very large.

At present, the main reconnaissance aircraft of the Air Force are long-range reconnaissance aircraft modified from the B-29 and B-36 strategic bombers.

It is cheaper to use, and the range and altitude are also suitable for the Air Force's reconnaissance mission.

When it is most critical, you can carry more equipment.

At present, the three types of reconnaissance aircraft have remained at a total size of 500.

Among them, the FR-29 reconnaissance aircraft is the absolute workhorse, with more than 300 aircraft.

And most of these reconnaissance aircraft were placed in the northern and western theaters.

The main targets of investigation are polar bears and Yin countries.

The current situation in the entire Far East.

The Air Force has basically figured it out.

The hairy bear still does not know about this situation.

Needless to say, the Kingdom of Wa.

Such a fart big place.

Basically, the FR-40 strategic reconnaissance aircraft can take a map of its entire territory with a single flight.

For Huaxia, the Kingdom of Yin is basically one-way transparency.

In addition to these combat aircraft.

The rest are transport aircraft, bombers, tankers, AWACS aircraft and some special aircraft.

Among them, the main force of the transport aircraft is currently Y-10 and Y-12.

However, a new strategic transport aircraft is coming into service recently.

Used to replace the Y-10 strategic transport aircraft.

The Y-12 tactical transport aircraft will continue to increase production.

The number of aircraft in service is expected to be around 1,000.

The Air Force is also considering improvements to the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft.

Further increase its range and carrying capacity.

The bomber echelon has all retired the H-29, and the number of H-36 strategic bombers left is less than 100.

The H-37 successfully replaced the H-29 as the main bombing force of the Air Force.

At present, the number of aircraft in service has reached the scale of 1,000 aircraft.

This jet strategic bomber also has the ability to deliver mushroom eggs.

And the H-40, a strategic bomber, was not produced quickly.

At present, the number of aircraft in service is only about 100.

As for AWACS, tankers, etc., they are basically excessive models.

The amount of Air Force equipment is also not much.

There are also some special aircraft.

For example, the air gunboat aircraft and the anti-submarine patrol aircraft were both modified from the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft.

This is the entire strength of the current Air Force.

In the world, it is definitely quite explosive existence.

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