The Capital Airport is particularly lively today.

A welcoming honor guard of the highest specification stands next to the tarmac.

In less than half an hour, a C120 special plane from Huaxia Commercial Aircraft landed in the runway of Capital Airport.

This special aircraft is a customized version.

On the fuselage is also printed the logo of the swastika.

By this sign, you can know whose plane this is.

It was Mustache who came.

This time, not only did he come, but also people such as Fatty Ge, Dönitz, Guderian and others also came with him.

For Huaxia, the mustache has long been yearning for it.

Huaxia has developed so fast that it has even surpassed Germany in strength.

So he wanted to come and see it with his own eyes and meet Zhang Xueming at the same time.

His visit also came with a very clear purpose.

It is for the sake of Lahuaxia to form an alliance.

Germany and China do not have a conflict of interests, on the contrary, the two sides are very consistent in their "360" interests.

And the strength is strong enough.

If the east and the west are combined, it can turn the world upside down.

Become a new rule-maker in the world.

And Zhang Xueming also knew the purpose of Xiao Mustache's visit.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, the two sides had a historic meeting in the State Guesthouse.

When the two sides met for the first time, they both looked at each other carefully.

The mustache is exactly like in the image.

There is a very strong self-confidence and charm in the whole person, which can only be indescribable.

And the mustache was also surprised by Zhang Xueming's youth.

It is hard to imagine that today's Huaxia has developed so prosperously under the leadership of this young man who has only been around 30 years old.

On the way from the airport to the State Guesthouse, he was very impressed.

Although many places are under construction.

But it shows a vigorous and thriving scene.

And there are also a lot of high-rise buildings along the way, after so many years of construction.

It already has a modern urban scene full of high-rises.

And the roads are also very spacious.

There are also a lot of vehicles, at least a little denser than in Germany.

There is no shadow of an agricultural country at all.

This also indirectly shows how good Huaxia has developed in recent years.

After completing his goal, he must take a better turn in Huaxia to see if he can get some scriptures.

The meeting on the bright side was basically some polite words.

After all, under the camera, many things cannot be said on the bright side.

Besides, Zhang Xueming is not in a hurry, but it is the mustache that is in a hurry.

When it was time for dinner, the first official meeting between the two sides was over.

A full-seated state banquet solemnly entertained them.

In the afternoon, it's time for the two sides to really talk about things.

When there was no one next to either side, the mustache side began to flicker again.

"Chairman Zhang, I think the world is like a cake, and we are the losers of World War I.

Not only did we lose everything, we were saddled with huge reparations, and the Allies did not want to see our rise.

But with our efforts, Germany will eventually complete its rise.

And our rise will inevitably lead to a re-division of the cake.

War will also be inevitable, but we are not afraid of any war.

England has dominated this cake for too long, and the world has reached the time to reshuffle and divide this cake.

It is now up to both of us to work together against the Entente, which occupied many colonies.

Snatch the cake back from them.

Let us be the ones who decide where this cake belongs.

So I hope that China can form an alliance with us and join the Axis powers. "

For the mustache's words, Zhang Xueming still agreed very much.

Britain and France have declined in power, but they still dominate many of the world's colonies.

And colonization means the division of resources.

Now they don't have the ability to guard these colonies.

Then naturally it's time to reshuffle the cards. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But joining the Axis powers was impossible.

The simple reason is that Zhang Xueming did not want to see victory for the Axis powers, nor did he want to see victory for the Allies.

The best outcome is that both sides lose miserably, with no victory or defeat.

The worst outcome was that the Axis powers won the war.

The next best outcome is a huge victory for either side.

Why don't you want to see the Axis victory.

The reason is actually very simple.

Mustache is a crazy warmonger.

Under his leadership, Germany was also crazy.

Once they win.

A Third Empire that occupied and integrated all of Europa and a large number of colonies was terrifying.

Zhang Xueming has never underestimated this country.

It is only a matter of time before the two sides clash and confront each other.

At that time, the two poles of the east and west will be formed, which is not in the interests of Zhang Xueming...........

And if the Allies are victorious, there is naturally no need to say more.

Eagle sauce will definitely be the biggest vested interest.

At that time, he will definitely lead a group of younger brothers to fight against Huaxia.

So both sides lost miserably, then they did not have the energy to deal with Huaxia.

Zhang Xueming, on the other hand, can divide them by various means.

So that they could not form a joint force against Huaxia.

"We have always pursued this policy of non-aligned neutrality, which is also our basic national policy and cannot be changed.

Moreover, at this stage, we are mainly focused on the development of industry and economy, and we do not want war to affect our development.

After all, our rise is too short, and the foundation is too weak.

And our ambitions are not great, we only want to obtain a stable geopolitical environment.

Although we are not aligned, we can cooperate and reach consensus on many aspects. "

This reason is again, and there is no wave in the heart of the mustache.

He had spoken by phone many times before, and Zhang Xueming also refused on this ground.

Zhang Xueming's refusal this time was also expected by him.

His purpose is what Zhang Xueming calls cooperation.

The two sides had the same goal at this time - the hairy bear.

This is also one of Mustache's biggest targets.

This was a huge stumbling block in the way of Germany's rise.

But this enemy is too big.

They had to deal not only with the two powerful neighbors of Britain and France, but also with the hairy bear.

This will inevitably lead to a two-front battle.

So they 2.9 need a strong ally to crush this giant hairy bear together.

Huaxia is the best choice.

Zhang Xueming didn't say much.

Directly signaled to the secretary to take out a picture of the world and put it on the table.

And the most eye-catching on the desktop is the hairy bear map.

Zhang Xueming drew a line with a brush over the Ural and Caucasus Mountains.

And this is also the dividing line between Eurasia.

The purpose of the line is also very clear.

The mustache glanced at Zhang Xueming meaningfully.

It seems that Huaxia's side has long been ready to crush the hairy bear.

He has no objection to this division.

The best part of the bears is in Europe, all industrial cities and vast fields.

On the other side of the Ural Mountains, it is all untouched ice and snow.

The only thing that can make his eye look is the Tyumen oil field.

"Happy cooperation, Chairman Zhang."

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