At the moment, most of the Chinese streets are closed.

The usually lively Chinese streets are also very quiet.

However, there are still some people who keep discouraging and insisting on opening the door.

Because some people's peaceful lives have been too long.

All have forgotten the previous blood.

However, when they saw the imposing Javanese natives coming from the end of the street.

All of them's faces changed drastically.

"Lose your mother, this group of indigenous monkeys is really here."

A middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth was shocked by the crowd.

The feeling of regret in my heart immediately flooded into my heart.

The people over there at the General Chamber of Commerce had already given a warning yesterday night.

But he didn't listen, because he had only come in recent years.

Haven't experienced these things.

"Quick, wife, close the door quickly, this group of people are really coming, hide in the cellar."

Suddenly, the family began to close the door in a hurry.

There are not a few people like him.

After all, this Chinese street is inhabited by tens of thousands of people.

Not everyone evacuated, either.

When it came to the intersection of the Chinese street.

A hint of greed flashed in Suberto's eyes.

This Jakarta is home to the densest concentration of Chinese and at the same time the richest place.

He wanted to get involved in the business of this street.

However, because of the matter of the escort, I had to dismiss this idea.

But he knew how rich there was.

"Now these are all ours, kill all the Chinese here, rob them of their money and women."

After hearing this, the monkey behind Sulto immediately became excited.

Previously, because they were photographed in Suberto, they could only honestly follow behind him.

And now he has spoken.

The bestiality of this group of monkeys was also stimulated.

Suddenly, they all looked like crazy demons, brandishing their weapons, and frantically rushed towards the shops on both sides.

Under the smashing of their swords, clubs, axes and sickles.

One by one, the doors were smashed open.

Every time a shop door is pried open, the monkeys cheer.

Then join in the frenzied looting.

Some people feel very upset without grabbing something, and directly set the store on fire.

Suddenly, smoke billowed from Jakarta's Chinatown.

And Suberto didn't look at these shops.

What is this stuff.

He went straight to the most valuable place.

This is the affluent area located on the seafront of the port.

The headquarters of the three major families are also located here, and this is where the most money is made.

When Suberto brought the Subi gang to the rich area.

Looking at the luxurious buildings here, all eyes began to glow.

"Rush in and grab what belongs to us.

Don't think about hiding your secrets, once I find out, you know what the consequences are. "

After speaking, Suberto's eyes swept around grimly.

Whenever he looked at someone, no one would unconsciously lower their heads to avoid his gaze.

It was as if his eyes would choose someone.

But Suberto is doomed.

When he came to the luxurious villa where the three major families were located.

The building is empty, and the valuable things have basically been transferred.

This also made Suberto feel extremely angry.

"Bastards, they must have received the news a long time ago.

Now they must be on the rubber plantation west of the city, we go there. "

"Boss, but we have too few weapons and manpower, can we fight it?"

They are still familiar with the rubber plantations in the west of the city.

Although the terrain is flat, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Because the convoy built a lot of fortifications around the perimeter, the defense was relatively tight.

Suberto sneered: "Do you still have to worry about weapons?" There are a lot of arms warehouses. "

"But... But there are Dutch. "

Suddenly the little brother was shocked, he did not expect that the old man was so big that he dared to hit the idea of the Dutchman's arsenal. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Suberto said without care: "What do the Dutch count, do you really think that I am here for this money?"

The infantry regiment has already been transferred, and there are not many guards on the side of the arms warehouse, as long as we incite them to charge for us.

The Dutch can't hold on.

When the time comes, we will have weapons in our hands, and all of Jakarta will be ours.

They have been riding on our heads for too long.

It is also time for us to reclaim our land, and the country of the Javanese should be decided by the Javanese.

Then we will establish a nation of Javanese, and you will all be heroes and elders.

All of them can occupy high positions and enjoy endless glory and wealth. "

Painting cakes is such a thing, he will still be the boss.

The reason why Suberto dared to make such a big deal out of it.

It is to take advantage of this chaos to put himself in position.

With weapons and money, He Chou cannot develop his own forces.

"Go, go to the arsenal, it's time to teach the Dutch a lesson.

He wants to use us against the Chinese, and now is the time to tell him.

We dealt not only with the Chinese, but also with their Dutch. "

After hearing that the leader's ideals were so ambitious, all the younger brothers were stunned.

Then it all boiled.

One by one, they rushed forward with their weapons raised.

And this side of Chinatown has become a purgatory on earth.

Those Chinese who did not evacuate all suffered.

"Wife, my wife, you group of people rushing to the street, you dare to move my wife, I will kill you."

At this moment, the middle-aged man was held down by several Javanese.

In the room, there was his wife's screams.

What happened inside can be imagined.

And when this group of Javanese saw the crazy middle-aged people, they laughed maniacally.

The more they do, the more excited they are.

In this riot, hundreds of Chinese were brutally killed by them.

And Suberto's side also managed to incite tens of thousands of people to breach the arsenal of the Dutch.

After capturing the weapons depot, he led the people directly towards the governor's palace.

The thief captures the king first.

Since the Dutch had been offended, the governor must be caught.

However, Governor Antony Van Dimen, after learning of the Javanese attack on the arsenal, ran away with the men.

Crazy (good Lee's) swearing while walking.

At the same time, prepare to bring back the infantry regiment against this crazy group of Javanese.

"Damn, since you are gone, then go to the rubber plantation, this group of Chinese can't run away."

Suberto, who managed to capture the arsenal, was bursting with confidence at the moment.

Now he has a gun in someone, and it is not a big problem to take down the rubber plantation.

At least in his opinion.

The riots in Jakarta spread throughout the city in a short period of time.

When Suberto's side attacked the rubber plantation with tens of thousands of people.

The Huaxia Supreme High Command also learned the news as soon as possible.

"This group of damn monkeys, let the General Staff immediately formulate a plan to send troops, and this time we must let this group of monkeys pay in blood."

Zhang Xueming was extremely angry when he heard the news, and said through gritted teeth.

To say that he hates the most, the little devil is first.

Then this group of monkeys is definitely in second place.

They owe Huaxia too much blood debt.

It's also time for them to pay back.

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