For this disgusted exclusion incident, Zhang Xueming actually expected it.

I just didn't expect the time to come so early.

The reason why he knew in advance was not that he could pinch and calculate, but that the warning given by the think tank of international affairs.

In Java, there are irreconcilable contradictions between the Dutch, the Chinese and the Javanese.

The Dutch served as a colonial party, but due to the decline of national strength.

The control over Java is not strong.

Javanese are lazy and alive.

As the colonized party, their status is the lowest and the living environment is not good.

The Chinese are hardworking, intelligent and adaptable to the environment.

Over the years, with domestic funds and technology.

The Chinese quickly expanded in the Java region and grabbed a lot of resources and wealth.

The Dutch felt a huge crisis.

And seeing that the Chinese are so rich, this outsider.

The Javanese, of course, are envious, jealous and hateful.

Provoked by the Dutch again, he directly pointed the finger at the Chinese.

Hatred of the Chinese has also deepened.

But the contradictions between the two sides have reached a time when they are irreconcilable.

It only takes a little spark to ignite this powder keg.

So it's not difficult to come to this conclusion.

For this part of Java, the location is still relatively important.

As long as you can control it.

Then 943 can form a strategic encirclement of the entire Southeast Asian region.

Combined with a powerful navy, they can only bow down.

What's more, natural rubber is abundant here.

This is also a strategic resource that is in great demand for Huaxia.

Although synthetic rubber is one of the three major synthetic materials, its status is remarkable.

But in some ways it is still unable to replace natural rubber.

Especially in terms of military use.

So both strategically, and in terms of resources.

It is very necessary to take Java.

And how to control here becomes a problem.

The Netherlands has declined and has little international presence.

It's just a small country in Europe.

Persimmon picked a soft pinch, Holland was weak, of course, he chose to do it to him.

And this inevitable outbreak is a good excuse.

This is an opportunity to drive the Dutch out of Java.

Then beat the Javanese down.

Finally, he supported the Chinese group to rise to power, frantically immigrated to the past, and became one of the main ethnic groups.

Completely achieve the purpose of controlling Java.

This is the plan made by Huaxia.

Although it was expected for a long time, when this matter came, it still made Zhang Xueming extremely angry.

It also brought back some bad memories for him.

For example, in the two exclusion incidents in history.

A total of 500,000 people were killed by them.

"How is the situation now?"

Deputy Chief of General Staff Bai Chongxi said: "Due to the timely discovery by the Jakarta side, most of the people are now in hiding.

Some of them hid in the jungle.

Others entered safe positions set up in rubber plantations.

The losses suffered were not very large.

But now the situation is not optimistic.

It is known from reconnaissance and the aggregation of intelligence on the Jakarta side.

At least 500,000 people across Jakarta are now involved.

And the number of people participating is also increasing.

The rubber plantation in the west of the city is the most serious.

There are probably more than 100,000 Chinese gathered there, but the guards are not strong, less than 2,000.

Now, according to reconnaissance aircraft, at least more than 30,000 people are besieging here. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Chief among them is called Suberto.

It was through him that the Dutch provoked the atrocities here. "

Zhang Xueming didn't say much, but asked rhetorically: "How are you going to solve the problem of the General Staff Department?" Already planned? "

Bai Chongxi nodded and said: "It has been planned, and it is ready to send troops in three batches, and it is expected to use about 50,000 troops.

Now the situation in Jakarta is critical, and there are many compatriots who are under threat.

So we are ready to parachute a paratrooper regiment in advance, they are the fastest.

All safe locations in Jakarta can be protected first.

Once the security stronghold is breached, the consequences are unimaginable.

The second group will use a Marine division to send them to Jakarta using amphibious landing ships.

Take control of the situation throughout Jakarta.

The third batch will send a light synthesizer.

The landing in Surabaya protected the Chinese compatriots here from spreading to the area.

It is also the two most prosperous cities in all of Java.

Controlling these two cities is equivalent to controlling all of Java. "

After hearing the entire general plan, Zhang Xueming nodded with satisfaction and said, "Then act according to the plan."

This time, they must have killed the Javanese with fear, so that they would retreat as soon as they saw the Chinese.

And that Suberto do not let go, send a special forces to clean him up.

Just remember one word, don't spare anyone who has the blood of the Chinese on their hands, including the Dutch. "

"Yes! Chairman, I will personally go to the town to command, and I will definitely not let them have a good time. "

Bai Chongxi's words were murderous.

Now that Huaxia is already strong, anyone who dares to provoke Huaxia's enemies.

As a member of the Huaxia Defense Force, they will not let go.

Those who violate my Huaxia will be condemned from afar.

This is definitely not a simple slogan.

As soldiers, they have the ability and confidence to follow through on this statement.

Although Huaxia is a country of etiquette, it still needs to have a sharp edge.

With the giving of the order.

The entire Southern Theater, the First Airborne Force, the Marine Corps Command, and the Air Force were busy.

In an airfield in the Southern Theater of Operations.

The 9th Airborne Infantry Regiment of the 3rd Airborne Division is assembling here for standby.

The regiment has three airborne infantry battalions, a fire support battalion, and a logistics support battalion.

The regiment has more than 3,500 soldiers.

It was also the first batch of troops from the Chinese side to send to Jakarta.

It will be transported by two strategic transport aircraft, the Y-10 and Y-18.

This is also the first time that the Huaxia Air Force has dispatched a new Y-18 strategic transport aircraft to carry out a mission.

"Now in Jakarta, Southeast Asia, our compatriots are being brutally persecuted by Javanese.

Now our task is to parachute and protect the people and property of our compatriots from any further damage.

In this bridge protection operation, we have unlimited authority to fight back.

For anyone with a weapon, just go over with a shuttle.

Let's go! "

With an order, a column of soldiers entered the cabin in a neat formation.

The mission covered a distance of 3,500 kilometers.

Only these two transport aircraft were able to send soldiers from the Airborne Infantry Regiment to Jakarta.

And there were no escort fighters for this mission.

The aircraft carrier battle group of the Third Fleet is on its way to the ground and will take two or three days to arrive.

So they need to carry out an airborne landing without escort fighters.

And protect the overseas Chinese for two or three days.

The task is still quite arduous.

At the same time, Huaxia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs also urgently held a press conference.

It has attracted a lot of attention from the world.

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