At this moment, the rubber plantation is full of tents of all kinds.

A large number of Chinese huddled in their tents.

From time to time, fierce gunfire came from a distance.

"The Eastern District needs to recruit a temporary logistics team, 30~ people who are a little more daring.

Now we have reached - the moment of life and death.

Once the indigenous monkeys break through our fortifications, everyone here will be destroyed.

I hope you will be enthusiastic.

And I can tell you the good news.

Our homeland heard what happened to us.

Chairman Zhang has already sent troops and is on his way to reinforcements.

But until then, we have to make sure that the plantation is still in our hands. "

As soon as he heard that Huaxia had sent troops, everyone in the vicinity suddenly exploded.

A young man stood up.

"I want to go, my parents, wife and children are here, I can't watch them being killed by Javanese monkeys."

"Me too, and I'm willing to participate."

"I'm signing up."

The 30 people were quickly filled directly.

They then headed towards the fortifications of the Eastern Sector, where the battle was most intense.

Huang Jianwu of the Huang brothers spent two years in the army as a lecturer in Wutang.

Before coming out, he was an officer, and he also had two brushes.

However, the situation in the country at that time made him see no hope.

So he simply abandoned Wu to go to business and went to Nanyang to do business with Huang Jianwen.

Unexpectedly, under the joint operation of their Huang brothers, the business has become bigger and bigger.

So now the entire rubber plantation is basically by Huang Jianwu's handwriting.

He also served as the captain of the rubber plantation escort.

Now the Eastern Region is under siege by tens of thousands of Javanese natives.

The guards on this side are only more than 500 people.

The rest are all located in the South and West Districts.

Both sides also face the threat of Javanese.

In addition to these more than 500 people, he also organized a temporary convoy of men.

The number is about 100 people, and it serves as a reserve in the eastern district.


Under the baptism of crossfire of a half-buried machine-gun fortress.

The Maxim water-cooled heavy machine gun spat out dense bullets.

The Javanese who rushed up were swept to the ground.

After most of the offensive for half a day.

The ground in front of the Eastern Sector position was already densely covered with layers of corpses.

There are at least thousands.

"Boom..... Boom..."

At this time two shells fell on the position.

This is a 75 mm caliber field gun from the Dutch.

However, the accuracy of these two guns is very poor.

So far, there has been essentially no much damage to the positions.

However, with the support of artillery fire, the Javanese charged even more frantically.

The guards on the position kept firing with the G43 semi-automatic rifles in their hands.

Soon, the Javanese who rushed up retreated again.

This rabble does not even have decent weapons in their hands.

And how could it be possible to break through the fortifications of the Eastern District.

Suberto also knew this, so he did not send his own elite.

Instead, he fooled this group of cannon fodder to help him storm the fortifications in the eastern part of the rubber plantation.

Attempt to break through with human sea tactics.

However, the fortifications were stronger than he had imagined.

And he overestimated the combat effectiveness on his side.

For example, although they grabbed a lot of weapons on their side, there was no shortage of heavy weapons.

But there are no people who can use them.

For example, the artillery they grabbed this time.

Among tens of thousands of people, they can't find it useful.

So their guns are simply not at all.

"Attack, continue to organize manpower attacks, do not stop.

They were almost unable to hold on. "

After a long time of attack, Suberto at this moment was also a little anxious. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, he received news that the Dutch infantry regiment and two other infantry battalions were on their way to reinforcements.

These are two or three thousand heavily armed Dutchmen.

Although the Dutch have declined.

But it's not something they can handle.

However, what he did not know was that not only the Dutch were coming at this moment, but also the Chinese army.

"Jianwen, Jianwu, good news, great news, our airborne troops are already on their way.

They were ready to parachute directly behind us, and the Air Force sent warplanes to reinforce.

With two hours to go at the latest, reinforcements will be able to arrive, and we will be saved. "

Su Zhengcheng walked in quickly with a telegram on his face.

The two Huang brothers heard the news.

It felt like the haze hanging over my head had all dissipated.

The two breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time.

When the Wehrmacht came, they were all saved.

"Tell everyone the good news immediately, and then cook on the fire, and when our comrades arrive, they can eat a hot meal."

"Yes, they came all the way to rescue us, and we have to express it."

Although it is said that with the range of fighters, it is impossible to rush to this side.

But there are not even a few anti-aircraft guns in all of Java, let alone fighters.

And the anti-aircraft artillery is still in the hands of the Dutch.

So this mission does not actually require fighters for escort.

The Air Force directly sent a professional ground fighter to help.

As for the bomber, it is not yet used.

This fighter is the next generation of the AY-1 Sonic gunboat.

AY-12 Raytheon Air Gunboat Aircraft.

This thing is very useful when you have air supremacy.

Therefore, at present, the number of air force equipment is not quite large, there are dozens of them.

This thing has a very long time in the air and has the ability to attack the ground around the clock.

A single fighter can control a large area.

It is suitable for dealing with Javanese monkeys.

This gunboat machine was developed on the basis of the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft.

In order to strengthen the firepower of the gunboat machine, it was also deliberately strengthened.

In terms of weapons systems, a total of two 6-barreled 20 mm Gatling guns were armed.

There is also 1 40-mm Bofors automatic cannon.

In addition to this, 1 short-barreled low-bore pressure 105-mm howitzer was armed.

In terms of armament, it can already be described as madness.

In terms of avionics system, it is not comparable to the previous AY-1 Spring.

In particular, the addition of a forward-looking infrared device gave it the ability to attack at night.

Instead of using flares.

At the same time, its fire control system has been upgraded.

Make its ground attacks more accurate.

When it hovers over the enemy's head, it will become a nightmare for all enemies.

This time, the Chinese Air Force sent a squadron of nine AY-12 gunboat aircraft to reinforce.

An aerial refueling was also carried out en route.

After the airborne troops landed, and after the construction of field airfields.

You can resupply it nearby.

This time, the Air Force intends to fight for a long time.

And take the opportunity to carry out a de facto garrison knife in Java.

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