The 6th Infantry Regiment of the Royal Dutch Army was the strongest force stationed in Jakarta.

This infantry regiment has been stationed in Jakarta for more than 3 years.

They will be replaced by a rotating force at the end of the year.

They can also embark on the journey home.

But now they have an urgent matter to deal with.

At this moment they were on a rapid march on a road in the middle of the jungle.

The long and rapid march made them all very tired.

Moreover, the marching ranks were scattered and disorderly.

There is simply no regular army to look like.

For them, coming to the colony to change defenses is basically for enjoyment.

There is no need for such strict training here, although the food is a little worse.

But the salary is much higher than in China.

Therefore, in the past few years, their military discipline, combat effectiveness, and so on have declined more seriously.

It is precisely because of this that there will be such an unbearable appearance.

The 6th Infantry Regiment quickly returned to Jakarta to suppress the mob.

And this force is also a great threat to Suberto.

Now he has not only offended the Chinese to death.

It also offended the Dutch side not lightly.

However, the attacks of the Chinese were limited to the sky, at least for now.

And this infantry regiment of the Dutch was a real threat.

So he decided to set up an ambush on the way of the 6th Infantry Regiment.

I want to take the opportunity to destroy this infantry regiment and cut off this threat.

And now he is lurking in the jungle with tens of thousands of stragglers.

Having looted the arsenal, their weapons are still relatively luxurious.

The rifle can basically do one per person.

Machine guns are also not in small quantities.

Take advantage of the advantages in location, firepower and numbers.

The possibility of eliminating them is still very high.

After seeing that the 6th Infantry Regiment had all entered the encirclement.

Suberto waved his hand.

Suddenly, countless dense bullets shot out from the jungle.

Caught off guard, the soldiers of the 6th Infantry Regiment began to fall in pieces.

The whole team is even more chaotic.

Suddenly, grenades flew out of the jungle on the side of the road.

Dense grenades exploded in the crowd.

The entire 6th Infantry Regiment was directly stunned.

Even soldiers don't know where the bullets came from.

Within a few minutes, hundreds of people fell.

At this time, they panicked and looked for bunker on the side of the road to fight back.

"Rush out and destroy them."

When the time was ripe, Suberto decisively gave the order to attack.

Although it is said that these Javanese monkeys are not very combative.

But they dared to fight and charge, which was indeed much stronger than this group of Dutch soldiers.

With an order, a large number of Javanese jumped out of the jungle, running and shooting.

Face the dense Javanese rushing out of the jungle.

The 6th Infantry Regiment's side also began a frantic counterattack.

But soon their defenses were breached.

This group of Javanese is still very familiar with jungle combat.

After all, this is where they have lived since childhood.

A lot of Javanese will come out of unexpected places.

Catch them off guard.

At this time, another ambush soldier came out from behind them.

The entire 6th Infantry Regiment was in chaos.

Facing the siege of tens of thousands of people, their situation at the moment is very critical.

Rescue telegrams were sent to the Governor's temporary headquarters.

But at the moment, Anthony Van Dimen is also insured.

"Report to the commander, there is a large-scale battle near a village on the outskirts of the northwest of Jakarta.

According to intelligence from aircraft reconnaissance.

A Dutch force was besieged by the natives of Java.

It should be the 6th Infantry Regiment that the Dutch returned to support.

Now their ranks have been completely dispersed by the Javanese. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As things stand, it seems that they won't last long. "

Lin Bingwen, commander of the 7th Amphibious Sub-fleet of the Third Fleet, froze his eyes after hearing the report.

"Now in the entire Jakarta area, only Suberto can organize such a large-scale ambush.

It seems that he really underestimated this person, and he was so decisive.

Since you have found his traces, then don't let him go.

The entire battalion of the second battalion was ordered to accompany the helicopter formation to attack.

All helicopter gunships were dispatched to cover the attack of the second battalion.

The Air Force was requested to send gunboat aircraft to provide ground attack support. "

The Dutchman's life and death have nothing to do with him.

But Suberto's hands were stained with too much Chinese blood.

It is absolutely impossible to let him go.

If you want to beat him, you must first cut off his wings.

Since they are now actively exposed.

Then naturally there is no reason to let them go.

With an order, the 7th Amphibious Squadron began to get busy.

A heavily armed soldier boarded the Haizhi-20H helicopter, which had been activated.

Wuzhi-38H attack helicopters also took off one after another, moving towards the combat area at high speed.

The Air Force also urgently mobilized 4 AY-12 aerial gunboats to reinforce.

"Report Commander, the main fleet is less than 100 nautical miles away from us."

"Just in time!"

Lin Bingwen's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Then he said: "Immediately send a telegram to the fleet headquarters and request support from carrier-based aircraft."

Knock them out no matter how this time. "

A distance of 100 nautical miles is more than 180 kilometers.

For carrier-based aircraft, this distance is not far.

At the speed of a jet carrier-based aircraft, it can basically arrive in ten or twenty minutes.

On the sea about 100 nautical miles from Jakarta.

A large fleet sails the sea.

This fleet is the main force of the Third Fleet of the Chinese Navy.

It was also the first fleet to complete modernization.

At present, the size of the Third Fleet going to Jakarta for reinforcement is still very large.

There are a total of three heavy aircraft carriers, a Wuyue-class battleship, and a Huaxia-class super battleship.

A whole five capital battleships.

In addition to this, there are about twenty cruisers, destroyers, supply ships, amphibious assault ships, etc.

Over the years, the strength of the Third Fleet has increased (Li Zhao's).

In terms of the number of ships, it is not weaker than even the strongest First Fleet.

The Second Fleet was smaller in size.

The adjustment of the three major fleets is basically carried out in accordance with the current needs of coastal defense.

Over the years, with the strength of the English Far East Fleet and the French Far East Fleet, it has increased.

Coupled with the gradual shift of strategic needs to the South Seas.

That's why the size of the Third Fleet has always been increasing.

Even the Huaxia class battleships were transferred to the Third Fleet.

After all, only this heavyweight guy sits in the South China Sea.

Only then can it crush the ambition of the English Far East Fleet.

Let them not dare to be presumptuous.

"Order the carrier-based aircraft wing of the three aircraft carriers to send fighters to support.

Let me blow up all these bitchy monkeys to pieces. "

Yan Lei, commander of the Third Fleet, was a violent temper.

The Javanese monkeys who slaughter the Chinese are also abhorred.

With his order, all three heavy aircraft carriers began to fly fighters.

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