On the deck of three Midway-class heavy aircraft carriers.

One by one, carrier-based aircraft were transported to the deck by elevator in an orderly manner.

Three of the four steam catapults began high-frequency operation.

The reason why it is three, not four, is also simple.

The four steam catapults were arranged in parallel according to two straight decks and two beveled decks.

The outermost one is closer to the edge of the carrier.

Due to the unstable airflow during take-off, there are sometimes crosswinds.

It will be more dangerous when taking off.

So as long as it is not an emergency, this steam catapult will not be used.

Therefore, three aircraft carriers can eject 9 carrier-based aircraft at a time.

Eject the next wave every thirty seconds to one minute.

In actual combat, each aircraft carrier makes about 120-150 sorties per day.

That is to say, the maximum number of sorties per carrier aircraft per day is about 2.5-3 sorties.

This is also the actual experience summed up in the training over the past year.

The takeoff and landing of jet carrier-based aircraft is not as simple as it seems, and even more so when it is still combat.

This requires the aircraft carrier to have a strong logistical support capability.

This is also why the tonnage of aircraft carriers has not become heavier.

It's the reason for staying around 100,000 tons.

Because the tonnage of your aircraft carrier construction is large.

There are four catapults in one 850, and there are so many carrier-based aircraft that can take off every day.

You have the most fighters, what's the use of not getting up?

After all, steam catapults need to accumulate steam, and this thing does not always exist.

Instead, it takes time to replenish.

So now the Midway-class aircraft carrier remains at about 75, which is also the most reasonable number.

It can maximize the combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier without causing waste.

Of course, the taxi racks are all spare machines.

The number of carrier-based aircraft that can really be used in combat is 65 of them.

Among them, the number of carrier-based AWACS aircraft is 6.

Because the time in the air of each AWACS aircraft is about 4 hours.

Keeping it at 6 allows AWACS aircraft to provide early warning 24 hours above the aircraft carrier.

The rest are basically JF-8 carrier-based fighters and AD-4 attack aircraft.

There are also Seagull carrier-based transport aircraft, F-2 carrier-based anti-submarine patrol aircraft, etc


Under the ejection of steam catapults, JF-8 and AD-4 were successfully ejected.

All of these fighters use the ground beast mount mode.

The pylons that the CJDG could have filled were all hung with various ground bombs.

The magazine for the cannon was also filled.

This also represents a friendly greeting from the carrier logistics personnel to the Javanese monkeys.

About an hour later.

Carrier-based aircraft of three aircraft carriers completed formation over the waters approaching Jakarta.

A total of 120 fighters were dispatched by the three aircraft carriers on this mission.

Basically each carrier made 40 sorties.

Just as the fleet accelerated to the area of the combat target.

The gunship group dispatched by the 7th Fleet was the first to reach the skies over the village of Powa.

The area where the fighting broke out is less than 3 kilometers from this village of Powa.

Sixteen Wuzhi-38H attack helicopters flew at an altitude of about 100 meters above the ground.

The loud roar of the rotor rolling the air at high speed was not muffled by the fierce sound of gunfire.

It still caught the attention of Suberto.

"What sound?"

Suberto, who was hidden on the nearby heights, looked suspiciously in the direction of the loud roar.

When I saw a group of gunships flying through the treetops, my pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Although he didn't know what it was.

But this thing must also be an airplane.

After all, it is flying now.

And the one who sent the plane in Jakarta is undoubtedly the Chinese people.

"It's a plane for the Chinese, damn it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I'm dealing with the Dutch, why should the Chinese also get involved? "

Although he did not understand, now the plane of the Chinese people has come.

Then this time his plan to annihilate the Dutch infantry regiment will go bankrupt.

The fighters of the Huaxia Air Force still impressed him very deeply.

He vividly remembers how a group of his men died under the attack of AY-12 gunboats.

This feeling of powerlessness has always been deeply enveloping his heart.

Become a shadow that his generation cannot shake away.

"Withdraw, quickly let everyone withdraw from the battle."

Suberto's person has no other advantages, but he runs very fast.

And when making decisions, he is also very decisive and does not delay in the slightest.

After all, they really have no way to fly in the sky.

They also tried to shoot it down with a machine gun.

But the end was very miserable.

Basically, as long as you counterattack, you will attract aerial bombs and artillery shells, and ten corpses will not be able to make up a whole pair.

But now I want to evacuate, already playing.

"Find the target, pull up, attack.

If you can not fight the Dutch, you will not fight, but if you accidentally hurt it, there is no way, depending on their luck. "

A series of Wuzhi-38H strike helicopters roared.

When it came to the sky above the battle area.

The dense crowd below is their target.


Rockets roared out of the rocket launch nest.

Dense explosion in the crowd.

The Javanese below were caught off guard.

In the face of sudden fierce fire, they couldn't find the southeast, northwest, and southeast.

At the same time, the cannon under the nose did not stop.

"Knock knock knock..."

With the rhythmic roar of the cannon.

The dense stream of cannon shells set off a bloody storm in the crowd.

When some Javanese reacted, they also took up machine guns for air defense.

However, the key areas of the Wuzhi-38H strike helicopter are heavily armored.

Weapons below 20 mm cannot penetrate armor and pose a threat.

Their counterattack was met with an even more violent counterattack.

This scene also stunned the Dutch side.

It was as if they had seen something incredible.

At the same time, he looked very excited.

Because they know they are saved.

Until his partner was baptized by a wave of stray cannon shells.

They knew that this thing did not distinguish between enemies and us, and they hid like ostriches.


A few minutes later, the AY-12 gunboat aircraft dispatched by the Air Force also rushed overhead.

In this area without anti-aircraft fire, this thing is particularly useful.

Can fly very low for lighthouse hovering attacks.

The dense bullets mercilessly killed the Javanese monkeys scurrying around below.

The carrier-based aircraft group of the aircraft carrier also arrived shortly after.

This is also the beginning of this nightmare for this group of Javanese monkeys.

It was this battle that directly killed them to the point of fear.

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