Under the frantic attack of gunship groups and AY-12 gunboat fleets.

This group of Javanese monkeys has been beaten everywhere holding their heads.

When the carrier-based aircraft group arrived, it was the beginning of their real nightmare.

Carrier-based fighters and AD-4 attack aircraft roared past the Javanese mob.

One by one, low-resistance bombs and napalm fell in a parabolic situation.

"Boom..... Boom... Boom boom . . ."

As the fleet of aircraft passed overhead.

Below, there was a mountain of explosive fire.

Especially napalm, the explosion range is extremely large, and the power is also very terrifying.

"Run into the jungle, run into the jungle.-....."

This person stood up and was not bombed in place.

Instead, he ran out of cover and ran frantically towards the jungle.

The jungle will be their best cover.

But how can the carrier-based aircraft group go as they wish.

Several AD-4s passed over the edge of the jungle in turn.

One by one, napalm fell.

It exploded on the flat ground, forming a sea of fire.

Hundreds of Javanese rushing into the jungle were enveloped in flames.

Under the heat of thousands of degrees, they turned into char almost instantly.

At the same time, the sea of fire also affected the jungle next to it.

The jungle also began to burst into flames.

Seeing this scene, the Javanese fell into despair.

This sea of fire is an insurmountable barrier for them.

It was attacked by more than 100 carrier-based aircraft, helicopter gunships and gunboat aircraft.

This group of Javanese simply has nowhere to run.

Without the cover of the jungle, they are targets in the flat ground.

Some carrier-based aircraft have finished dropping aerial bombs and aerial rockets.

Then he began to lick the ground with the cannon.

It was not until the cannon cleared that the return flight began.

The battle here didn't last long.

The carrier-based aircraft began to return one after another in about an hour.

Although the time in the air is enough, the ammunition has basically been gone.

The gunship has already returned.

Only a few AY-12 aerial gunboats remained overhead.

Once an active object is found on the ground.

Directly the shells greeted the past.

It is precisely for this reason that this group of Dutch people are lying on the ground and do not dare to move.

Because those who move have basically become revenants under the shells.

Now they don't know whether to rejoice or cry.

At the same time, Huaxia's attack method also opened their eyes.

The impact on them is also incomparably great.

And they were surprised to find that the fighters of the Huaxia people actually did not have propellers.

These gunboat machines overhead are excluded.

There is also a fighter whose propeller is even more strange, and it is actually installed on the roof.

About 4 hours later, the AY-12 gunboat machine also left.

There are basically no targets below that have attack value.

More than 10,000 Javanese thugs have basically been wiped out.

The rest either fled or lay motionless on the ground and pretended to die.

But don't worry about these people still alive.

Because with the departure of the Huaxia fleet.

The remaining more than a thousand men of the Dutch 6th Infantry Regiment began to look hatefully at the corpsed Javanese.

"They must have had someone pretending to be dead, and everyone cleaned the battlefield and gave every complete body a shot.

Not a single Javanese monkey can be spared. "

The surviving regiment commander gritted his teeth and said.

The capital ships of the Third Fleet began to stay more than 10 kilometers near the port of Jakarta.

The ships are like giant mountains towering over the sea.

It was a huge shock to every Javanese who saw this scene.

The East China Sea-class amphibious assault ships and troop carriers in the fleet formation began to dock one after another.

Nearly 20,000 people from the Third Marine Division brought all of them this time.

With the landing of a heavily armed Marine Corps officer and tank armored vehicles.

This Pai Wei riot, which lasted for several days, is also beginning to come to an end.

But the matter is far from over.

Every Javanese involved in the platoon will be brought to justice and given a peanut rice.

Among them, Suberto, the culprit, was not caught.

This time accompanied by the Third Marine Division was accompanied by a Jiaolong amphibious special forces from the Navy.

This special forces unit went to Suberto. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There is another person.

He was Antony van di Men, governor of the Dutch East Indies.

Now the Huaxia intelligence department has firmly grasped some of his evidence.

He was behind the riot.

And he is also on the list of arrests.

will be tried by Huaxia Law.

As for whether the Dutch will protest, this does not delay his trial.

The protests of small countries have no effect at all.

Before nuclear weapons come out.

The world has always followed this law of the dark forest.

If you fall behind, you will definitely be beaten.

Especially those who have money and resources, but are not strong in military strength.

You either follow a boss who is strong enough or become someone else's colony.

This is actually the same in modern time and space with nuclear weapons.

It's just that it's not so obvious.

Everyone wants to wear the cloak of civilization.

"The Seventh Regiment is responsible for the urban areas, the Eighth Regiment is responsible for the towns to the east and south, and the Ninth Regiment is responsible for the towns to the west and north.

The rest are on standby in port.

Our compatriots must be rescued safely.

All non-Chinese compatriots with weapons in their hands are regarded as hostile militants and resolutely crack down.

We will not let go of any thug element with the blood of my Huaxia people in their hands.

Hear me clearly? "

A group of battalion and regimental officers responded loudly: "Hear clearly, and resolutely do not let go of any thug." "

"Very good, then let's act."

The arrival of the Third Marine Division was a nightmare for the Javanese in Jakarta.

Now there are still many people in the city who are burning and looting.

They have already grabbed red eyes, and their targets are no longer limited to the Chinese.

Even their own shops, banks, etc. looted.

The whole city has fallen into a frenzy.

With the entry of the 7th Marine Regiment into the city.

The company was used as the most basic tactical formation to carry out the operation.

After encountering the mob.

The soldiers did not say a word or warn.

Pick up the gun directly and go over.

How can these men with swords, farm tools, and clubs in their hands be opponents of heavily armed marines?

The whole city began to be filled with gunfire.

Today for this group of indigenous monkeys in Jakarta.

It was an extremely bloody day.

According to post-war statistics, more than 30,000 people fell under the guns of the Third Marine Division.

More than 50,000 people were arrested, and more than half were shot.

This killing also made the indigenous monkeys of the whole Java fearful.

At the same time, Governor Antoni Van Dimen threw himself into the net.

He has been detained and arrested by the Third Marine Division.

As for Suberto, he is still on the hunt.

This man is very cunning and has been active in the jungle all the time.

The Jiaolong Special Combat Team also plans to take this opportunity to train for jungle combat.

It was only a matter of time before he was caught.

The atrocities in Java have been suppressed.

But there's still a lot to do.

For example, how to pocket Java.

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