Now the riots in Jakarta have begun to spread throughout Java.

After completing its control of Jakarta, the Third Marine Division began sending troops to other areas to garrison.

It will be de facto complete control of Java.

The Dutch had completely lost control of Java.

Their governors were all arrested on suspicion of inciting ethnic clashes that resulted in a large number of Chinese casualties.

Their royal family protested heavily, but to no avail.

Also in Java, the prestige has fallen to the freezing point.

After completing the military deployment.

Zhang Xueming began the next step.

This step is similar to the Sudetenland incident orchestrated by Mustache.

The first is the establishment of the Rumour.

In order not to be criticized.

The main body of this sect will be predominantly Chinese.

At the same time, it absorbed some of the Javanese who were close to them. "Nine Four Zero"

And the leader of this faction has also been chosen.

It was Su Zhengcheng.

This step is also the layout that Zhang Xueming began in the early years.

Why is Su Zhengcheng not keen on doing business?

Isn't it just for this moment?

Forming a faction is only the first step.

The second step was to declare independence and self-determination, break away from the Dutch colonial system, and form a state with independent autonomy.

With the strong support of Huaxia.

It's not that hard to complete these two steps.

It took almost three months.

Su Zhengcheng also finally completed the formation of the faction.

At present, there are more than 3,000 members of the sect.

Eighty percent are Chinese from all walks of life.

The rest are Javanese who have already expressed their submission.

During the completion of faction formation.

They are also building up armies at the same time.

If you want to control Java, you will definitely not be able to do without your own troops.

There are currently about three million Chinese in Java.

In the entire Southeast Asian region, the number of overseas Chinese is almost 10 million.

Most of them are the handwriting of Zhang Xueming.

This also made the Wei one of the main ethnic groups in Java.

So this conscription, almost more than 50,000 people, a total of five infantry divisions.

The former members of the convoy also became middle and high-ranking officers of the unit.

It also recruited more than 3,000 veterans from the Huaxia side to serve as grassroots officers.

In addition, thousands of Chinese instructors were hired to conduct military training for the troops.

The equipment is also provided by Huaxia.

The whole set is on par with the Huaxia Defense Force.

After two months of training.

Although it is not yet possible to say that it is not yet a formation of combat effectiveness.

But the garrison bombs pressed the place, and it was still no problem to deal with the Javanese monkeys.

What's more, there are still Chinese garrisons on the territory of Java.

Since March, Huaxia has been sending more troops to Java.

In addition to the Third Marine Division, the Third Airborne Division was also transferred.

Of course, in the past three months, the Dutch have never stopped jumping up and down.

Even sued Huaxia to the League of Nations.

But the state did not pay attention to them.

The reason is also very simple, no country will offend the Chinese at this juncture for the benefit of the Dutch.

So the Dutch could only watch the Lanfang Republic become independent from their colonial system.

He also joined the Asian Committee on Mutual Assistance for Defense and Security, an organization with military overtones.

This shows that this Lanfang Republic is covered by them.

And Su Zhengcheng did not disappoint Zhang Xueming.

The period of the establishment of the Republic of Lanfang was also very smooth.

Although some people came out to make trouble, they were quickly extinguished.

In addition to this, an agreement was signed.

Huaxia has the right to permanently garrison troops in Jakarta.

At the same time, all the military ports of the Lanfang Republic are shared by the Chinese Navy.

And the Chinese side immediately carried out plans to build a military base on Batam Island in the Strait of Malacca. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The location of Batam is also very interesting.

Across the bank from Xinjiapo.

The distance is only about 17 kilometers.

If you pass through the Strait of Malacca.

This is also the way to go.

It's just one left and one right.

This also gave Huaxia initial control of the Strait of Malacca.

Although it is said that this is an international shipping lane.

But if during the war.

If you don't want to let anyone live, no one can still live.

This international waterway is only for peacetime.

During the war, if you want to blockade, you can blockade.

So after the construction of a military base on this side of Batam.

The English side is not calm again.

But they soon had no energy to take care of things on this side.

Because they have already received a lot of intelligence ...........

And this intelligence shows that Germany is likely to make a move on the waves.

There is more detailed intelligence on Huaxia's side.

The Germans had already deployed a large number of troops on the Polish-German border.

The total strength of the army exceeded one million.

The signs of hands-on are becoming more and more obvious.

If Zhang Xueming guessed correctly, it is very likely that it will be the same as historical time and space, and he will start on September 1st.

And World War II will break out after this day.

The Navy finally completed sea trials of the Type II nuclear-powered warship before the outbreak of World War II.

At the beginning of '37, the Navy carried out a total of two types of nuclear-powered warship construction projects.

They are the Ghost-class attack nuclear submarine and the Type 55 nuclear-powered cruiser.

Among them, the lead ship of the Type 55 nuclear-powered cruiser, the 551st ship Dinghai, completed sea trials in early August and joined the active service of the Navy.

The process of construction of this nuclear-powered cruiser was relatively rapid.

It took only two years from project inception to commissioning.

This is also mainly due to transistor supercomputer applications with high computing power.

Saves a lot of time on design.

Huaxia's shipbuilding industry has strong capabilities and has a certain ability to design and build nuclear-powered ships.

It was precisely because of this that the nuclear-powered cruiser Dinghai was able to complete construction and service in two and a half years.

In addition to the lead ship Dinghai, which was commissioned, seven Type 55s of the same class have also started construction at the same time.

It is expected to enter service within two years.

One 5.4 nature to build 7 nuclear-powered cruisers, which also demonstrates Huaxia's strong shipbuilding capabilities.

From seven or eight years ago, even a 10,000-ton ship could not be built.

Up to now, it is possible to build 100,000-ton warships.

The development of Huaxia shipbuilding industry cannot be described as rapid.

The Type 55 nuclear-powered cruiser integrates the most advanced ship electrical equipment and weapon systems in China.

At the same time, it is also the largest nuclear-powered warship in the current tonnage of Huaxia.

It also provides valuable experience for the construction of nuclear-powered supercarriers.

In terms of indicators, the Type 55 nuclear-powered cruisers are all well-deserved cruisers.

Even when encountering a combined fleet, it has the ability to single out.

Because this is an arsenal cruiser with various types of missiles as its main weapon.

Of course, the premise is that you need to bring a large integrated supply ship.

Used to replenish it with ammunition.

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