The SS-4 ICBM weighs up to 200 tons and has a height of 35 meters.

It carried four nuclear warheads with a yield of 200,000 tons.

It is also the first intercontinental strategic nuclear missile in China to adopt multi-warhead technology.

Although it does not yet have sub-warhead technology.

But the multi-warhead technology is already very advanced, and the strike range has become larger.

And the accuracy of this missile is still very high.

The method of autonomous inertial guidance adopted throughout the process.

Since the latest model of floating gyroscope is used.

Completely new technologies, such as bomb-borne computers, have also been adopted.

Its accuracy has been greatly improved.

The error has been reduced to 500 meters.

The error of 500 meters is for a strategic nuclear missile carrying a 4.2 million ton yield nuclear warhead.

It's not an error at all.

In addition to high accuracy, two other properties are critical.

One is its reaction time.

Originally, it was necessary to fill the fuel on site, so the reaction time was basically about 15 minutes.

Now, some fish use technology that can store fuel for a long time.

The reaction time has been reduced to less than 80 seconds.

And it also uses a variety of launch methods.

Examples include well launches, railway-maneuvered launches, and road-to-road motorized launches.

Not only short reaction time, but also very flexible.

The second is its range.

There are two models of this missile.

The first model is A with a single warhead of one million tons of yield.

Since the single warhead weighs a little less, it has a range of 14,000 km.

The second model is the B-type with multi-warhead technology.

It has a closer range, but also reaches a range of 12,000 kilometers.

These two models of missiles can fully cover the whole world.

It will also become the cornerstone of China's strategic strength.

This is the first route of development of liquid intercontinental strategic nuclear missiles for the Huaxia Strategic Forces.

The second line of development is solid-state intercontinental strategic nuclear missiles.

This missile is currently in assembly and will become one of the main forces of the Huaxia strategic nuclear missile.

It was codenamed SSG-4 Hot Wheels.

is a three-stage solid-fuel single-warhead strategic nuclear missile.

Compared to liquid ICBMs, it is much lighter in weight, and at the same time much smaller.

At just 17 meters high, it is only half the length of the SS-4 Spirit missile.

The take-off weight is only 32 tons, which is only about one-sixth of the giant spirit god missile.

Its one, two, three stages are all G-series solid rocket motors.

Since its maximum take-off weight is only 32 tons, its warhead is much smaller than that of the SS-4 Spirit Spirit.

It can only carry a warhead of the 500KG class.

So at present, it can only carry a single warhead with a yield of 500,000 tons.

The maximum range is also comparable to more than 10,000 kilometers.

But this range can easily cover any country.

The most important thing is that this thing has many advantages such as fast response, cheap maintenance, long shelf life, and strong survivability.

Once the experiment is successful.

Then this SSG-4 Hot Wheels will become an absolute workhorse.

After all, this thing is much cheaper than liquid ICBMs.

More suitable for large-scale equipment.

At least about 1,000 must be maintained to be enough to target major cities in major countries around the world.

Huaxia's nuclear arsenal will also be massively expanded in the next two years.

At present, Huaxia has done a very good job in miniaturizing nuclear bombs.

The power has also increased by leaps and bounds compared to the previous two years.

At present, the maximum yield of nuclear warheads has reached 5 million tons.

However, because the problem of miniaturization has not been solved, it has not yet been listed.

In addition to this mushroom egg, Huaxia's hydrogen bomb will also be detonated this year.

Reaching tens of millions of tons of equivalent is not a problem at all.

This did not cost Zhang Xueming so much money in strategic forces.

At present, Huaxia's three-in-one nuclear strike lacks the most important link of strategic missile nuclear submarines.

Solid rocket motors have already been solved.

The technology of dry launch of submarine-launched missiles has also been solved.

At present, the aerospace industry group has launched a research program on submarine-launched ballistic missiles. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This step is synchronized with strategic missile nuclear submarines.

After the strategic missile nuclear submarine enters service.

The Trinity will complete the last link.

This not only makes Huaxia invincible, but also has the confidence to show the sword to the world.

The development of solid rocket motors has also led to the development of a series of missiles and rockets in Huaxia.

In addition to ICBMs.

The Huaxia Strategic Missile Forces are also simultaneously developing short-range ballistic missiles, medium-range ballistic missiles and long-range ballistic missiles.

Its range covers between 500 km and 8,000 km.

These missiles are all solid rocket motors.

It can carry both nuclear warheads and conventional tactical missiles for combat, and the accuracy is not low.

After all, it is impossible to use ICBMs for any task.

The price of this stuff is very expensive.

Medium- and short-range ballistic missiles are the main force of conventional tactics.

In particular, medium-range ballistic missiles between 1000-3000 km.

If you are fighting against the Kingdom in the future.

It's essential to use this thing.

The development of launch vehicles and strategic missiles is in full swing on the Chinese side.

The German side is still aware of this.

Research in this area has also been carried out in secret.

This can be seen from their recent development of rocket artillery technology.

But Zhang Xueming didn't care.

In this regard, Huaxia has far surpassed the current development.

The gap has widened further to about 20 years.

And there was also good news at the end of this year.

This news also made Zhang Xueming very excited.

The development time of Huaxia's electronic technology field is still very early.

As early as 33 years ago, there was the first tube computer.

The first transistor supercomputer was born on December 8, 1935.

At present, the major institutes in Huaxia are basically equipped with different models of computers.

More than 10 supercomputing centers have been built.

It was exactly 4 years ago.

In the course of more than four years of research, in December of this year.

Huaxia's first silicon integrated circuit was successfully born in the laboratory.

On this silicon integrated circuit, semiconductor components such as transistors, capacitors, and resistors are integrated.

And it also solves the problem of the lithography process.

Although this integrated circuit is still very rudimentary.

But compared to the transistor, it is a revolutionary design invention.

With this invention, (Nuo Zhaohao) can fully get a place in the Huaxia Science and Technology Award.

This Huaxia Science and Technology Award was established in 1938.

It is jointly organized by the Government Council, Huaxia Academy of Sciences, Huaxia Academy of Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Huaxia Electronic Technology Group, Huaxia Aviation/Aerospace Industry Group and other units.

It is the highest award in the field of science and technology in Huaxia.

It's not just easy to get, but the bonuses are not cheap.

Both honorary certificates and prizes are divided into groups and individuals.

In the case of individuals, the maximum reward can reach 500,000.

The maximum reward of the collective can even reach 5 million.

This award is both honor and bread and milk.

At the same time, it is also the highest award that all researchers in Huaxia yearn for.

As long as you can win this award.

In the field of scientific research, he is basically a palace-level figure.

Although it is not as influential as the so-called Nobel Prize.

But the Chinese do not need the recognition of this foreign award.

This is also the original intention of Zhang Xueming to let this multi-unit jointly create this award.

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