Fast forward 1940, and the world is still quiet.

What happened in the last year is not insignificant.

Chief among them was the joint Soviet-German invasion of Poland.

Then came the declaration of no war between Britain and France against Germany.

But everyone knows that since the war has broken out.

Then one side will fall.

As far away as Asia, Huaxia fell into a busy situation on the occasion of the New Year.

Among them, the government work report that has attracted widespread attention from the world is Huaxia.

The Wehrmacht is most concerned about how much military spending this year has.

Last year, Huaxia's GDP reached 410 billion RMB.

The increase reached 20%.

This year's increase has fallen sharply due to the impact of the war.

Only more than 470 billion RMB, the increase fell to 15%.

This represents a full 5 percentage point decrease from last year.

It can also be seen from here.

The impact of the changes on the European side on China is still not small.

Still, the increase is staggering.

Converted into US dollars, it has reached 96 billion.

The total GDP of the United States last year exceeded $90 billion.

In the order of the dollar, China has completed its surpassing of the United States.

From this value, we can see how terrifying the Huaxia industry is now.

Now Huaxia's industrial products are almost filled with 663 companies in every country.

Especially some mid-to-high-end industrial products.

Among them, mainly aviation industry, automobile industry, energy, electronic products, textile industry, machine tool machinery, etc.

Machine tools have also become one of the main growth points.

Huaxia Machinery Industry Group and a number of CNC machine tools launched last year have occupied a large share of foreign countries in a short period of time.

Although it is a simple tube CNC machine, it also surpasses the traditional machine tool in many aspects.

As a traditional strong industry in China, the aviation industry is also the crown jewel of Huaxia industry.

Still sweeping the world with an unrivaled attitude.

Whether it is the so-called Boeing, McDonnell Douglas or other aviation companies, they are shivering in the shadow of Huaxia COMAC Group.

The automotive field is now also a hegemonic existence.

Five million cars were exported last year.

Among them, the growth of energy is also very rapid.

At present, Huaxia oil production has accounted for 38% of the world's total.

It's basically close to making peace with Meili.

The only way to compete with the United States in this regard is a price war.

Huaxia relies on lower labor costs and the advantages of technology.

(CJDH) So the cost of oil extraction is at least half as low as that of the United States.

This is what has allowed the United States to eat away at America's share so quickly in this field.

Persia, on the other hand, has benefited greatly from its participation in the Asian Petroleum and Energy Exporting Organization.

Now although it cannot be said that the pot of money is full.

But it is much more comfortable than being sucked by the English before.

So now King Reza Khan and the entire royal family have great respect for Huaxia.

He hugged Huaxia tightly.

Every year, we have to buy a lot of weapons and equipment from Huaxia.

In this way, you can both strengthen yourself and update your equipment.

It can also be regarded as currying favor with Huaxia's side.

Now it is preparing to build a regional navy to contain the Strait of Hormuz and achieve the purpose of controlling the Persian Gulf.

At present, I have seen a number of retired warships in Huaxia.

Among them is the Des Moines-class heavy patrol that was retired from the Huaxia Navy.

Battleships, they did not have this idea at all.

However, recently, the Huaxia Navy has prepared an allies' customized battleship.

The tonnage does not need to be too large, about 30,000 tons is enough.

The caliber of the naval gun 406 mm was just right.

It is enough to add more anti-aircraft artillery.

It's cheap, but it's not cheap. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And it will not pose any threat to Huaxia.

After all, the battleship thing is a pure target in the face of anti-ship missiles.

The more others equip, the better.

This will crowd out their resources to develop aircraft carriers.

At present, among the world's major naval powers.

Countries that really focus on aircraft carriers do not.

After all, there is the Huaxia, a 100,000-ton battleship, which often makes high-profile appearances.

Constantly stimulating countries.

Let them pay the main attention to the battleship, and not to the aircraft carrier.

Around the American side, they were all taken to the pit.

However, the United States has a strong shipbuilding industry.

It is not yet the deindustrialized America of the future.

In the development of aircraft carriers, they are not lagging behind.

At the moment there are not many of their aircraft carriers.

But it doesn't matter.

In the development of aircraft carriers, they will not be able to catch up even if they shoot horses.

Because this year, the two 100,000-ton supercarriers that Huaxia and 1937 began to build will be launched one after another this year.

Among them, the Qin-class aircraft carrier's first ship, the Qin Shihuang, will be launched in early February this year, and outfitting sea trials will be completed at the end of the year or early next year.

The second ship, the Qin II, will be about two months later.

This also means that next year, Huaxia will have two new supercarriers in service.

After the completion of these two aircraft carriers.

Huaxia's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is almost ready for construction.

However, the Navy also intends to continue to build Midway-class aircraft carriers.

The reason is also simple, the construction of a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier is too long.

It takes at least more than three years from construction to commissioning.

If it is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, it is not unusual to build it for four or five years.

This is still when Huaxia has a strong shipbuilding industry.

The current number of aircraft carriers is a bit smaller for the Chinese Navy.

After all, there are only 7 Midway-class aircraft carriers.

Then the two 100,000-ton conventionally powered aircraft carriers that will enter service.

That's a total of 9 aircraft carriers.

As for the East China Sea-class amphibious assault ships, almost all of them now use carrier-based helicopters as carrier aircraft.

It is also impossible to take on the role of a light aircraft carrier.

So the Navy had to reactivate the Midway-class aircraft carrier construction plan.

The plan was also reported to Zhang Xueming's desk.

The 100,000-ton class aircraft carrier has a long construction period.

Let the Second World War last only a few years.

This is also Huaxia's last golden opportunity.

So he approved the new shipbuilding plan.

The construction of a new batch of 4 Midway-class medium aircraft carriers for the Navy is about to begin.

The four 60,000-ton carriers will be built and commissioned within two years.

13 aircraft carriers is also completely enough for the Chinese Navy.

After all, 7 battleships were not vegetarian either.

Although for the Chinese Navy, this thing is completely outdated.

But in this era, it is still not outdated, and it is still the capital ship of various countries.

And the Iowa class battleships of China have undergone a modernized modification.

The combat effectiveness has increased by more than one and a half stars.

One battleship with a destroyer fleet is enough to single out the opposing side for a large fleet.

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