What is the situation on his side, Yamamoto Fifty-Six knows best.

And Eagle Sauce's side can't blow himself up and sink himself.

There is no doubt that there must be third parties involved.

And those who have the ability to participate, and at the same time have this motivation.

There is no doubt that there is only Huaxia.

And at this time, connecting all the strange actions of Huaxia, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion.

The reason why Huaxia did not react to their movements.

It is to use their hands to deal with the United States.

And once the Pacific Fleet of the United States was wiped out by them.

Then Huaxia's butcher knife will probably wave at them.

This guess made Yamamoto Fifty-Six begin to tremble.

But now they still have a way back?

Now the fleet has reached the skies over Pearl Harbor.

This means that this war has begun.

"Tiger Tiger!" "Nine Nine Zero"

When the fleet of aircraft arrived at Pearl Harbor, they launched a fierce bombardment of the harbor.

Torpedoes and aerial bombs were dropped one after another.

The ships that stopped in the harbor became the target of more than 100 warplanes.

Suddenly, the entire port was plunged into a huge explosion.

Under the fierce attack of torpedoes, aerial bombs.

These ships in the harbor are fixed targets.

So the accuracy of the hit is still very high.

The battleship and the USS Saratoga became the primary targets.

Especially the USS Saratoga.

Under the hits of several heavy bombs, as well as torpedoes.

The carrier was blown directly into a sieve, and it also detonated the ammunition depot below deck.

Under the huge explosion, the aircraft carrier was directly blown in two.

The battleship with thick skin and flesh also looked vulnerable at this moment.

The battleship Maryland became the first battleship in the harbor to be sunk.

Also because of the detonation of the ammunition depot.

It can only be said that the little devil's luck is still very good.

It was only at this time that the naval and air forces at Pearl Harbor began to fight back.

But their counterattack was very fragmented.

None of the planes on the airfield could take off, and most of them were destroyed on the ground.

In the sky, an FR-36 strategic reconnaissance aircraft converted from an H-10 strategic bomber constantly filmed the scene below.

The H-10 strategic bomber, the B-36 Peacemaker, has now been fully retired.

However, these retired bombers were basically converted into long-range strategic reconnaissance aircraft.

Make up for the lack of range of the FR-40 strategic reconnaissance aircraft.

"It's a great show."

"Another battleship has sunk, and the little devil's attack is still very powerful."

"Have the Americans not fought for too long? The reaction was so slow, they reacted worse than our recruits. "

Under their lively discussion.

Almost an hour passed quickly.

A second wave of attack aircraft also arrived over Pearl Harbor at this time, replacing the first fighters that had already emptied their ammunition.

At this time, Pearl Harbor was filled with black smoke, and the port evolved into ruins, full of sunken ships.

With the arrival of the second wave of attack aircraft groups.

Quite deadly for Eagle Sauce at Pearl Harbor.

In the first wave of attacks, all the capital ships were either sunk or severely damaged.

The defensive forces at Pearl Harbor had essentially lost the ability to fight back.

The second wave of attack aircraft consisted of more than 50 bombers, 80 dive bombers, and 40 Zero fighters.

With the replenishment of the second wave of attack aircraft groups.

All the capital ships in the harbor were sunk.

Only two battleships remained stubbornly floating on the sea.

"Continue the offensive and take off the third wave of attack.

Target docks and oil depots. "

There is now no threat left around the entire Hawaiian Islands. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In addition to the submarine forces dispatched by Huaxia.

However, he has sent a fleet to patrol the waters where Chinese submarines may be infested.

So after discussing with Nagumo Tadaichi.

Or decided to take off the third wave of attack aircraft groups, completely paralyzing the combat capability of the United States in the Pacific.

Especially docks and oil depots.

If the dock is blown up, even if the ship can be repaired, it can only be brought back to their home shipyard.

And once the oil depot is destroyed, it will not be repaired for a year and a half.

And if the oil depot burns, the entire Pearl Harbor will not be usable for a short time.

Not long after the third wave of attack aircraft arrived and attacked.

The rear of Pearl Harbor ignited a skyrocketing fire, and even a mushroom cloud rose.

The entire Hawaiian Big Island trembled several times.

The huge flames even illuminated the gray sky orange...........

It's only 5 miles from Pearl Harbor.

And a full 4.5 million tons of heavy oil are stored here.

It is stored through years of accumulation.

The attack here would be fatal for all of Hawaii.

Because heavy oil burning cannot be extinguished by any means.

We can only wait for these 4.5 million tons of heavy oil to burn out.

At this time, Pearl Harbor may also be affected and burned down.

Rebuilding Pearl Harbor would not have been possible in a few years.

The third wave of bombing, though, did not cause much damage to the dock.

But the oil depot hit, which is deadly enough for Pearl Harbor.

In terms of strategic objectives.

The attack on Pearl Harbor was quite successful.

Of course, this is also indispensable for Huaxia's help.

Without Huaxia providing them with more detailed intelligence, their attack would not have gone so smoothly.

For example, 4.5 million tons of heavy oil oil were stored on the mountain behind Pearl Harbor, and this information is quite critical.

With the fire of Pearl Harbor burned.

The U.S. side also officially submitted a declaration of war to the American side.

When Roosevelt heard the news, he was stunned for a long time.

Then he roared, "Vile and shameless little dwarfs, they have to pay for their actions." "

Although he has always pushed the United States to war.

But if the price of 4.7 is replaced by the destruction of the entire Pacific Fleet, it is definitely not worth it.

"Declare war, summon the members of Congress immediately, we will punish this gang of robbers."

The news of the attack on Pearl Harbor and the destruction of the Pacific Fleet caused a sensation in the whole world.

That includes the mustache.

He looked at the news with wide eyes.

"I admire their courage."

When Zhang Xueming received the news, he laughed.

The plan to drive away the tigers was a great success.

Even if the United States has great industrial capabilities.

With the current situation at Pearl Harbor, it has not been slowed down for more than two years.

This also means that in these two years, the Pacific Ocean belongs to China.

"It's time to act, we've been preparing for this war for so long.

Let's fight a battle to destroy the country.

Announce the news to the outside world, immediately declare war on Japan, and launch a general attack. "。

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