"Since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Wokou have begun to harass my Huaxia and kill and plunder my Huaxia people.

Since then, he has never stopped coveting my Chinese land.

In 1894, he launched the Sino-Japanese War and captured the island of our bay.

In 1900, the eight-nation coalition invaded China.

In 1931, it invaded Northeast China and invaded China in a big way.

The Lushun massacre of the past is still vividly remembered.

The hands of these wokou are stained with the blood of my Chinese people.

And now my Huaxia dormant development is growing day by day.

The kingdom must pay the price they deserve for the unspeakable crimes they have committed in the past.

Now, I declare that at 8:17 a.m. on May 1, 1941, I have officially declared war on Japan.

At the same time, the Korean Moss Peninsula, Gulf Island, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific region were declared war zones.

Any other force passes, it is best to report, otherwise we will not be responsible for accidental injury.

At the same time, if any third-party forces support the Yin Kingdom, it will be equivalent to declaring war on China.

We will certainly take the necessary measures to counter it. "

With the outbreak of Pearl Harbor.

China's declaration of war on Japan once again shook the whole world.

Even the focus of the world was drawn to the Far East.

Huaxia's declaration of war was both unexpected and expected.

He 29 all marveled at the timing chosen by Huaxia to declare war.

The current Yin Kingdom offended the Allies.

It had just been declared war by the Allies, and was declared by Huaxia, an Asian power.

The relationship between the Axis powers and China is rather ambiguous.

The U.S. are now largely isolated from the rest of the world.

So now is the best time to declare war.

When the declaration of war is submitted.

It also means that the war has begun.

The General Staff has long had a plan for the war.

The entire battlefield will be divided into four theaters.

They are called the Archipelago Theater, the Gulf Island Theater, the Southeast Asia Theater, and the Pacific Theater.

Among them, the archipelago theater includes the Asakai Peninsula and the Yin Islands.

This theater of operations will be the responsibility of the Northern Theater as well as the Central Theater.

The Bay Island theater will be in charge of the Eastern Theater.

The Southeast Asian theater will be the responsibility of the Southern Theater.

The Pacific theater of operations is under the responsibility of the Chinese Navy.

At the same time, the Huaxia Navy will also assist major theaters in completing combat objectives.

The main tasks were to hunt down warships, blockade the islands, and cooperate with the marines and army to complete the landing operation.

One of the main objectives is to annihilate the combined fleet of the Uguo.

Cut off sea lanes in the Yin mainland and beyond.

Turn these areas into isolated areas.

The Second Fleet, which was under the jurisdiction of the Eastern Theater, had gone west out of the Pacific.

Went straight to the main forces of the combined fleet that returned home.

At the same time, the Third Fleet, located in the South China Sea region, has also set off.

The first area where war broke out was the Asakai Peninsula.

However, the Chinese side is not in a hurry to start a ground war.

The war was the first to start from the air.

At present, the Yin kingdom has built a large number of permanent fortifications in the mountainous area of the northern part of the Asakai Peninsula.

Especially on the Sinuiju front.

A total of twelve divisions were deployed on the Asakai Peninsula.

In addition to this, they also station a large number of warplanes.

The number is up to more than 800 aircraft.

The number of tanks of various models exceeded 500, and the number of guns exceeded 3000.

This force is already very not weak for the Yin Kingdom.

But the Huaxia Defense Forces opposite them are stronger.

This time it was fought against the Korean Peninsula.

The Northern Theater used the strength of two divisions outside the Army Group.

The total strength of the army is as high as more than 100,000 people.

Among them, the 2nd Synthetic Division and the 15th Synthetic Division of the First Army were the main forces.

And then there was the 50th Army.

This ground force is enough to sweep the entire Asakami Peninsula.

But now is not the time for them to move.

I have to say that the ability of the little devil to dig fortifications has still increased. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even if Huaxia occupies an absolute equipment advantage.

But in order to reduce casualties.

The Chinese side still decided to adopt the combat method with the air force as the mainstay, supplemented by the army and the strategic rocket force.

The moment when war was declared at 8:17.

In Shenyang, Changchun, Mudanjiang and Songyuan.

The Huaxia Strategic Rocket Force dispatched two short-range missile brigades to assist in the attack.

The two missile brigades each have a total of more than 2,000 personnel.

Each brigade has four SSG-101 short-range tactical missile launch battalions.

The SSG-101 short-range tactical missile has a range of 500 kilometers and an accuracy of about 50 meters.

Capable of carrying a 300 kg warhead.

Contains a variety of warheads.

For example, anti-runway, personnel killing warhead, high-explosive warhead, incendiary warhead, etc.

The four battalions are equipped with a total of 32 missile launchers.

The two brigades were able to launch 64SSG-101 tactical missiles in one go.

And they will also fire the first shots of the Battle of Asahri.


With an order, one SSG-101 tactical missile after another took off in the air.

Chao roared towards the airports, power plants, and communication stations in the northern part of the Moss Peninsula.

At the same time, in many air bases.

More than 500 fighters, including JF-5C fighters, JF-8 heavy fighters, A-4 jet attack planes, H-37 strategic bombers, Y-100C airborne early warning planes, FR-40 strategic reconnaissance planes, and EY-10 electronic reconnaissance planes, took off one after another.

At the same time, the strategic forces of the Chinese Air Force also dispatched two H-40 strategic bomber groups.

The main targets of the air strikes were their airfields, power plants, communication stations, headquarters, arsenals, bridges, barracks, artillery positions.

Let them become deaf, blind.

At the same time destroy their heavy equipment, lose combat capability.

The speed of the SSG-101 tactical missile is still very fast.

The first to be attacked was the only Dingju military airfield between New 993 Uiju and Yongping.

It is also the largest military airport for Little Devils in northern Asaka.

More than two dozen SSG-101 tactical missiles roared.

There was no reaction from the Dingzhou military airport.

Until the missiles reached their heads.

The air defense siren was just hurriedly sounded, and by this time it was already late.

The main role of these missiles is to counter the runway.

Although propeller fighters do not have high requirements for runways.

But in the end, the runway is needed for return.

It is enough to make them impossible to fix in a few hours.


"Boom boom..."

The anti-runway submunition exploded in mid-air.

Countless small bombs were dropped, forming a vast strike surface.

Countless small bombs exploded near the runway.

A dense explosion was formed.

At the same time, a large number of Japanese fighters staying on the tarmac next to the runway were affected.

More than 20 missiles poured down, and the entire airport was plunged into a violent explosion.

The explosion came and went quickly.

It lasted less than two minutes.

But the damage caused was enormous.

All runways are basically unusable.

It also blew up dozens of Ukoku warplanes.

A thermal power plant in the other direction was also hit by missiles.

The sudden attack caused the entire Asakami Peninsula and even the Kingdom of Yao to explode.

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