
Tang Lei complexion slightly changed, body moved, buzzing, flowing light flashed, disappearing in the central Great World!

Sir must not be allowed to escape like this, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

After Ann Sir’s silhouette entered the crack, the huge crack disappeared in an instant.

Almost at the same time, Tang Lei’s silhouette appeared in the void.

“Ann Sir, are you going to run away? It took you that many hours to enter the Primal Chaos world within the realm, why bother to leave!”

Tang Lei’s voice reverberated in the vast void, and An Sir’s silhouette appeared in the extreme distance of the void, but with the strength of An Sir and Tang Lei, this distance was not a problem at all.

Ann Sir stood tall in the void, not at all immediately left, because Tang Lei could not suppress An Sir when he was in the void, but Ann Sir knew very well in his heart. Time spent a lot of effort to invade this Primal Chaos world has failed.

Moreover, this time is different from the last failure in the moonlight field.

The last time Tang Lei only temporarily controlled the seven powers of the original beginning, and temporarily reached the realm of half-step dominance, but this time Tang Lei has truly obtained the qualification of the breakthrough Ruler Realm world, even if it is an Sir At this moment, escaping from the Central Great World, Ann Sir is now unable to suppress Tang Lei.

“Tang Lei, you really surprised me, but with your current strength, you are still far from wanting a real breakthrough Ruler Realm world. The outside world is broader than you think. Although I failed, you will not succeed. Now that your Primal Chaos world has been discovered, it is impossible to calm down again.” Ann Sir’s voice is unquenchable. Anger.

Ann Sir has been planning this Primal Chaos world within the realm for thousands of years. I originally thought that this time would thoroughly drill this Primal Chaos world, but I thought it would ultimately fail.

“I will kill you, no matter where you escape, I will kill you!”

Tang Lei said in a cold voice with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

It’s just that Tang Lei knows that in the void, even his every move can mobilize the power of this Primal Chaos world, but it is extremely difficult for him to kill An Sir, but no matter how difficult it is Big, he also has to try, because if Ann Sir does not die, then their side of Primal Chaos World will never have peace.

“hahahaha, come on, come to my Huang Lie Primal Chaos world, I will be waiting for you there, but I think you should not have the guts!”

Ann Sir laughed and said with a smile, why did Ann Sir not know Tang Lei’s heart, the voice still echoed in the air, a void crack came from behind Ann Sir again, and the silhouette of Ann Sir disappeared into the crack again strangely within.

At the moment Ann Sir disappeared, Space Crack was about to heal immediately, but at the last moment of Space Crack healing, a palm appeared out of thin air and directly blocked the Space Crack that was about to heal. This is Tang Lei’s palm, immediately, the condense terrifying space force in Tang Lei’s palm, followed closely, and this terrifying space force blasted into the crack like a volcanic eruption.

Space Crack healed with a slight drum, and then the space in the void became quiet.

“Wait for Ann Sir, I will never let you go!”

Tang Lei complexion is gloomy.

Although they successfully protected the Primal Chaos world under An Sir, An Sir escaped. Tang Lei knew that after An Sir had escaped, their Primal Chaos world was impossible and peaceful, because Ann Sir knows to go to their space channel of Primal Chaos World, and the other party will return in a swirl of dust next time! Once Ann Sir and their powerhouse of the world join forces, then…

The safest way is to kill Ann Sir.

But Tang Lei couldn’t Tearing Space, and went directly into outer space to hunt down Ann Sir!

Because Tang Lei’s powerful breath weakened at an astonishing speed, Tang Lei felt his consciousness gradually blurred, and then his eyes went dark, and he was unconscious in the void. Past.

At the moment Tang Lei was in a coma, several silhouettes flew out of the central Great World, but Tang Lei could no longer see the next scene, and the darkness swallowed Tang Lei’s awareness.

“Tang Lei!”

Huang Bi’s figure flashed out, and he took the lead in fishing Tang Lei out of the falling void, Jin Chi and Lu Meng also immediately Rushed to Tang Lei’s side.

“What’s the matter with Tang Lei? Isn’t it dead? You guys, save him!”

Huang Bi looked at Tang Lei in a coma, a little anxiously.

“Can you say something nice, how could Tang Lei die!”

Lumeng said in an angry tone, and then immediately instilled the power of the origin within the body. Within the body of Tang Lei, the power of the original beginning of Lumeng was absorbed by Tang Lei’s body in an instant.

“Don’t worry, Tang Lei can’t die, because the energy within the body is too weak, so he passed out in a coma, it’s okay!”

Lv Meng said, rushing around Several other Yuanshi Emperors are sighed in relief.

“Where is Ann Sir? Did Ann Sir be killed by Tang Lei?”

After knowing that Tang Lei was okay, Huang Bi then looked towards the surrounding void, and Ann Sir was gone. They disappeared, but they were able to escape safely from Ann Sir’s means, which shows that Ann Sir may have been killed by Tang Lei.

“Don’t worry about these things, first bring Tang Lei to the Central Great World, and use the power of the Ancestral Soul Mountain to help Tang Lei recover!”

Said immediately.

When I said this, Lumeng’s gaze looked towards Heihuang. Heihuang has been standing in the void, not at all immediately coming over. Now the danger of Ann Sir has been lifted. They The contradiction between the eight Yuanshi Emperors suddenly appeared again.

“Okay, take Tang Lei to the Central Great World!”

Hei Huang was silent for a while, Xuan Li Xuan Mei said solemnly, Tang Lei saved their side Primal Chaos World, Hei Huang also knows this. Although the impossible grievances between Hei Huang and Jin Chi are resolved in this way, there may be new battles between the two parties in the future, but at least, it was Tang Lei who saved the Primal Chaos world just now. Heihuang felt that he should also express his gratitude to Tang Lei.

I heard Hei Huang say so!

Golden Chi White Desert and the others did not hesitate at all. Everyone immediately took Tang Lei into the body space of Ancestral Soul Mountain, and the eight Yuanshi Emperors kept moving within the body of Yuanshizhi. The force was instilled into Tang Lei’s body, and Tang Lei’s body was like a bottomless pit, and the energy of the eight Yuanshi Emperors did not even wake Tang Lei.

“Something is wrong. Tang Lei’s body now seems to be connected with this Primal Chaos world. This Primal Chaos world has been hit hard this time, so Tang Lei may be unconscious, maybe too In a few days, when this Primal Chaos world stabilizes, Tang Lei will wake up!”

The Emperor Ming said with his eyes condensed slightly, the Emperor Ming could perceive the unusual energy of Tang Lei within the body.

“Well, there are a large number of foreign world Martial Artists in other fields. We should immediately expel foreign world Martial Artists from Primal Chaos world and stabilize them as soon as possible. Our Primal Chaos world situation, don’t let Primal Chaos world break out of new chaos!”

Green Dream said solemnly, they have been fighting on the Central Great World side, but in fact this battle It happened in their entire Primal Chaos world. The foreign world Martial Artist occupied all the other large worlds. Now Ann Sir is nowhere to be found, but other foreign world Martial Artists may still be in this side of the Primal Chaos world.

Green Dream and the others don’t know at this moment that the powerhouse of the Emperor King level among the three foreign world Martial Artists of Void, Guangming and Vajra has fallen.

“Lan Xue, you, Huang Bi and Bai Mo, go to other realms separately to stabilize the situation in other realms. If those foreign world Martial Artists have not left yet, get rid of them immediately!”

Followed Lumeng and said sharply.

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