
Lan Xue nodded!

Huang Bi and Bai Mo left the Central Great World immediately and proceeded to other realms according to Lumeng’s instructions.

Lan Xue and the others don’t know, when Ann Sir escaped from this side of the Primal Chaos world, the foreign world Martial Artists of their side in the Primal Chaos world within the realm also disappeared on this side. Primal Chaos World within the realm.

Vajra, Guangming, and Void have all died under Tang Lei’s hands. The remaining are the foreign world Martial Artists of the Ten Martial Emperor Realm. How can they be Lan Xue and the others? Opponents, if they don’t leave, I’m afraid they will all be wiped out by Lan Xue and the others!

All three of Vajra have fallen, which is a heavy blow to An Sir’s forces. If these ordinary men are destroyed again, then An Sir may not be able to stabilize his territory after returning. .

Ann Sir has suffered too much this time. In order to invade Tang Lei, the Green Dream and the Primal Chaos world where the others are located, four of the five emperors under his command have been damaged.


Lv Meng and Jin Chi still accompany Tang Lei in the main space of Ancestral Soul Mountain, Hong Liao has also left, since this The danger of Primal Chaos World on one side has been removed, so it doesn’t make much sense for Hong Lun to stay here.

In the body space of Ancestral Soul Mountain, only Jin Chi, Lu Meng, Ming Emperor and Hei Huang are left.

Hei Huang has been standing by without saying a word, while Jin Chi and Lu Meng are always paying attention to Tang Lei’s situation. According to Emperor Underworld, Tang Lei should be able to wake up soon.

“Black Wilderness, what do you want to do next?”

Lv Meng looked at Hei Huang said solemnly, and now the danger of foreign world Martial Artist has been lifted, there is blue snow and The others shot, I believe that the foreign world Martial Artist in Primal Chaos World will soon be driven away. The only thing that makes Lumeng a little uneasy is that I still don’t know what is going on with An Sir.

“Don’t worry, I won’t continue to be your enemies. Ancestral Soul Mountain’s body strength has been improved a lot, and I know that I have no chance to control the Ancestral Soul Mountain’s body!”

Heihuang said solemnly, in order to help Tang Lei before, they sent a large amount of original power into the body of Ancestral Soul Mountain. At this moment, the power of Ancestral Soul Mountain has been greatly improved. Heihuang understands that he Wanting to use the huge energy to directly control the body of Ancestral Soul Mountain is already impossible.

“If you don’t fight with us, would it be such a light sentence that you can wipe out the previous things? Heihuang, what you have done before, you know very well in your heart, if it’s not because of you, How can our Primal Chaos world fall into such a dangerous situation!”

Jin Chi said angrily, Heihuang made that many mistakes, and now Heihuang wants to write off a sum of money, Jin Chi absolutely Will not agree.

“Then what do you want? Do you want us to divide another victory? I will be with you at any time!”

Hei Huang looked at Jin Chi, coldly said, Hei Huang He The grievances between Jin Chi could not be resolved simply by one or two sentences.

“Well, it’s not the time for infighting. We don’t know the situation of Ann Sir. If Ann Sir is not dead, then we are not really safe yet. The next thing is also possible. Facing Ann Sir’s second attack!”

Lumeng said immediately. Now their side of Primal Chaos World has just gone through a big battle. If they break out of internal fighting at this time, it will only make this side Primal Chaos world has become more chaotic.

“Yes, we should wait for Tang Lei to wake up now, and then ask about Sir’s situation. Now is not the time for us to fight again!”

The Emperor Hades quickly said , Jin Chi and Hei Huang glanced at each other, and then turned their heads over, both sides were full of anger.

“I have issued an order for my subordinates to stabilize the situation in the three realms. According to the information now passed on, the foreign world Martial Artist has left the Primal Chaos world within the realm. And they left almost at the same time. I’m afraid Ann Sir did not die!” Hei Huang then said solemnly. Hei Yao and Hei Sha did not die. Although they were seriously injured, they stayed there. After Hei Yaojie and Heisha within the realm, the foreign world Martial Artist left, they also immediately used secret techniques to tell Heihuang.

“Then our danger has not been eliminated, and An Sir must be resolved, and Primal Chaos World on our side can be completely safe!”

Jin Chi said immediately, An Sir Is very strong, and the real danger is not An Sir, but the Primal Chaos world behind An Sir. Now they don’t understand the Primal Chaos world behind An Sir, but since An Sir is so powerful, then Within the realm of Ann Sir, it is very likely that there will be some powerful Martial Artists who have the same strength as Ann Sir.

If Ann Sir leaks the news about Primal Chaos World, then their Primal Chaos World will face great danger.

“Unless Tang Lei can truly break through the Ruler Realm world, otherwise our Primal Chaos world will not be truly safe. Although Tang Lei is relatively strong now, if An Sir convenes other Manpower, only two or three powerhouses with the same strength as An Sir have come to our Primal Chaos world, when the time comes Tang Lei is still not an opponent!”

The Emperor said solemnly.

“Then let Tang Lei breakthrough the Ruler Realm world? I have no hope of breaking through the Ruler Realm world anyway. If Tang Lei can break through the Ruler Realm world, I have no opinion!”

Hei Huang looked at Lumeng and said that now Hei Huang has no hope of breakthrough Ruler Realm world, and now their hope of Primal Chaos world lies in Tang Lei, weighing the pros and cons, Black Wilderness naturally hopes that Tang Lei can break through the Ruler Realm world. Only in this way can their Primal Chaos world be truly safe.

“None of us have any experience in the breakthrough Ruler Realm world. We can only rely on Tang Lei’s own exploration. Although Tang Lei’s current strength is very strong, and it also integrates this party’s Primal Chaos world Strength of Source, but There should still be a big gap from the real Ruler Realm world, otherwise Ann Sir would not be allowed to escape!”

Lv Meng looked at Tang Lei lying on the ground and said softly, they could feel Tang The energy of Lei within the body has undergone transformation. The energy of Tang Lei within the body used to be the power of the original origin after fusion, but now the energy of Tang Lei within the body is completely integrated, and even the power of the original origin of Lumeng has entered After Tang Lei within the body, it will be instantly absorbed by Tang Lei within the body’s energy.

This shows that the energy of Tang Lei within the body has exceeded the power of the original beginning.

Lumeng believes that the energy of Tang Lei within the body is very likely already the source power of Primal Chaos World.

“All this will be said after Tang Lei wakes up. After the situation in our Primal Chaos world stabilizes, Tang Lei should be able to wake up!”

The Emperor Hades looked again. After a while, Tang Lei said, this time their Primal Chaos world’s chaos is actually an opportunity for Ming Emperor and Tang Lei. If it weren’t for this Primal Chaos world encountering danger, then Ming Emperor wants to break through. Entering the world of Venerable Emperor Realm is not so easy.

Although Tang Lei has integrated the power of the four origins for a long time, as long as it can continuously integrate the power of the origin, there is a chance to reach the current level, but this process may take a long, long time. Row.

Furthermore, it will be more and more difficult for Tang Lei to integrate the power of the original beginning, because the consciousness of Primal Chaos World will not let Tang Lei have the opportunity to control it. This time is entirely because of the threat of An Sir. , Which made this party Primal Chaos world feel the great danger. In the last resort, this helped Tang Lei re-concentrate his consciousness and let Tang Lei truly control the source power of this party’s Primal Chaos world.

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