Aoba Office

Chapter 1376 No. 086-Shared Bicycle (3)

On October 5, 2014, it was confirmed that the client’s mother was dead. Cause of death was car accident. Attached: On-site investigation data.

Several photos from the scene show some tragic car accident scenes.

Like a puzzle, several photos are put together to form a panoramic view.

The car that hit the person was a private car. The front of the car was severely damaged, the airbags were knocked out, and there was blood on it.

Under the wheel is a shared bicycle. The body of the car was severely deformed, with one end tilted up and the other pressed under the car's chassis. There were also car bells and parts of the car lying nearby.

Blood stains stained the deformed front of the car, and then scattered along the road for several meters.

At the end of the bloodstain is the body of an old man.

The old man was lying in a pool of blood, his arm was obviously fractured, his skull was cracked, and blood, brains, and pieces of flesh fell out. That look was a little scary.

Next, a few more photos with zoomed-in details.

Even without knowledge of traffic accident scene investigation, you can still see that the cause of the car accident was the old lady crossing the road in the middle of the night and the vehicle speeding too fast.

In the separate photo of the shared bicycle, you can see a small advertisement posted on the crossbar of the bicycle. Most of the small advertisement was stained with blood, and it could only be confirmed that this small piece of paper was pasted on the word "ride" in "Quick Cycling".

In addition to the photos, there is also a surveillance video.

In the video, the old lady came out of the lower left corner of the screen on her bicycle and headed straight forward. On the right side of the screen, the vehicle involved in the accident was speeding past. As soon as the headlights were seen, the car reached the left half of the screen and hit the old lady.

On October 6, 2014, the investigation of the case was completed. It was confirmed that the driver responsible for the accident was driving drunk. The shared bicycle that the client’s mother was riding at that time was a vehicle with the client’s account open. The vehicle was used from 21:14 on October 4 to the time of the accident.

On October 7, 2014, the client was contacted. Audio file 08620141007.wav.


"Mr. Zhang, please forgive me."


"Mr. Zhang, the injury has occurred, and we should look forward now. You are in danger now, and other people around you may also be in danger."

"……my mother……"


"My mother didn't know how to ride a bike...she never learned how to ride a bike. My dad taught me how to ride a bike. She didn't know how. I still remember that I wasn't even in elementary school at that time, and my dad taught me how to ride a bike. I bought a small bike like that for kids. It had two training wheels on the back. I used to ride it around the neighborhood when I was in kindergarten, and I also used it on weekends. My dad didn't expect it at first, but a kid bought it for me. After discussing with my mom, he bought one for me. I was very happy... My dad later removed one of the training wheels for me. When I was in elementary school, he taught me how to ride a bicycle. My father let me go in a few seconds. At that time, I felt that I was very good at it, and neither could my mother. My dad also asked my mom if he wanted to teach her too, and I said I would teach her..."

"Please also express your condolences, Mr. Zhang."

"...My mother said it doesn't matter if you don't need it, and it doesn't matter if you can't learn it. When I was in elementary school, I rode bicycles with my father. He would pick me up after school and would take my bicycle with him. When I was in school, I would also ride a bicycle. He took me to the school gate and took the car back. It was very troublesome... My head teacher at that time even made trouble for me. I even took my mother with me on a bicycle. , I take her by bike and take her to work at the station, and then I go to school. There is a parking garage at the junior high school, so my dad doesn’t have to send the car there every day... I..."

"Mr. Zhang, now is not the time for you to remember your mother. Your mother was attacked, and we are sorry for her death. The problem now is that that thing is avoiding us. It also has the ability to attack you and your family. ability……"

"...I heard a sound..."

"what sound?"

"The sound of my mother's bicycle. That night, I heard the sound of the car, the brakes of the car... I heard the sound of the car, and I went to see it. I couldn't tell. That night... I felt something was wrong. The car rushed into my room. I called you, and when I came out to see it, I didn't notice it. I didn't notice the sound of the door closing. After a while, I heard the sound of a car. I looked out of the window and saw my mother riding the car very fast. It seemed that the car slid to the entrance of the community. I heard the sound of brakes, and I...I couldn't see the road outside from my window..."

"Mr. Zhang, we would like to confirm with you again. Have you done anything special or had any special experiences while using shared bicycles?"

"No! No! No!!! I've said it several times, no! Huh... why is it targeting me... why is it targeting me! I haven't done anything! My mother can't even ride. Che! I killed her... I killed her..."

"So, did your mother do anything?"

"I told you that my mother doesn't ride a bike, she can't ride! She can't use shared bikes either! She doesn't even have an online banking account, so how can she drive a shared bike! It's my account that drives the car... I haven't used it... I Even that APP has been deleted for a long time... I really don’t know how... why it’s like this..."

"Can I talk to your father?"


"We want to eliminate your mother's suspicion..."

"I told you everything!"

"Ah Qing..."


"Hello, Mr. Zhang."


"Dad, please rest. We will talk softly."

"No, it's not this matter... you... what you asked about is the matter of shared bicycles..."

"Please tell me."

"My wife, maybe she did something..."

"What are you talking about, Dad! She doesn't even know how to ride a bicycle, and she doesn't..."

"No, not riding a bike. She..."

"Mr. Zhang, don't be impatient and speak slowly."

"...I'm thinking... The two of us have been thinking about it before. What Ah Qing told us... we didn't believe it at first. We didn't actually see the car he mentioned. We all thought he... ...I also discussed whether to accompany him to the hospital... As soon as something happened to her, what you said... I remembered it."

"What do you remember?"

"She... some people in the community, not just her, but also several others, retired old ladies, sometimes chat together and find something to do... dance in the square..."


"What exactly do you want to say, Dad!"

"Weren't they originally dancing in the open space over there? When the shared bicycles first came out, they were all over the street. The open space was occupied. They searched the street, called the police, and talked to the car company. ...You also know that she complained. At that time, they also pushed the car onto the road and threw it into the garbage station over there and in the green belt..."


"We have argued several times over this matter..."

"Dad, when did that happen? It must have been a year or two ago, right? I also recently..."

"You don't know. You told us about that. People are not sleeping well or eating well day by day, and we are both worried. We have prayed for you so many peace charms, and burned you so many incense... We are all I've been thinking about it. On the morning of her accident, I woke up and saw that she was already up, stunned. I asked her, and she said that she seemed to have seen the car you mentioned, and she had an impression. I don't remember where I saw it. She would never look at the car twice when she saw it. I just thought about it... and it only occurred to me now... something was wrong with her that day... She really wanted to. What happened? It was at that could only be at that time that those who were dancing..."


There are only two updates today. terribly sorry.

Goodnight everybody.

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