Aoba Office

Chapter 1377 No. 086-Shared Bicycle (4)

"I didn't expect this...who knew something like this would happen..."

"Dad, stop crying. Mom has already..."

"So, except for Mrs. Zhang, neither of you has ever done anything similar? Nor have you ever had any grudges with those shared bicycles?"

"What do you mean! What do you mean by 'having a grudge against shared bicycles'? This shouldn't be because the companies were bad and made a mess by releasing the bicycles! Besides, this happened so long ago! Now the management has caught up, and the bicycles Someone has taken care of it, but my mother and the other old ladies didn’t do anything! Just for this...just for this..."

"Mr. Zhang, that kind of thing is not a human being and cannot be restrained by human worldliness or human legal ethics. It has its own way of doing things. What we want to confirm now is the safety of you and your father. We are very concerned about your father's affairs. It’s a pity, but it has happened and it is over, so we should move forward now and ensure your safety first.”


"Let me confirm with you two..."

"Do we still have to support those cars now? Do we have to offer those scraps of scrap metal and kowtow to them, or something like that?"

"Mr. Zhang."

"Ah Qing, Ah Qing, please stop saying a few words. They are also here to help..."

"What did they do! They didn't do anything to help! My mother is dead! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."


"Please forgive me, Mr. Zhang."


"In this way, let's wait for you to calm down before talking about this matter. We didn't expect it to enter the room before. If it is convenient, we will make some arrangements in your home today. Install surveillance cameras in the living room and bedroom. We will also Can you stay nearby and come over at any time?”


"Okay, okay. You have installed the surveillance. How do you do it?"

"We brought the tools."

"Oh. Come on your own. ...My son is very emotional...Oh...I'm sorry to bother you."

"It's also because we didn't do our job properly. Please also express your condolences."


On October 8, 2014, the client’s residence was monitored. No abnormalities were found.

On October 9, 2014, the client’s residence was monitored. No abnormalities were found.

On October 10, 2014, 103 death cases related to shared bicycles were investigated, and after screening, 28 of them were confirmed to be abnormal.

Attached: Copies of investigation reports on 28 death cases.

1. Deceased: Tian Yuanfang, male, 28 years old, was driving in the opposite direction on the motorway on August 23, 2013 and was hit and killed. Video file 08620141010(1).avi.

The video screen lights up and you can see the road surveillance video. The route segment and time are marked in the upper left corner. The name of the road is completely unfamiliar to me. The time period is before the evening rush hour, at 4:17 pm.

The picture captured an intersection. Like other surveillance video pictures, it was a bit blurry and the faces could not be clearly seen.

There are slightly more pedestrians and vehicles on the road, with students accounting for the majority.

There are many cars on the non-motorized lane, and many bicycles and electric vehicles are parked in front of the parking line.

A red circle appeared at one end of the intersection.

Just the green light. The marked person rides across the street.

He was supposed to be making a sharp turn, and there were some vehicles traveling with him.

When he was about to enter the non-motorized lane of another road, the bicycle suddenly swung its head and drove directly to the non-motorized lane in front, going in the opposite direction.

At the same time, the bus that was about to make a small turn had turned its head.

Originally, the two cars happened to be in tandem and entered two lanes. When the bicycle swung its head, the rear wheel of the car was hit by the bus. The car fell close to the bus, and the people on the car also fell under the bus.

The bus driver didn't notice anything and drove a few more meters until the bus completely turned into the lane.

The surrounding vehicles stopped. Even though there was no sound, it seemed that the shouts of the people present could still be heard.

The bus stopped, the driver got off, and other passers-by gathered around to check the situation.

Passengers on the bus got off one after another, and the bus driver ran onto the bus and drove in reverse. There were still people surrounding the bus.

After a while, the police car and ambulance arrived.

Bicycles and cyclists were pulled from under buses.

From the blurry video, no specific injuries could be seen.

The progress bar of the video has also reached the end.

5. Deceased: Xu Mian, male, 17 years old. On December 9, 2013, he ran through a red light while riding his bicycle. When he was knocked to the ground, his chest was pierced by the front bumper of the shared bicycle. He died after resuscitation failed. Video file 08620141010(5).avi.

The video captured another section of the road at 11:37 am.

The distribution of vehicles at the intersection is not even. It is obviously a main road and a branch road. Looking at the surrounding environment, it should be a road between adjacent communities.

A red circle jumped out, revealing a boy riding a bicycle.

His bicycle was parked at the intersection of the slip road. The main road has a green light and traffic is flowing continuously.

The video was zoomed in, and you could see that he landed on one foot and had no intention of running through a red light. The car swayed back and forth, as if the boy's unintentional tiptoeing had caused the car to sway a little.

The red light was a bit long.

The young man's body tilted to the other side, as if he was about to change his footing.

But in the middle of the movement, both his feet and he stepped on the footboard.

When the camera was reversed, in the normal-sized screen, one could see that the traffic light on the sidewalk was counting down, but there were still ten seconds left.

The boy pushed his feet hard, and the bicycle jumped out.

The passing car was caught off guard, and by the time the car stopped, the boy had already fallen out.

The bicycle was like a biscuit. The front bumper broke instantly and the boy fell down.

The screen was enlarged again.

Although the picture is not high-definition, you can still see that the bicycle is pressing on the boy's chest. The front bumper of the car, which was like a cracker before, penetrated the boy's chest.

There was a panic among the people around.

After a while, the ambulance and police car arrived.

The crowd surrounded him, and the surveillance camera could no longer capture the boy.

The video ends here.

On October 11, 2014, the client was contacted. Audio file 08620141011.wav.

"...You are saying that my mother is not the only victim?"

"That's right. We have done an investigation before. Next, we will contact the family members and friends of the deceased to find out what they did before the accident. The situation of the deceased is very different from that of your father-in-law. They don't seem to have Encounter the same weird phenomena you encountered before.”


"Mr. Zhang, do you want to continue the investigation? For your safety, we think we need to do some investigation. But if you can be sure that you have not done anything..."

"I haven't done anything, but I still want to continue investigating."

"Okay. Please rest assured, we will continue to investigate."

On October 13, 2014, Tian Yuanfang’s wife Liu Ming was contacted. Audio file 08620141014.wav.

"Hello, Ms. Liu. We have contacted you by phone before. We are deeply sorry about your husband."


"I heard that you have thought about filing a lawsuit with Tiantian Bicycle before?"

"Well. My husband, Tian Yuanfang, got off work as usual that day and had nothing else to do. I watched the surveillance and the police also said that he turned on the faucet and prepared to drive in the wrong direction. He has never done such a thing. That car It was already scrapped. I told the traffic police that it was strange at first, but they didn’t take it seriously, and I didn’t think anything of it... Later, it was my niece who said that many of the shared bicycles had problems with their locks and wheels. , some were broken, and no one took care of it. When I went to the traffic police, the case was actually settled. The compensation and aftermath were all over. The bicycle was also scrapped... I contacted a lawyer and said I didn't have a car. As evidence, this lawsuit is difficult to fight. When the accident first happened, Tiantian Bicycle sent people to see it and sent money and things... If it was really an accident, they were already interesting. The more I think about it, the weirder it gets. There is nothing on that road. There are two hardware stores and a small supermarket on the roadside. Why go on the non-motorized road if you want to go to the supermarket? There are a lot of cars in the driveway... The more I think about it, the more wrong I feel... and the surveillance video. My husband turned the car too suddenly and the car accident was too sudden... I..."

"Please use."


Rustling, rustling...

"Huh... I'm sorry."


"I just want to know how Tian Yuanfang died. If it was really because of the car... if someone died, let alone other things, they should have fulfilled their responsibilities, right? At least they should have done something to prevent someone else from having trouble in the future."

Merry Christmas~~

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